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Don't push too much cause she has that charm and she can make you get some serious tower shots . You can make a q-q-e-q-r combo and one shot her if you're ahead so not that big of a threat
Dodge her q-s and you're good to go
you simply destroy anivia in early-mid-late game , you have amazing burst as yone
She has great burst as well but you're fine if you dodge her r and shield yourself at the right time . As i said before you can simply one shot her because she isn't that tanky
Aurelion Sol
Very weak champion if not camped you're gonna win very easy .
Has some nice range attacks and can dodge very easily , like ahri you can combo him and kill him easy
Now brand is not that big of a deal . you simply need to dodge his q and you're good to go .
this thing is extremly powerful against all sort of champs but if she catches you with her w ( not sure ) you'll be grounded and you won't be able to dash anymore . Her r is a powerful stun . She isn't that tanky so if you catch her off-guard she's dead . You'd better call your jungle to help you to win lane (if you lose )
Not that big of a deal just dodge his abilities and you're good to go
She has a powerfull burst + shield and she can poke you with her q very easy . Just dodge her q-s and she won't be able to fight you 1v1
Dodge his w and you simply win lane
make him e and the combo him and then you're good to go . Should probably dodge his r , very powerfull ultimate .
This guy is tough . You will beat him most of the time but he can go tanky ,he can get ahead because his roaming posibility but if he roams just push lane you will get some nice towers if pushed at the right time . poke him with q - q - e -w - q -e and then repeat . When he's low just make q-q-e-q-r-w combo and he's dead if you want press ignite to make sure that he's gonna die
Take care of his turrets . you can get your q out of his turrets so profit of them and poke him very much . He's a squishy champ so in late he's gonna tank maximum r some aa-s and some q-s . Take care of his stun
Fight her when she has not so much stacks and build anti-heal if you can dodge her e and r she's done for and you can easily kill her . If she has 5 stacks and you're not very ahead just simply retreat
This champ is gonna look for roams so look after her and alert your teammates . try and follow her when she's roaming or just push mid and alert your teammates that she's gonna roam their lane .
Target her after she used her w . She's an easy kill don't get baited by her clone .
this guy is tough don't let him get ahead or you're gonna lose . Stay on his head until he's done
Poke her until she's dead . Get advantage and it's an easy win
dodge her q and you're gonna kill her. she's a very squishy champ .
Now this is what i call a threat . Her e is just so powerfull if you're gonna dodge her e-s and q-s you can kill her . don't target her clone and ez win . Call your jungle to help if needed , in late you're gonna destroy her.
Dodge her abilities , they deal lots of damage . you can one shot her if combo-ed right .
Very weak vs yone . Easy win at 1v1 at midlane . if you're camped just stay at your tower and freeze. look for oportunities and one-shot her
Just press q until you have the tornado ready . Then poke enemy with e+q . When he's low just e-q(tornado)-r and then e back , if the enemy is under a quarter hp just full combo him q-q you get tornado e-q (if you miss press e instantly don't let him win a trade ) -r-w then aa/q until you kill him or if you're low just ignite him and then e back cause the e is like zed's r (deals a portion of the damage you dealt in that time when you were in e ) . If you lose hard the lane don't give up . Start afk-farmin until you get the core . Then you should deal some damage and if you team has a winning lane should be an 75% win . One shot the most fed enemy if you can if not just kill the adc or the squishiest support . IF YOU ARE LOSING THE LANE VERY HARD ( over 3 deaths in laning phase ) JUST STAY AND FARM UNDER TOWER AND ASK TEAM FOR GANKS AND ROAMS . NEVER BUT NEVER TRY TO 1V1 THE FED ENEMY LANER JUST WAIT FOR LATE GAME .
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