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DO NOT LET HIM HIT HIS FIRST Q. This will allow him to run you over. E to safety is this happens. Be careful since his Q cooldown is lower than your E cooldown. Remember to stay safe against this champion. Buy a Morellonomicon for your 2nd item. YOU WILL OUTSCALE. Be patient and farm.
DO NOT LET AHRI LAND HER CHARM. This single spell can lose you a trade or kill you. Stay near minions but be sure to also dodge her Q as well. A battle against an early game Ahri is a dance of dodging her Q and W. When you both are level 6 it becomes a skill matchup. Be sure to poke Ahri down as much as possible. The best time to poke Ahri is AFTER she has used her passive. Build Banshee's Veil if she is somehow landing her charms like a madman.
DO NOT ALLOW AKALI TO Q YOU AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. You beat Akali level 1 since you have the ranged advantage along with your W. Use that to your advantage. Push when you know the enemy jungler is nearby HOWEVER be careful that Akali won't walk close to you when pushing. Just make sure Akali does not roam. You can ult Akali out of her shroud. You can intercept Akali's ults with your own ult. You can intercept Akali's 2nd E with your ult.
DO NOT LET ALISTAR ENGAGE ON YOU FOR FREE. Other wise you can freely poke him down in lane.
DO NOT LET ANIVIA FARM FOR FREE EARLY GAME. Azir is known for being a lane bully against many champs even assassins. Poke Anivia as much as you can while keeping mana management into account. When you are both level 6, the mid lane becomes a farm fest. Get berzerker's grieves over sorc shoes if you feel like you need the extra boost in waveclear. If Anivia tries to ult you and block you off, you can engage a trade on her by WEQ comboing on her. She will usually back off from this. Make sure that when you do this no other enemies are nearby otherwise you will die.
DO NOT LET ANNIE PRESSURE YOU WITH HER STUN. You can normally outdamage her in trades if she provokes you. If she does try to do this, this is a major signal. You are probably being ganked. Escape when you can and push the wave so Annie cannot roam for free.
DO NOT LET 200 YEARS APHELIOS FARM FOR FREE. You outrange him in lane with your W.
DO NOT LET ASHE POKE YOU DOWN. Other wise counter poke her. You usually can outpoke her.
Aurelion Sol
DO NOT LET AURELION SOL PUSH THE EARLY MINION WAVES FOR FREE. Aurelion Sol depends on deleting the early minions waves to roam. However, you can repeatedly poke him as he is trying to do this. This will make him stay in lane. Always be paranoid of where Aurelion might be and ping your sidelanes of Aurelion's potential whereabouts. You can act like an assassin and WEQ on top of Aurelion to not get hit by his passive. Push as much as you can to not let Aurelion Sol roam. The higher the elo, the more dangerous Aurelion Sol becomes.
SKILL MATCHUP. Only way to find this matchup is through blind pick. Good luck and use as much of your knowledge of Azir to fight Azir.
DO NOT LET BARD LAND HIS STUN. Otherwise poke him down, you outdamage him and he can't sustain the damage enough.
DO NOT LET BLITZCRANK LAND HIS HOOK. It is pretty simple here, dodge the hook and you're fine. Pre-6 if he lands the hook you can potentially escape using your E. Post-6 you might be screwed due to a full blitz combo.
STAY AWAY FROM THE BRAND ULT DURING A TEAMFIGHT. Brand's ult brings much faster damage than a Shurima Shuffle. Yes, you can engage and stun the Brand, but if Brand ults the damage will chunk you fast.
DO NOT LET BRAUM GET CLOSE. Staple Melee vs Ranged matchup. You naturally outpoke a Braum so keep doing so and you will be fine. Stay away from minions in case Braum decides to W to a minion to close the distance on you.
STAY AWAY FROM HER SUPPORT. If they are a hook champ it will allow Cait to follow up with massive cc and damage. You can outpoke her but it will take more work due to her naturally large auto attack range.
