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Aatrox can poke you out early game but after you buy seekers he begins to lose quite hard. Anytime he commits to a trade and uses his e or all of his qs ult him and kill him. Pick up Morello for grievous wounds later if you need it .
This is one of the harder matchups. Akali can prevent you from stacking your passive with shroud and is almost never in range of you due to how she pokes with q and how much mobility she has. Farm the lane out and try to play for teamfights or teleport plays because you can't beat her 1v1.
Skill matchup for sure. Camille wins quite hard level 2-5 as her trades starting at level 2 are MUCH stronger then yours if she hits her e however post 6 you stand a much better chance and with seekers and tabi she won't be able to fight you until she gets a few items. Outscales you in a splitpush scenario but you can teamfight way better then she can.
What do you even do to this champion as a melee top lane? dodge this lane if you can but if you can't run Second wind in your secondaries and try to farm the lane out. You generally won't win all in but if you are fighting her dodge every q and use your r to get rid of her miasma if you do this she won't do any damage to you and won't get her movespeed buff to dodge your abilities learn to dodge her ult as well by turning around other wise she gets a guaranteed q on you and will start to shred through you.
Free lane and you outscale him very hard being a natural tank buster just be wary of his burst and dont try super hard to poke him down early unless you can zone him off the creep wave as his sustain from farming heavily out weighs the damage you can do to him early game from poking with q
Heavy skill matchup play early game VERY safe try to farm with q at max range without pushing the wave and ideally poke him while you farm after 6 and seekers you can start winning fights unless darius stacks MR make sure you don't give him q heals or its significantly harder to win try to stand on top of him to make this easier although a good darius will be able to use e and w to guarantee a q your shield completely nullifies his level 1 ult but after level 11 it becomes much harder to 1v1 him without a lead if you fall behind this lane becomes impossible so try to be as cautious as you can.
Dr. Mundo
Mundo is very easy as long as you stay ahead of him and don't eat free cleaver poke. Mid-Late game he begins to become too tanky for you to kill with all the free MR and regen he gets but you shouldn't ever die to him either. Rush liandries into morello as you will likely be ulting him for your team a lot and you need the grievous to kill him
One of your natural hard counters Fiora can very easily dodge all of your abilities and shred you like cheese. Try to use your e to bait her parry and side step it immediately followed with an aa q this will make it easier to win the trade if she goes for it. Rush bramble into seekers/tabi as the healing reduction is very important for her ult and vitals. Late game fiora absolutely crushes you in the 1v1 look to end the game before she gets three items.
Gangplank has a very easy time kiting you with barrels and denying your ult with oranges while he pokes you down with q and barrels and passive procs look to farm this lane out and take Second Wind to deny him some poke if you ever hit him with e when he doesn't have a barrel to slow you then you hard win the trade if he oranges at all before you ult you can ult him and kill him but be careful if he has ult or barrels still up.
This matchup is very simple if he goes in to q you you drop e on yourself and kite his e out then engage with ult and kill him if he goes zerkers triforce and stacks damage he can very easily kill you so respect his e and try to disengage off him when he uses it otherwise just poke him down in lane and outscale him.
Gnar has lots of poke and can kite melee champs with no mobility very easily however Mega Gnar is significantly easier to kill look to engage on him when he transforms otherwise just try to dodge boomerangs and avoid getting hit by his w passive as it does a LOT of his damage prime target to ult in teamfights as he goes in as he can chain cc lock your team very easily.
Gragas short trades are quite strong however his poke is weak and you crush him all in and can poke him down quite easily. His CC and disruption is annoying but its not a big deal.
Hecarim is mostly a nuisance as his e and his ult make it very easy for him to escape or engage onto you even in the death realm however you both love all in extended trades and you do it better then he does once you get armor buy seekers and clobber him. Heavily respect him if he brings ignite and ghost like some hecarim players do as the 1v1 potential he gets is extremely lethal.
He will constantly shove you in and harass you early game but once you get ult you can poke his turrets down from range and engage on him once he uses ult just ult him and collect 300 gold.
Illaoi can do nothing in this matchup her spells lock her in place making it very easy to hit your q or e and if she ever uses r you can r her and remove the spirit and all of her tentacles then just kill her becomes slightly harder after she gets qss but she still will struggle into you.
Skill matchup early game but after 6 its completely free dodge her stuns as often as possible and otherwise just rush seekers tabi post 6 click r on her in a spot where you can freely chase her and she can't escape from you respect her in a creep wave though as she can heal a lot and juke your abilities and stack her passive very easily which makes it hard to kill her.
Jarvan IV
If you encounter j4 top you shouldn't have any issues rush seekers tabi and if he ever engages on you with e q just fight he cant get away from you and if he tries to use r you can ult him to remove the wall.
Quite a hard matchup Jax counterstrike can prevent you from stacking your passive and your q range is shorter then his leap range making it very difficult to poke him try to freeze in front of your tower as best you can to make it easier to poke without him leaping on you before you try to all in. In a 1v1 try to use your e to fling him away from you during counter strike and then try to re engage and ult after he ults. Heavily outscales you in the 1v1.
