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Ability Order
Iron Ambassador (PASSIVE)
Poppy Passive Ability
Read on and GL HF!
Poppy is not that hard to play but she does take sometime to master so lets get started on when to activate Abilities .
Her Q is great for attacking a champ because it does a lot of dmg on champs you should always make sure that you can do as many hits when your q is activated on the enemy champ. The cool down is fairly quick and should be activated in team fights
Her W which makes Poppy gain movement speed for 5 seconds this is great for escaping. Also when you get the boots you will run away like a rabbit.
Her E which is an ability that requires perfect timing and positioning. You always want to push the enemy to the walls because if you push them forward it gives them an advantage of escaping.
Her R the ult targets a champ and increases the damage you do to them aka a buff also you become immune to all damage and abilities from enemies other than her target.
Her Q is great for attacking a champ because it does a lot of dmg on champs you should always make sure that you can do as many hits when your q is activated on the enemy champ. The cool down is fairly quick and should be activated in team fights
Her W which makes Poppy gain movement speed for 5 seconds this is great for escaping. Also when you get the boots you will run away like a rabbit.
Her E which is an ability that requires perfect timing and positioning. You always want to push the enemy to the walls because if you push them forward it gives them an advantage of escaping.
Her R the ult targets a champ and increases the damage you do to them aka a buff also you become immune to all damage and abilities from enemies other than her target.
Well well well here comes the dirty tricks of Poppy, Lets get started on trick #1-
E>Q>W>R and hopefully u'll land a kill ayayya we are not done yet this trick can be done when your opponent is farming peacefully on top lane and u'll in the rive you are suppose to land your E to complete this so you kind of want to make you opponent get ****block at the wall so make sure your on the side of him not in front of him.
The Escape-
Getting chased when you are slow is the last thing you want to happen to you so by activating you W your escape like James Bond. Also if you got your cleanse dont be scared to activate that and do W, u'll go like a plane.
This is all the tricks I have now but i'll update this post more and more often.
E>Q>W>R and hopefully u'll land a kill ayayya we are not done yet this trick can be done when your opponent is farming peacefully on top lane and u'll in the rive you are suppose to land your E to complete this so you kind of want to make you opponent get ****block at the wall so make sure your on the side of him not in front of him.
The Escape-
Getting chased when you are slow is the last thing you want to happen to you so by activating you W your escape like James Bond. Also if you got your cleanse dont be scared to activate that and do W, u'll go like a plane.
This is all the tricks I have now but i'll update this post more and more often.
There are large selection of items on the store but for Poppy you can play it as full tank but in this case we'll be talking abut fighter. Trinity force on Poppy is a main item but the others could be changed. For example if you wanted more of a tanky Poppy but still be dominating I would switch out the Statikk Shiv to something like a Froznen Heart or Omen, as I said this build works great with me but different players build different items. Items viable are like Guardian Angel because deaths are not something you want to get in a game aka it gives you a second change when you get the Guardian Agel. Blade of the Ruin King is also viable because of the speed and dmg it gives which can make poppy a good fighter. This is all I got for items but I will be working on this post so keep checking.
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