PLAY PASSIVE IN THE EARLY GAME. She can and will play super aggresive by using her rapple/stun whenever she can to force trades. You cannot outtrade her when she does this due to her passive. Play safe, buy an armguard, and get ready for a farm lane.
DO NOT LET CASSIOPEIA LAND HER Q ON YOU. Her Q will allow her to run at you and spam you with her E. She will easily outtrade you early game. Keep poking her with WQ autoes and escape using your E if she lands the Q on you and starts advancing. Cass will always outdamage you if you are even with her in any stage of the game. If you suspect her to ult, try to turn around to not get stunned. Careful, she might try to Ult Flash combo you. Which is nearly unreactable. You cannot E when you are on her W but you can dash through it.
DO NOT LET CHO'GATH KILL YOU. Its honestly that simple. You outscale him no matter what (unless he gets big fed). Any of his skill shots that land are dangerous because they can combo into his other skills easily. Otherwise, you will be able to out damage him mid game when you have your 3rd item.
DO NOT LET CORKI GET NEAR YOU. Keep your distance and poke like how you would with a Cassiopeia. He can outdamage you if you mistakenly go too close to him. This is an actual farm fiesta since the matchup can go either way. Azir has an advantage however, since Azir can threateningly poke. Be careful when Corki has his package. He can use his dash twice if he has the package. Be careful if you see a red bar to the very bottom left of Corki's HP bar. His ult will now shoot a high damaging rocket that can chunk you. Farm as much as you can and do what is necessary to get ahead through roams, skirmishes, farm.
DO NOT LET DARIUS GET CLOSE TO YOU. Its a ranged vs melee matchup. You are in trouble if he gets close to you without making Darius use his E. He can E you if you try to escape. Otherwise, poke him down and shred him once mid game rolls around. Buy a morells 2nd item to stop his Q heal.
DO NOT LET DIANA LAND HER Q. Well... not always. Sometimes you can let Diana engage on you so you can ult her (usually into your turret). You can outpoke her or outtrade her. Make sure to use your Q when Diana is disengaging.
Dr. Mundo
DO NOT LET MUNDO GET TOO NEAR. This hunk of a chad is a walking stat stick. Meaning if he is ahead in items he will run you down no problem. If he’s not, you can easily kill him. Just play the kite and keep away game with him and you should be fine.
DO NOT LET DRAVEN GET AHEAD. A solid ban when playing Azir bot. He will have the early game edge over you but you still can out poke him. Make sure to E to escape if things get hairy. Be careful and play with your support to make sure he does not get ahead and out of control.
DO NOT BE AFRAID TO TRADE WITH EKKO. You actually out damage Ekko if he decides to trade by engaging with his E alone. Just place soldiers on yourself to hit Ekko ,use your E to absorb damage, and use Q on Ekko once Ekko decides to disengage. Keep pushing to make sure Ekko does not roam for free or at all. You cannot intercept Ekko’s E with your ult. The damage will still go through.
WIP (Need more info on jgle Azir)
WIP (Need more info on Jgle Azir)
DO NOT LET EZREAL GET FREE POKE ON YOU. By staying near minions, you can outpoke an Ezreal. However the Ezreal can farm safely by using full range Qs. In that case poke the support instead. Make sure to bait the Ezreal’s E before attempting to Shurima Shuffle him.
WIP (Need more info on Jgle Azir)
WIP Need more info on Top Azir. You can try to bait her reposte which will allow you to freely ult her.
YOU EASILY BEAT FIZZ PRE-6. The Conquerer rune works best against Fizz since you can stack it up by poking Fizz every time he goes for farm. Doing so can easily chunk Fizz before he even reaches level 3. From then on you can probably kill him repeatedly. Post 6 Fizz can ult and engage you. Save your W, E AND Q for his ult. If he ults you can safely dash away. The ult will do no dmg and Fizz will usually be too far away to follow up on his own engage. Keep pushing though to prevent Fizz from roaming and catching up through ganks.