Jayce powerspikes starting at 1:30 in the game when laning phase starts and he can walk behind your creep wave and click on you till you cry in a corner however you can use your e to pull him in as he goes for his q aa e aa trades to keep him in range and r to chase him down and kill him after you have seekers and tabi one of the champs rylais first is good into as he will struggle to disengage if you get on him without e
This matchup can be quite annoying as Kayle beats you for the first few levels in short trades and can poke you out at 6 as well as dodge your e very easily with her movespeed from w and passive try to chase her down in your r with ghost to help stick to her and force her into long trades pre 6 as you win these quite hard.
Kennen is extremely obnoxious early game and can bully you out quite easily buy a spectres cowl and merc treads and get an early rylais to help stick to him later on in teamfights you can easily stop him from ulting your team with ult and kill him so he shouldn't be much of an issue.
This matchup can be hard early as his trades are way better but after seekers you can easily stat check him and walk up to poke with q constantly his dash throws him through you so you can r to cut off his escape very easily and he cant escape from you if he demounts.
Lucian is seeing a lot more play top and like any other ranged bully top he is really brutal to lane against early game play as passively as possible and just farm safely with q after seekers and tabi you can march him down with your ult just make sure to save your q and e until after he dashes.
All Malphite can do is e you to making stacking your passive a little harder and time his r to cancel your r otherwise he cant do anything to you and you will brutalize him after the brief period early game where he out trades you.
Maokai does a deceptive amount of damage especially in short trades but you win the all in easily just be careful of his w as he can use it to dodge your q.
Blind pick? Just be gooder then him and you will win ez pz.
Nasus is quite easy as he has no early game and you can thoroughly abuse him until he gets sheen ult and over 100 stacks then you need to start respecting him. Look to set up a freeze on him and poke with q or use your e to deny him last hits get seekers tabi bramble in order to guarantee you win 1v1 as you will need them later to make sure he doesn't kill you.
Nocturne isn't too common in top but if you do find it be very scared nocturne does a TON of damage and can easily 1v1 you early game and even later on once he gets sanguine blade. Buy seekers tabi and you can start to fight him but until then just farm the lane out and make sure you spam missing post 6 to prevent his roams.
Olaf can easily win early game with his incredible 1v1 potential and post 6 he can ignore your ultimate with his. Don't try to fight him early and just farm rush seekers/tabi/bramble into liandries and you should start winning fights.
Ornn has a fairly good early game but you beat him after first back respect his brittle procs and don't let him proc it for free or you will very quickly get poked out of lane post 6 if he uses r simply use yours to remove his and then collect 300 gold.
Skill matchup until you get seekers Panth has some fairly powerful short trades however his e is easily countered by yours simply throw him behind you as he goes to use it and continue to wail on him freely. Make sure you spam ping his level when he hits 6 and let your team know he has ult and spam ping when he leaves lane so they dont die to roams.
She can knock you away with her r during your r but thats about it just respect her shield and dont position into her e and you should beat her without much problem.
Quinn can be quite obnoxious early game however she quickly gets invalidated by your armor items and protobelt makes it very easy to initiate onto her and win the all in still can roam very easily so make sure to thoroughly ping and communicate with your team when she leaves lane for any reason.
Renekton can be quite brutal rush seekers tabi as normal and save your shield until after he uses his empowered w as it removes your shield. Don't give him short trades over and over post 6 you should win with your armor items but definitely don't underestimate this champ. This is the only matchup Boneplating is mandatory in.
Rengar can be very hard if you don't know the range on his leap however once you learn it the matchup gets a bit easier. Farm with q and use your e to pull him back away from the bushes when he leaps in. Once you get seekers tabi it becomes significantly easier to fight him 1v1. NEVER ult him when has has ferocity his empowered w can remove your ult look to ult him behind you away from bushes to make the fight easier. A trick to make the all in easier is to pull him away from the bushes and then flash towards them and ult him to make the death realm spawn in a position away from the bushes to deny rengar his mobility and extra stacks.
Skill matchup weighted towards riven if they are good at her. Her short trades are much better then you early on as she can cancel your auto attacks making it hard to proc your passive as well as disengage easily but you win all in if you arent chunked before hand and her sustain is bad so your poke is very meaningful. When she goes to use her third q use your e to pull her behind you and ult her. Matchup becomes harder once she gets CDR as she can kite you out during r easily.
Extremely obnoxious early game but hes immobile and you can ult to remove his ult in the 1v1 denying him huge amounts of damage. Rush wits end and just repeatedly look to pull him in and fight. Early game play safe and farm look for trades when his w is on cooldown or when hes overheated as rumble is very reliant on the shield and MS buffs to mitigate and dodge damage in lane.
Same as Cassiopeia just dodge if you can otherwise run second wind and farm the lane out. Ryze is gonna non stop bully you from minute 1 with w so try to farm safely at range with q. Depending on the runes he takes it changes how you play the lane if he goes conqueror try not to give him too many free stacks or autos to keep it stacked as it makes fighting him impossible if he takes phase rush try to bait him to proc it before you go to engage onto him as getting onto him with it is impossible. Post 6 you have the ability to kill him but its difficult and he can kite you quite well and constantly wave clear against you.
