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I've found out that the cheat sheet doesn't calculate everything in runes, masteries & items.
Also I wanna say that all the items on the cheat sheet is situational items!
Armed with wit, charm, and his signature transforming hammer,
Jayce lives to protect his native Piltover. Long before his nation called him a hero, however, he was a promising young inventor. When Piltover commissioned him to study a rare arcane crystal,
Jayce discovered it could be used as a vast energy source. Eager to make a name for himself, he began developing a device to harness its power. Word of the crystal's potential reached beyond the borders of Piltover.
Viktor, the machine-augmented scientist from Zaun, brought
Jayce an offer – together, they could use the crystal to advance his "glorious evolution," a vision of humanity fused with technology.
Jayce refused, but the Zaunite had no intention of leaving empty handed. He effortlessly blasted
Jayce aside and seized the crystal, incinerating the lab's meager security force as he left for Zaun.
Jayce implored the Piltover government to respond, but the officials refused to support an act of aggression. He decided to act alone, realizing that if no one struck back, Piltover would never be safe.
Jayce returned to the lab to prepare for his attack. After intense research, development, and hands-on testing, he emerged with his crowning achievement –the Mercury Hammer. Weapon in hand,
Jayce marched to Zaun and began his one-man assault.
Viktor's acolytes rushed to stop him, but
Jayce smashed them aside, fighting his way into the heart of the lab. Inside,
Jayce saw the horrifying brilliance of
Viktor's creations, all powered by the energy of the arcane crystal. He realized that his only option was to destroy the power source, but
Viktor stood in his way. Though their clash left both scientists heavily wounded,
Jayce managed a desperate strike at the crystal. He shattered it and escaped as
Viktor's machines erupted in flames. When he returned home, exhausted but victorious, the citizens of Piltover hailed
Jayce as a hero. He reveled in the adoration, but knew that his actions had drawn the attention of dangerous enemies. Now devoted to the defense of his people,
Jayce is Piltover's best hope for a bright future.
"Trust me: if we're smart, Piltover can stand strong against any threat. Hey, I'm living proof."

"Trust me: if we're smart, Piltover can stand strong against any threat. Hey, I'm living proof."

- Flash is very good on Jayce, mostly because you can

- Ignite is one of the best summoner spells in the game, because it helps alot in killing enemy squishies and/or tanks. Take this on

- If you feel more comfortable on



Cost: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 mana
Cooldown: 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 / 8 seconds
Physical Damage: 20 / 65 / 110 / 155 / 200 (+100% bonus Attack Damage)
Slow: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 %



Cooldown: 8 seconds
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 mana
Physical Damage: 60 / 115 / 170 / 225 / 280 (+120% per bonus attack damage)
Accelerated Physical Damage: 84 / 161 / 238 / 315 / 392 (+168% per bonus attack damage)


Cost: 40 mana
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Mana per hit: 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14
Magic Damage Per Second: 25 / 42.5 / 60 / 77.5 / 95 (+25% bonus ability power)
Total Magic Damage: 100 / 170 / 240 / 310 / 380 (+100% bonus ability power)


Cost: 40 mana
Cooldown: 14 / 12 / 10 / 8 / 6 seconds
Damage: 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130 %


MAX HEALTH TO DAMAGE RATIO: 8% / 11% / 14% / 17% / 20% (+100% Bonus AD)
MAX DAMAGE TO MONSTERS: 200 / 300 / 400 / 500 / 600
RANGE: 240
COOLDOWN: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10
COST: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 mana


RANGE: 650
COOLDOWN: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10
COST: 50 mana
MOVEMENT SPEED: 30% / 35% / 40% / 45% / 50%

Transforms the

The next attack in Cannon Stance reduces the enemy's armor and magic resist for 5 seconds.