DO NOT LET GALIO ROAM. Yes, Galio is an extremely tanky boy. However, you can still repeatedly push over and over again. Just make sure this man can’t roam and you should get through the lane phase. You can shred Galio Mid game when you have items (specifically void staff). You can take Teleport to follow his ult roams. You can ult him under your turret more reliably because of how his trading pattern works. His dash can be intercepted by your ult. If done correctly you can ult him under your turret before he can react.
DO NOT LET GRAGAS ENGAGE YOU. Anticipate any engage Gragas might do. He will go for Body Slam + Flash to engage you. Predict it and Zhonyas or Flash to counter it. Otherwise you outpoke him in lane.
GET OUT OF LANING PHASE SAFELY IF YOU FACE A GRAVES MID LANE. Azir out damages graves mid game so survive the early game and you will be fine. Do not fight graves early YOU WILL LOSE.
WIP (Need more info on Jgle/Top Azir)
KILL HEIMERDINGER'S TURRETS. You soldiers can easily deal with Heimer's turrets. Just make sure you manage your mana properly when doing this.
WIP (Need more Info on Top Azir)
PLAY PASSIVE EARLY GAME AGAINST IRELIA. She will jump on you and easily outtrade you if you misposition. Buy a armguard to help with her damage and bring exhaust as well.
WIP (Need more info on Jgle Azir)
BAIT HER ULT BEFORE YOU ENGAGE. Janna's disengage ult can easily turn the fight around if you attempt to Shurima Shuffle. The knockback will put you in a really bad position. Otherwise outpoke her in lane.
Jarvan IV
BE CAREFUL IF YOU ARE MID. A J4 Jgle can lvl 2 gank you. If you suspect this to happen get E for your lvl 2 or play super passive lvl 1. (Need more info on Jgle Azir)
YOU CAN PREDICT WHEN JAX WILL JUMP ON YOU. You can use your ult to intercept a Jax leap. WIP (Need more Info on Top/Jgle Azir)
PLAY PASSIVE EARLY GAME. Buy an armguard or even bring exhaust to help survive Jayce's burst or ranged poke. You will outscale but be sure to backline so Jayce can't get to you easily in fights.
DO NOT STAY NEAR MINIONS IN LANE WITH JHIN. A Jhin's Q can bounce onto you and deal more damage based on if the Q has killed anything during its bounces. Stay diligent when Jhin has his 4th shot. Jhin is immobile.
ULT JINX IN TEAMFIGHTS. Taking her out if she is a priority target is important to winning a teamfight. She is immobile and you can outpoke her. Jinx is a followup champ who can't usually fend for herself. You cannot dash through her flame chompers.
LAND YOUR ULT ON KAI'SA. You outpoke Kai'Sa early but she can outdamage you late game if you are even with her. This is why you NEED to land your ult. Doing so will give you time to burst her down.
BUY RYLAIS AND YOU WIN. It's honestly simple as that. The slow from Rylais will slow the Kalista's movespeed and attackspeed which invalidates her from the game.
AVOID GETTING IN KARMA'S SNARE. You both are technically even in poke and Karma can shield herself or her ADC. However, she and her ADC will be immobile which will allow you to Shurima Shuffle with ease.
POKE KARTHUS DOWN. This is a good matchup to buy Luden's. You will be able to outpoke and even outtrade against Karthus by doing so. Buy Zhonyas in order to dodge a Karthus ult or use your E to negate its damage.
BEAT KASSADIN PRE-6. This is a tough matchup due to Kassadin being a anti-mage. You still can poke him down pre-6 by baiting his Q and poking after the shield is down. Play near your turret and freeze the wave there so Kassadin is vulnerable to tanks. He can easily outtrade you post-6. The only way to beat him then is to use your ult in creative ways (such as into turret or into allied CC).
DO NOT LET KATARINA ROAM. A single roam can potentially get Katarina very ahead. Bring Exhaust to help negate her ult damage or damage in general. Bring Barrier if you're comfortable with this matchup. You can ult Katarina when she is using her ult. If Katarina uses her dashes she will be vulnerable, you can drift into her and force a trade.
