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Masteries are nothing special, I run a 21-9 setup taking standard ap points and 9 points for defense.
summoner's wrath: I take a point summoner's wrath to give me ap while on cooldown.Sorcery: This is sandard for all ap's for much needed cooldowns.
butcher: I take this because its hard to last hit with Nidalee's low base ad.
Blast: I take blast because of the good ap boost it gives.
Arcane Knowledge: This is to tear through the magic resist your opponent will have.
Mental force: This just gives flat ap, always good.
Spellsword: Helps a little to last hit and good for when your spells are cooling.
Archmage: Helps increase burst overall.
Executioner: Very essential and standard damage boost.
Durability: Great early and late game hp boost.Hardness: Just two armor points for late game.
Resistance Gives you Magic resist to help you in lane.
Veteran Scars: Gives you 30hp early to boost trade potential.
I start with adoran's ring and 2 health pots.
First back- Tear of the goddess And/or sorc. shoes.
Core-Mejai's soulstealer (I like to get it as a experianced nidalee player),Rab. Cap, Archangles Zhonya's and Void staff.
This build gives you heavy damage but leaves you vulnarable. Rylai's and aby. specter for tankyness.
First back- Tear of the goddess And/or sorc. shoes.
Core-Mejai's soulstealer (I like to get it as a experianced nidalee player),Rab. Cap, Archangles Zhonya's and Void staff.
This build gives you heavy damage but leaves you vulnarable. Rylai's and aby. specter for tankyness.
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