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Twisted Fate Build Guide by Rhados

ADC Hybrid Twisted Fate Carry - Throwing faster than you can see

ADC Hybrid Twisted Fate Carry - Throwing faster than you can see

Updated on December 27, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rhados Build Guide By Rhados 2,359 Views 0 Comments
2,359 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Rhados Twisted Fate Build Guide By Rhados Updated on December 27, 2012
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Welcome to my very first guide.

In the next few chapters i will discuss how to play out this strong hybrid TF build.

With this TF build you will surprise your enemies because they won't know what you're going to do and how they should counter it.

I'm not going to tell you how to play Twisted Fate because I think it's a champion about experience and routine.
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Pros / Cons

The pros and cons i'll list are most matching for the balanced item build.

+Fast and strong autohits
+Nice mobility (boots enchantment and ulti)
+The enemy tank won't be able to counter you by only buying armor or magic resist, he needs both
+With your stun card you are able to take down an enemy within short time


-Kinda squishy
-When the enemies see your damage you instantly will be the focus target
-You need to be good at using the W
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Runaan's Hurricane is the most important item you will buy, so buy it immediately after you have got the boots.

Runaan's Hurricane will make you spam Stacked Deck, because the minor bolts it shoots are stacking it up.

The other items are picked to support this tactic pretty well, because they'll make your auto-hits, as well as your stacked deck stronger, so you will be a stacked deck throwing machine gun. This will make last hitting very easy, until you have Runaan's, use your red card to farm.

If the enemies get too tanky you should buy penetration ;)

Feel free to experiment around with items and write a comment about your experiences.
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A last word from the author

Thank you for reading this guide.

I'm not the kind of person that writes much but I think that I mentioned the most important things about this build.

I appreciate every view, comment and good rating, have fun playing with this build.

~Rhados from EU West
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rhados
Rhados Twisted Fate Guide
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Hybrid Twisted Fate Carry - Throwing faster than you can see

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