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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Love Tap (PASSIVE)
Miss Fortune Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
If she's a good one, this is a dangerous enemy. She ain't top tier for nothing. Her poke is just as strong and easy to aim as yours, and since she builds tear, she can spam a lot more than you. If you feel like counter building with tear to get Muramana you may, but she's a toughy all around. At least with Muramana procs you can kinda match her damage with her empowered autos and poison. But her ult is the CC Equivalent of MF's, which can be just as strong if not stronger. Basically everything MF capitalizes upon Cass does slightly better.
Introduction: Why Hybrid?
Meanwhile MF has the crazy 80% scaling on her E for AP, 35% scaling with Q and 50% scaling on the bounce, and the Ult has 20% scaling on her ult for AP that is translated into Physical damage. So long as you build enough penetration, she'll be fine because with these items she's prepared for any situation. She's the dankest backline artillery, especially when you have AP, and has excellent mobility with W and ghost in team fights to run away from backline divers like Olaf and Kennen, and in lane, bullies many champs by simply building in an order to their counter.
I like Full AP MF, but Hybrid is more effective IMO because she'll have all of her attacks (Auto, q, E, R) be effective in battle with this build. AP might scale on her ult and Q to add damage (20% ult 35%/50% Q) but since it's translated into physical damage you still need Physical penetration.
If you want to swap the CDR runes for AP runes that's fine just remember to get your full 40% CDR through Lucidity boot or some other item with 10% CDR.
Armor yellows can be used instead of Health regen or Health flats if you're fighting an assassin, but Health is the most well rounded. The Yellows can be honestly anything to your preference.
On the reds, I actually prefer to run Armor red. Against a heavy AD team I might still go with both scaling armor yellows and the armor reds, but most often I run Armor reds with Flat health runes. However I know people prefer the hybrid penetration runes because they're okay with being a super squishy carry. I'm not.
Deathfire's is 8 damage plus 60% of your AD and 25% of your AP, while Thunder's is 10 Per level and 30% AD with 10% AP.
At early levels, like level 3 or 6, Thunder's deals significantly more damage, but scales a LOT less of your stats for later in the game, and this entire build was not designed for winning the early, it's for coming back from a lost lane or pressing hard on a won lane. So instead of compensating for it with a weak scaling. THE GAME IS NOT ALWAYS ABOUT WINNING YOUR LANE. If you're easily tilted do NOT use this build, a lost lane might happen, you have to believe in scaling.
Also, while it may be good to proc Thunder's on your E or Ult easy, Deathfire stacks with Liandry's torment allowing you to pick off escaping enemies, especially since Liandry's deals CURRENT HEALTH, so it can't last hit an enemy at all.
I like expose weakness because of the "Believe in the scaling" idea. You may choose to run feast for good sustain for a better laning phase, which is perfectly acceptable. You may be a bit more solo-oriented so you like to run double edge sword. I main support so I'm good at synergizing with teams so I wrap my playstyle around that.
You can choose to run Battering Blows instead of Peircing thoughts, or even run a few points of either. Choosing Battering blows scales on 3 attacks while Piercing thoughts is only for your E, so you may like to capitalize on Physical penetration. However, since there IS no percent piercing on AP, I like to run that mastery so help with the low AP values you might get to ensure your E is more effective. Against tanks that 7% is actually QUITE a bit, and more valuable than the limited Magic pen you can get. You can only get your 15 from Sorc boots and 15 from Liandry's, so if someone stacks 150+ MR that 7% turns out to be quite a bit of penetration, 10.7 Pen if they have 150.
For the two AP items, Rylai's and Liandry's torment, they're a serious power couple. The slow on Rylai's ensures that enemies are trapped for longer within her E and Ult, so they take more damage, and Liandry's burn scales throughout the entire game, so even with low AP all her abilities deal excellent damage, not to mention the burn is doubled from 6% current health to 12% current health on proc from a movement impedment like Rylai's. Also Rylai's makes the E an incredibly effective peel.
For the two AD items, Black cleaver and Mortal reminder, you get so much armor penetration that your Q, ult, and Autos can hurt tanks just as much as they hurt an ADC. That's 45% plus 30% (However I'm not sure if the 30% reduction from Cleaver is additive with Mortal reminder or is it's calculated after Mortal reminder's damage step. Either way it's a LOT of ****ing armor pen). Also, I choose Mortal reminder and not Lord Dominic's because stopping ANY healing, including Life steal on ADC's (Which many people forget about) is way better than a petty 10% Physical damage on tanks. If you built full AD that 10% is a lot but you're not,so it's not worth as much as Grievous wounds. With all your penetration, kiting, and mixed damage, MF can deal with tanks crazy fine. You want to make sure you can kill the squishy's faster than they can kill you. Also by reducing their healing, you significantly increase the chance of killing someone with the Deathfire and Liandry's burn if they walk away with a tiny amount of health after you fight them and they flash or something. Sometimes you can survive burns at low health by unloading all your potions, so grievous wounds makes them waste those pots too :D
You MAY opt for Exhaust, as Support MF that's the best option, but as mid you generally want to be Mobile for sick Ult ganks and ensure you can position correctly in team fights and stay away from Line breakers like Olaf and Kennen.
Well Rounded:
With at least two items under her belt, Hybrid MF is capable of Dueling very well as long as you built the cores in an order that suits your Match. Perhaps Rylai's to kite them with W, or Liandry's to harass extremely well before an all in, Cleaver to help your ADC or Bruisers deal more damage, or Mortal reminder to stem the sustain on healers or tanks and increase your personal Physical damage. Also if you're carrying, enemy tanks find it harder to counterbuild you, as you have plenty of option to deal with almost any situation and deal both forms of damage.
One of the better Backlines:
Her W passive and active are wonderful for helping MF compensate for lag in your decisions a bit more and respond to teammate's initiations faster, as well as run away from backline divers like Olaf with your ghost because you'll always be faster when you both Ghost. Also allows her to move from position to position better.
Excellent wave clear:
Her E is an AP ability but it still hits minions and can hit an unlimited amount of targets so long as they are in range of the circle, so it's harass and farm. Incredibly efficient in lane as well against assassins with a melee auto, like that pesky little Zed. Also her ult is incredibly short on CD, so late game it's a great wave clear against Super minions. Can't even begin to count how often I clutch saved towers with an ult.
Bad Early/Item Dependent:
You might be prone to losing lane if you're put against a champ you can't bully. You might have harass but you don't have CC and you follow ups for your jg ganks are pretty bad without an ult, which the enemy may just flash and make you look dumb. Just like as ADC, she's still item dependent as Hybrid Mid.
Depends on Team comp often:
You might wanna have someone else on your team with AP, and ideally two tanks. MF as a champ thrives off of a team with tons of frontline and support, and is crippled in use without a wall between her and the enemies when in huge team fights. A team with a strong MF, a support, and 3 tanks usually looks like an MF with 30+ kills since she can easily pick enemies off if she gets peel and enemies are locked down. However since she has absolutely no CC of her own without Rylai's (A bad first item often) she struggles without allies who can provide ample amounts for her AoE's to work and log enough DPS to carry.
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