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Nami Build Guide by c0mputer

Support How To Decide What The Tide Will Bring (WIP)(all support and

Support How To Decide What The Tide Will Bring (WIP)(all support and

Updated on May 13, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author c0mputer Build Guide By c0mputer 5,540 Views 0 Comments
5,540 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author c0mputer Nami Build Guide By c0mputer Updated on May 13, 2018
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Nami
    Aggressive Ad Carry(main one)
  • LoL Champion: Nami
    Passive Ad Carry(secondary)
  • LoL Champion: Nami
    your varus disconected and you


Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Absolute Focus

Magical Footwear
Approach Velocity


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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How to make your ADC not bad with easy kills

Hi, welcome to my little guide on Namiim a gold nami player who has played quite a few games on Nami, she is easily my best champion and there is a good reason why. Nami can win a fight in the bot lane or a teamfight in just 2 abilities

there are two things you must learn to be good at nami: learning your q range and how to land it, the other is to learn your w range and what it actually is because it can change depending on your move speed and your teamate's move speed

ability breakdown

nami's passive is surging tides and gives movespeed to those that you cast abilities on this passive scales with 20% ap and is doubled when you use ult

next is nami's q is her signature bubble i found it easy to learn but it might be harder for you it has a small delay but in a teamfight they are easy peasy to land

then now is nami's w nami's w is ebb and flow a skill shot that is also a point and click it will heal or damage whoever you target and will bounce around it's range is quite long and will catch people off guard if you use it on your adc and not yourself you can use it on a enemy that's between you and your team or use it on a teammate to heal two at the same time as long as a enemy is there this is quite good early and with athene's is a late game fight winner you should max this first in all situations

nami's e is tide callers blessing nami's e is a auto attack buff and makes you or an allys autos can secure kills by enhancing your adc's damage and can be used to help you catch up and even be used to slow the enemy for a bubble but late game only use it to either speed people up or enhance their auto's

finally we have nami's r tidal wave which knocks up enemies for 2-4 seconds depending on how far the wave goes there are two ways to use the wave as cc and a gap closer at the same time and the second is a zoning wave where you shoot the wave to hit behind the enemy where they would retreat to causing they to get knocked up or making them run back to your team either way you bring cc that can completely change the tides of the battle i would say think sona ult but slower and larger

with that lesson learned there is one more very important lesson if you think you'll lose a fight try to at least stay close enough to use w and e but far enough that you wont be killed late game nami is a huge threat and assassins will try to kill you to stop her heals

early game

during the early game you should either look to poke with autos and w with spelltheif or stay back and collect coins with ancient coin you Mustmust learn match up with nami not only enemy match ups but match up's with your own adc's for example if you have a mf and they have a non-tank support you must go coin if they have a weak early game tank that wont even come in front of the adc you must get coin spelltheifs is god tier when in the right match up but in the wrong match up you may not get the 500 gold until 15 or 17 minutes there are 3 simple rules to remember if you want to get spelltheif
Rule 1: your laner must either have a low presure that doesnt make the enemy stay back(miss fortune)
Rule 2: your enemy laner must either have a strong tank that wants to pressure you away or Rule 3: the enemy laner must have low range
when these rules are all in line nami will be a god in bot have at least 2 in line and a kill is bound to happen bot weather a jungler comes or not with one you will only get a kill when the enemy screws up or if they go aggressive

other than all that stuff with spelltheifs make sure not to waste mana what i mean is only use your w when you should what does this mean? it means that only use w when you can either get one bounce or more and if your adc is extremely low on hp
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League of Legends Build Guide Author c0mputer
c0mputer Nami Guide
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