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Runes: Troll/Harass
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
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Introduction / Why play Shaco Support?
Hello, I am Swagger and I am a Swain Support and Shaco Support Main in the Botlane. They are the only champions I play as support, so a majority of my support experience has been playing these characters.
Shaco support is a really powerful pick and offers amazing poke and harass, while being extremely safe thanks to your invisibility which makes you able to engage or poke out of thin air and being able to escape right back into that same thin air. Your funny men (Jack in the box) allow you to mentally control your opponents by making them (literally and mentally) fear bushes, allowing for your adc to have an escape as well as limiting your enemies tactics. Your funny men act as a high damaging poke thanks to Arcane Comet and help you control the lane. Your poison shiv also is a great poke and a good finisher, and your clone allows you to tower dive, shred towers and scout for danger (lol). After laning phase, he becomes a powerful split pusher, giving you big relevance after the laning phase is over.
I've always have massive fun playing Shaco in bot lane, from laughing at my enemies when they walk into a infested bush of funny men, or kiting an enemy into a box and then teleporting through the wall for the 300th time, Shaco is a fun fun pick. My friends and I refer to this insanity as trolling or being the troll god and it basically means we harassed the hell out of the bot lane. By the end of it, the enemy team will sick of seeing you slip out of their hands for the 5000th time and get hit by your funny men when going to recall or kill Drake for the 100th time.
Shaco support is a really powerful pick and offers amazing poke and harass, while being extremely safe thanks to your invisibility which makes you able to engage or poke out of thin air and being able to escape right back into that same thin air. Your funny men (Jack in the box) allow you to mentally control your opponents by making them (literally and mentally) fear bushes, allowing for your adc to have an escape as well as limiting your enemies tactics. Your funny men act as a high damaging poke thanks to Arcane Comet and help you control the lane. Your poison shiv also is a great poke and a good finisher, and your clone allows you to tower dive, shred towers and scout for danger (lol). After laning phase, he becomes a powerful split pusher, giving you big relevance after the laning phase is over.
I've always have massive fun playing Shaco in bot lane, from laughing at my enemies when they walk into a infested bush of funny men, or kiting an enemy into a box and then teleporting through the wall for the 300th time, Shaco is a fun fun pick. My friends and I refer to this insanity as trolling or being the troll god and it basically means we harassed the hell out of the bot lane. By the end of it, the enemy team will sick of seeing you slip out of their hands for the 5000th time and get hit by your funny men when going to recall or kill Drake for the 100th time.
- Insane Harass
- Controls lane
- Excellent poke
- Slippery, massive escape potential
- Ungankable
- Weakens Enemies, helping in teamfights
- Amazing Split Pusher
- Boxes become like Teemo Mushrooms in late game
- fun as hell
- he's funny
- weak cc potential
- no gap closer for your adc
- if not played right, bad at helping adc escape bad all ins or ganks
- being cc'd can be a problem (if not played right)
- squishy
- Insane Harass
- Controls lane
- Excellent poke
- Slippery, massive escape potential
- Ungankable
- Weakens Enemies, helping in teamfights
- Amazing Split Pusher
- Boxes become like Teemo Mushrooms in late game
- fun as hell
- he's funny
- weak cc potential
- no gap closer for your adc
- if not played right, bad at helping adc escape bad all ins or ganks
- being cc'd can be a problem (if not played right)
- squishy
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