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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Hextech Affinity (PASSIVE)
Heimerdinger Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Riperoni, Alt F4, ff @ 20. This match up is horrible she can pick up your turrets and chuck them at you (yes even the ulted turret), she can poke without taking damage, and worst of all she is point and click for ult and it she is easy enough to play for the first time well enough to beat a Heimerdinger in lane. NaCl aside the counter play is as follows, run MR glyphs and flat, scaling, or regen hp seals. Build abyssal sceptor first item, and merc treads for boots. Play passive so laning phase does turn into a feed fest and have your jungler help getting her off of the tower. My number 1 tip is to ban her or if you don't have a ban, plead for one, during draft.
As for the second spell, as a mid laner, exhaust and ignite are the best choice. Ignite is great consider it does true damage and reduces the effectiveness of healing, so if they engage after they used a potion it will be give the enemy less health. Exhaust is great for ganks and when the enemy laner is melee. As for ganks you will keep the enemies in turret range and exhaust the bigger threat. This will be great to reduce their damage output, slow so they stay in turret range, and reduce their MR so they take more damage.
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