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Choose Champion Build:
Ekko Mid
Ekko Jungle
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Z-Drive Resonance (PASSIVE)
Ekko Passive Ability
WHY RAPID FIRE CANNON ?!?!?!? (Does it work)? - ALL U NEED TO KNOW
Gunisoo's and Hextech Gunblade, and the reason u get Trinity is because this build besides being hybrid focus on items that gives "On hit" looking at masteries, u got Thunderlord Decree combined with RFC's Energize, Guinsoo's Rage, Tinity's Spellblade and whatever item u may choose as last item all this combined with ur AD/AP and Ekko's Passive make u deal ALOT of damage. in a short amount of time. this is also why the build works great with Devourer since most of these passives works with it.
Need i to say more ? i think not. this is all u need to know
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