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Heimerdinger Build Guide by IAmTheLiquor

Middle IAmTheLiquor's Guide to The D0nger

Middle IAmTheLiquor's Guide to The D0nger

Updated on November 17, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author IAmTheLiquor Build Guide By IAmTheLiquor 4,400 Views 2 Comments
4,400 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author IAmTheLiquor Heimerdinger Build Guide By IAmTheLiquor Updated on November 17, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


As for the the late game items (only if you are full build), if you have over 500 buy an elixir. If you have thousands of extra gold, sell boots buy ZZ'Rot, place portal, sell ZZ'Rot, and buy boots back. Repeat this process for Banner of Command too.
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Flash is a must as Heimerdinger and that spell should be ran on the F key.

As for the second spell, as a mid laner, exhaust and ignite are the best choice. Ignite is great consider it does true damage and reduces the effectiveness of healing, so if they engage after they used a potion it will be give the enemy less health. Exhaust is great for ganks and when the enemy laner is melee. As for ganks you will keep the enemies in turret range and exhaust the bigger threat. This will be great to reduce their damage output, slow so they stay in turret range, and reduce their MR so they take more damage.
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Mid vs. Top

This is something I am currently trying to find out at the moment. (In regards to mid) With assassins, especially now, being so strong, they can kill you and come out with little to no damage due to their swiftness. As for top champions tend to be tanky and currently tank are very strong also. The reason the tanks top are an issue is because MR is a stat that works great in tank builds and with champions like Darius they can out damage you after they get Spirit Vasage.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author IAmTheLiquor
IAmTheLiquor Heimerdinger Guide
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IAmTheLiquor's Guide to The D0nger

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