DO NOT LET KAYLE FARM FOR FREE. Kayle is very vulnerable pre-6 and your lane is a melee v ranged matchup. ABUSE YOUR RANGE ADVANTAGE. Kayle can outdamage you late game so be very careful around her unless her ult is down. This is the time where you can ult her and kill her.
ADAPT TO WHAT FORM KAYN USES. Buy a zhonyas against blue form and morellos against red form. Do not let Kayn land his W on you because that is his main engage tool.
DISENGAGE IF KENNEN ULTS. Play the laning phase like a farm lane or find your own way to play this lane. Kennen is very scary because of his ult. You cannot respond with your own ult because you will get stunned from staying in Kennen's ult for too long. Disengage is one of the best options. You can attempt to instead go past Kennen and engage the enemy team instead but that will be hard to do.
WIP (Need more Jgle Azir info) You can intercept a Kha'Zix leap with your ult and can kill him that way.
WIP (Need more info on Top Azir)
DO NOT LET KOG'MAW FARM FOR FREE. He is an immobile ADC with crazy damage output. Ult him in teamfights to potentially kill him. You want to focus him down first, especially if he is with a compatible support like Lulu.
USE YOUR E IF LEBLANC TRIES TO GO IN. LeBlanc's W hitbox is small you if you use your E towards her you can actually dodge the W. You can win a trade that way but be careful since your E is now down. You have the waveclear advantage so push into Leblanc so she will not be able to roam safely.
Lee Sin
WIP (Need more info on Jgle Azir)
You can intercept a Lee Sin Q with your ult. With that Idea in mind, if Lee Sin tries to Insec you, ult towards your turret before Lee Sin ults to kill him.
DO NOT LET LEONA LAND HER CC ABILITIES. She will lock you down for a long time and you will get killed because of it. Play safe around her and poke her when her Q stun is down.
DO NOT LET LISSANDRA ENGAGE YOU. Lissandra might not always go on you but escape if she does attempt to do so. You can outpoke her in lane but stay near your turret so you aren't at risk for a gank/Lissandra engage. Push if she decides to roam.
LUCIAN CAN OUTDAMAGE YOU EARLY GAME. You can buy an armguard or bring exhaust if his damage is too much for you. You should be able to outdamage/outpoke him mid game so stay safe till then.
DO NOT LET LULU POKE YOU DOWN. Her WQ combo can get really annoying and her polymorph can stop your engage entirely. You will die if she does that.
SKILL MATCHUP. This is basically wether you can dodge Lux's skills or not. Dodging her skillshots will allow you to poke her down. Lux is immobile so you can easily Shurima Shuffle her down.
DO NOT LET MALPHITE GET AHEAD. Stay even with him no matter what playstyle he is going for (Tank/AP). You will be able to outdamage him later.
BUY QSS FOR MALZAHAR'S ULT. This will depend on if the Malzahar focuses you or your ADC. Buying QSS will negate his purpose as a champ. You can use your Q to one hit Malzahar's voidlings and stop his waveclear. Buy berzerkers greaves if you need the extra waveclear.
BUY A VOID STAFF AND/OR MORELLOS. This will allow you to reliably damage maokai. Be careful around bushes because it will allow Maokai to outtrade you by using his bread and butter sapling combo.
Master Yi
USE YOUR ULT WHEN MASTER YI Q's YOU. Doing so will put Yi in a terrible position which will allow you to easily kill him.
Miss Fortune
STAY AWAY FROM MINIONS. MF will use her Q and her E to poke you down. Out poke her by dodging her Q.
YOU CAN QSS A MORDEKAISER'S ULT. He is like Malzahar but tankier. He is able to run you over if you get too close. If you use your ult while Mord ults you, your ult will not hit Mord.
DODGE HER Q AT ALL COSTS. Buy a cleanse just in case. Be careful of her black shield. Bait it or destroy it before ulting.
YOU OUTPOKE NAMI. She cannot sustain fast enough. Make sure to avoid her ult, she will ult in response to your engage.
