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He silences you and then you're gonna die.
Over the years I have realized that my dank level on the dank-o-meter is off the charts!
Because of this I have decided to share some of my dankness with you guys!
I hope you enjoy my guide 8)
If you decide to go W first you are able to trade extremely well with a squishy and preferably melee lane opponent. If played correctly taking W at level 1 can result in blowing the enemy's flash or even a kill at if you decide to use ignite.
To trade effectively pre 6 you will want to wait until your lane opponent has used their abilities to farm before using your E to jump on them. Alternatively you may be able to dodge your lane opponent's abilities with your E and trade that way.
To trade effectively pre 6 you will want to wait until your lane opponent has used their abilities to farm before using your E to jump on them. Alternatively you may be able to dodge your lane opponent's abilities with your E and trade that way.
Farming with Fizz can be difficult depending on your lane opponent. If you are against a high poke champ like Xerath you may want to chose what CS you take carefully. If you are vs a champion with low poke and low kill potential early then feel free to farm up a storm.
Farming can be made easier with the use of Fizz's W active however it's optimal that you save that for trades and ganks.
Farming can be made easier with the use of Fizz's W active however it's optimal that you save that for trades and ganks.
During large fights you're best option is to wait for an opportunity to find and instantly kill a squishy. Flanking and using the fog of war to your advantage is key.
Another option is to use ult on a target and try to 100 - 0 and enemy, quickly using zhonya's afterwards to wait for your E cooldown to come back up. When your E cooldown is back up you have 2 choices: Go back in and try to kill someone else (High risk - potentially very high reward) or E out of the fight briefly and wait for another opportunity to find a low health target (Low risk - medium reward).
Another option is to use ult on a target and try to 100 - 0 and enemy, quickly using zhonya's afterwards to wait for your E cooldown to come back up. When your E cooldown is back up you have 2 choices: Go back in and try to kill someone else (High risk - potentially very high reward) or E out of the fight briefly and wait for another opportunity to find a low health target (Low risk - medium reward).
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