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Recommended Items
Runes: Slowness
+10% Attack Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order

Threats & Synergies
Very tough matchup. I found that you can use E-Q when she tries to E, so learn her patterns and try to predict the speed of the E. Another thing you can do is E-W on your teammate if he gets E'd by Leona.
Your W-W works great with her. She is a good engager, and you can catch up with her easily.
Your W-W works great with her. She is a good engager, and you can catch up with her easily.
Champion Build Guide
I was gone for a litte because I wanted to play other champions, like Pyke or Thresh. But I'm always intrigued to play this champion because of his interesting kit. I tweaked the runes a bit, but the build stays relatively the same. What I recommend is that you don't go biscuit anymore, since it doesn't give you Mana. Also, I felt that the Sorcery tree is stronger this patch, so you should give it a try.
What I would recommend is that you try to stay behind and wait. Your whole build style is based on slowness, so try to take it slow. Engage with W-E -> Q-W -> E-W. This will guarantee that you hit someone, and with E-W, you can close a gap so that they either get rooted and die, or go across, and they get caught up. In the early game, focus on poking as much as you can, going for W-E -> Q-W. If the enemy catches on and tries to punish and juke, switch to W-E -> Q-E.
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