Fairly even matchup similar to darius early game be safe and try to not let him pull you in after seekers tabi and 6 you can easily win the all in albeit sett is a bit tankier but does less damage overall then darius so try to poke him down a bit more beforehand. you hard outscale in the 1v1 and can remove him in teamfights to make him useless. Like most juggernauts though its very snowbally if you get behind so making mistakes can lose you the lane.
Shen will beat you early game because of his strong early trades but after level 4 he becomes pretty much free just remember to spam ping his ultimate after 6 to remind your team and try to keep vision of him as often as possible to use your e and r to cancel his r and stop him from rotating to fights.
Singed is one of the least interactive champs in top to date and most singed players like to proxy which means you just farm under tower against him for a long time. In the event he decides to grow some balls and lane against you poke him as often as you can with q as singed has poor sustain and all of your harass will stick. After he gets low enough you can look to use r to all in but be prepared for singed to just flip you off if you can pull him back in with e however you can start to seriously put the hurt on.
Sion is completely free if he goes tank and slightly harder if he goes lethality. Use your e to cancel his q and then just wail on him he will lose every trade to your shield.
This matchup is quite easy to play as long as you respect his tower grab plays. You win every extended trade and even short trades after you get some levels in q and he has very poor sustain poke him with q often and try to keep the wave in the middle of the lane or frozen playing near his tower will make it incredibly difficult to harass him post 6. Otherwise you beat him at all stages of the game.
Her early game poke is really obnoxious but she will die very easily after you get protobelt every time you have ult up just farm look to pull her in when you can and dodge her q as often as you can. Annoying lane bully but she doesn't scale very well damage wise so its not too bad. Being in the death realm means she can't ult her teammates and her teammates can't get ulted by her when in the death realm either so use this to your advantage in teamfights when you can.
Sylas is a monster in short trades and can be very hard to kill. Rush wits end if they have an ap champ midlane or liandries otherwise and make sure you kite him around your creep waves to dodge his e.
Tahm Kench
This is very rare to see now ever since kench has been nerfed but the matchup is quite easy if you do encounter it. Kench is difficult to poke out due to his grey health but you win all in quite hard until he stacks MR just constantly fight him after level 4 and rush liandries.
Teemo can be quite annoying but it isn't too bad. Second Wind is key here to mitigating his harass this is likely the lane you get the most value out of it from. Farm it out until you get 6 then any time you can hit e on him just march at him and ult as he places a mushroom to get rid of it. His blind can prevent you from stacking your passive and a good teemo will max it in this lane so rush merc treads and take tenacity to reduce the duration as much as possible as stacking your passive otherwise is very difficult.
Trundle has very good trades and all in early game but he won't do much to you after you get some armor. Make sure you do NOT ult before he does as you will just lose the stats you stole and more making it that much harder to fight him. Outscales you very hard in the sidelane depending on how he builds and is a very prime thornmail target.
You beat him early game in all ins once you get seekers and ult but after about 2 and a half items he out scales you unless you stack heavy armor in the 1v1 just try to answer him side lane and use your teleport to help your team as necessary.
Urgot requires level 9 to become a champion and level 13 to become a REAL champion and by that time you have already outscales him. Seekers tabi ensures he won't be able to do anything to you and liandries rylais makes sure you will be able to 1v1 him for most of the game. Don't disrespect urgot once he gets items and levels though pick up a thornmail later if you need to sidelane against him 1v1.
Vlad can be tricky but its definitely winnable if you play it properly. Use your e to get him in range and try to force extended fights vlad loses these quite hard early game. If you let him sustain off the wave freely you instantly lose so look to pressure him every time e is off cooldown and look for all ins whenever you have ult up after you get some AP. Hard outscales you later in the game although you can ult him in teamfights to prevent him from slaughtering your team. Wits end makes it much easier to 1v1 him but he will still beat you at 6 items.
Volibear does tons of mixed damage and has a significantly stronger level 6 spike then you do. He builds full tank with plenty of base mixed damage so eventually you will be able to 1v1 him with r alone by stealing his stats you also teamfight better into him but early game he is an absolute powerhouse so respect him and poke him down before you try to take any fights. Regularly use e to fling him off you if you aren't in a good spot to fight.
Extremely obnoxious matchup he can beat you in lane quite hard since he heals for a **** load and does a lot of magic damage at the same time making bramble an awkward rush. Still you need to rush it and go liandries you outscale quite hard but until then hes very obnoxious.
Your ult removes all of Yoricks ghouls and you heavily out damage him when he doesn't have them. Yorick is forced to rush qss in order to get his ghouls back and then he won't have enough combat stats to beat you 1v1 with his ghouls. Outscales you after level 16 but until then hes fairly easy to handle at all stages of the game. Still can fight you pre 6 though if he hits an e>w combo with 4 ghouls so be careful of that.
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