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Ability Order
Time in a Bottle (PASSIVE)
Zilean Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
WHY IS SHE NOT BANNED? ARE YOU SERIOUS? ALT+F4 AND BLAME YOUR INTERNET PROVIDER start coin and try to push 24/7 but be sure to ward and dont try to trade with her, if her adc gets too close double boomb her short trades are strong but long trades are weak if her adc doent auto attack
About me
also this is my first guide sooo,yeah dont expect much ;-;
Here's how levels playout for the most part:
lvl 1 try poke enemys with auto attacks and finish trades with a boomb if you need to proc thunder decree
lvl 3 you can either get 2 points Q and start poking adc with it (aa>Q>aa)
OR get E and set up ganks with jungler / set up stuns for ur adc
lvl 5 is when you can explode someone e>double boomb enemy adc or support(IF NOT TANK)
with adc should be a kill or at least force out of lane
lvl 6 you wanna play it safe withh poking Q and staying back as your 6 isnt a spike but a get out of prision card to earase a mistake
lvl 7 your E gets a bit stronger ,more reliable for cc/roaming
lvl 8 get a point on E and try to find a roam as youre pretty strong at roaming by now
lvl 9 your E is pretty much a semi-stun try to set up ganks with it /speed allies to engage/slow enemys to disengage
10-same as 9 but try to ward in their jungle as by now you should havee orcale lense and maxed E should be safe to do so
11-18 is basically peel your adc or get a pick on enemmy carries/try to cc on team fights and ward around basic stuff
redeemption gives tankyness-AOE heal-mana reg-cdr ( mikeals boosts its healing so its good buy even after nerfs)
mobi boots : most people would go nuts saying "BUT CDR BOOTS ARE BETTER" and yes they are normaly but in this build youre giving some of your mid game for a better early (zilean's only weakness is early so if you get past that you should outscale ALL supports )
Okay now it gets difficult, basically you want knights vow first as its most useful here (not a core though)
if you do decide to skip it i would reommmend sommething with hp first as you need a bit of health to stay alive here goes the item explaintion :
Locket is good aganist Aoe damage eg : orianna ulti/karthus but you gotta at least have 1 or 2 hp items to make it useful since it scales of bonus hp
Warmogs is good when youre the main tank but get it as last item (full carries team)
Knights vow is good when you need to keep carry alive no matter what dmg they do 6% dmg reduction goes long way (plus it give YOU tankyness )
Banner of command is good when you need that extra split push/seige power to force obectives
Glory is good when you need extra engage or you want to make picks ( Your E+Glory makes you IMPOSSIBLE to escape from works amazingly when enemy has no summs as you can keep him in place for a zilean years )
Ninja tabi + Omen are good when youre aganist 3+ AD champions along with knights vow youre basically a god ( if you get those 3 items in this kind of games usualy you want to stay infront to cc and soak dmg)
1-The Safe lane ( you cant poke and need to surive//scale )
HP yellows- 2 flat cd quints +1 armor quint +7 flat MR blues +3 scaling cdr blues
2- The aggressive lane ( you can poke and not aganist super aggro laners eg lucian/blitz )
Hp yellows - 2 AP quints + 1 armor quint - ap blues - magic pent reds
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