The next attack in Hammer Stance deals additional magic damage.
BONUS MAGIC DAMAGE: 20 / 60 / 100 / 140 (+ 40% bonus Ability Power)

The enhanced attacks can critically strike and will stack with critical strike damage multiplicatively (i.e. at rank 5 a critical strike with no modifiers and

The enhanced attacks will not pop

The buff lasts for 4 seconds, total, regardless of how many attacks were used.
The buff will persist even if

The enhanced attacks will deal the same amount as a regular autoattack only at rank 3. At ranks 4 and 5, they will deal increased damage, while at ranks 1 and 2 they deal reduced damage.
This ability can also be utilized to instantly destroy wards that have not yet been put into a state of stealth due to the full attack speed.
Thundering Blow is a single targeted ability that deals magic damage to a target enemy unit equal to a percentage of the target's maximum health. Additionally, Thundering Blow knocks the target back a set distance over 0.75 seconds.
Thundering Blow procs spell vamp and Rylai's slow similarly with all single target spells and abilities with full effect.
Thundering Blow pops Spell Shield.
Thundering Blow will damage Black Shield and the knockback will be negated.
Similarly with Alistar's Headbutt, the target is "suppressed" for the duration it would take to travel the entire distance of the knock-back, if the target is knocked back near a wall or structure and cannot travel the whole distance.

Transform is automatically unlocked at level 1. It can reach up to rank 4 by upgrading the ability at levels 6, 11, and 16.
Both Transform abilities have no cast time and do not interrupt

Both of the autoattack modifying buffs from Transform have no set duraton, and will not expire until

However, the buffs will not persist if Transform is used again; for example, Hammer Stance's bonus magic damage buff will be removed if

If the attack misses for any reason (blind, parried, dodged, blocked) the buff will not be expended.
Using either Transform ability will trigger

Transform: Mercury Cannon is a self-target ability that changes

Transform: Mercury Cannon's on-hit effect does not affect turrets or other structures.
Transform: Mercury Hammer is a self-target ability that changes

Transform: Mercury Hammer's bonus damage can affect turrets and other structures.

If you are in your Mercury Hammer form and need to quickly relocate, you can use your transform into the Mercury Cannon, giving you extra movement speed thanks to your passive and then immediately placing

Additionally, casting

Also, when firing


If you are being poked under your tower, quickly casting

If jungling and a tower is being pushed, you can combo

Changing forms introduces an entirely new set of abilities that do not share the same cooldown timer with the other set of abilities. Changing forms twice will not cause an ability to go off cooldown any sooner.

The magic damage from the switch also affects structures. Combined with the huge attack speed boost from his

When in Hammer Stance,

When an enemy is escaping, use Transform: Mercury Hammer to switch to Hammer Stance. Then, with the extra movement speed and the ability to ignore unit collision, move through the enemy until you are located in front of them. Then use

Most of

Transform: Mercury Cannon, Transform: Mercury Hammer,

It is to be kept in mind that


Even though

While in lane if against a melee champion, be sure to continually harass them while in your Mercury Cannon form, this will deny their minion kills and help give you more lane control. Doing this will inadvertedly push up your lane so stay at a distance once you've pushed up to a tower in order to allow for an easy escape from a gank.
If you know your enemy laner is not present, switch to your Mercury Hammer and restore mana.

Playing and building around Mercury Hammer is generally easier of the two as the transition from ranged to melee is a easier and less-risky one for a champion that has built significant durability items, while a transition from melee to ranged is obviously beneficial for chasing down targets or kiting enemies - and without durability items, one is unlikely to live long enough to allow a good transition from melee to ranged.

Building an early

Stacking attack speed on

Because of the passive mana recovery on his

Offensively, most of

Cooldown reduction can be a useful stat to itemize for on

The active effect of Shureleya's Reverie stacks well with the team-wide movement speed boost his

Once he has obtained at least 17% cooldown reduction,

Against a magic damage-heavy team,

Although his poke in the form of

Despite his good mobility,

Most of

Stacking health against

When on the run from

You may need different strategies to deal with



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