POKE NASUS. Buy a morellos if necessary and use your E to drift out if Nasus uses his W on you and advances.
AVOID NAUTILUS' HOOK. He will lock you down. You can shorten or extend Naut's ult depending on where you go even while you drift. Keep that in mind.
DO NOT STAY NEAR MINIONS. Neeko's spells are better used on minions since they become empowered by hitting anything. Stay away from them and poke her.
DO NOT LET ZED FIND YOU ISOLATED FROM MINIONS. Many Azir's have problems with Zed due to how squishy Azir is as a champion. Zed is offline until he is level 3. Make sure to poke him without pushing the wave during this time. The only way he can sustain during this is health potions and the Taste of Blood Rune. Always build seekers armguard as fast as you can to help mitigate Zed's burst damage. Zed's main damage tool is his shurikens (Q). Every time his Q hits something, the next entity it hits will take reduced damage. Always stay with you minions to take reduced damage from Zed's Q. Always Ult Zed AWAY from YOU AND YOUR TURRET when Zed ults unless you KNOW FOR A FACT that you can kill him fast. Push when you can so that Zed cannot roam to other lanes but also make sure he can't easily damage you by staying within your minions.
Take an Electrocute runeset (preferably with taste of blood). You can outtrade and outsustain a xerath if you dodge enough of his abilities. Follow the Anti-Artilery runeset + GLP build for efficient utility and sustain.
He has great engage for you to follow up on.
She can land charms for you to follow up on.
Annie’s ult is great for you to follow up on.
If you are support Azir you can reliably engage post 6 and expect Aphelios to easily follow up.
You both have slows, and if you’re support Azir you likely have even MORE SLOWS.
Aurelion Sol
Who said ally Aurelion Sol roams aren’t good? If you engage with you ult you can put the enemies in a good position for an allied Aurelion’s passive.
Stuns, heals, and engage. Pretty nice for Azir.
It’s like an Azir support but with better early game with the stun and stupid damage. Having him with you when you engage is a fun time.
Sadly soldiers don’t proc Braum’s passive. You have to manually auto. It’s doable but it’s annoying.
If you’re support Azir you are basically poking the enemy like there is no tomorrow. Caitlyn can do that too so you are effectively a poke duo. But she’s more aligned towards long range and can’t follow up as well compared to other ADCs when you engage with your ult.
Heavy early game energy here. You can actually all in level 3 when you do support Azir.
He has great engage for you to follow up on.
She can land charms for you to follow up on.
Annie’s ult is great for you to follow up on.
If you are support Azir you can reliably engage post 6 and expect Aphelios to easily follow up.
You both have slows, and if you’re support Azir you likely have even MORE SLOWS.
Aurelion Sol
Who said ally Aurelion Sol roams aren’t good? If you engage with you ult you can put the enemies in a good position for an allied Aurelion’s passive.
Stuns, heals, and engage. Pretty nice for Azir.
It’s like an Azir support but with better early game with the stun and stupid damage. Having him with you when you engage is a fun time.
Sadly soldiers don’t proc Braum’s passive. You have to manually auto. It’s doable but it’s annoying.
If you’re support Azir you are basically poking the enemy like there is no tomorrow. Caitlyn can do that too so you are effectively a poke duo. But she’s more aligned towards long range and can’t follow up as well compared to other ADCs when you engage with your ult.
Heavy early game energy here. You can actually all in level 3 when you do support Azir.
HI! I'm ROENsp. I'm currently a Diamond 4 Azir OTP who can play Azir in 3 of the 5 roles currently (Mid/Supp/Bot). I currently rank to be one of the best Azir players in North America (Top 100 in NA). Although I am not as good compared to many other Azir players with better macro play and decision making (such as say erenLOL, Eleyete, WitnessAzir, Twittyparker, and many more), I am extremely excited and eager to share as much knowledge as I can who might be interested in Azir and want to learn him.
This is currently a WIP guide. I am working on this guide when I can and it is the very first MOBAfire guide so please bear with me. I am currently working on putting as much content as I can into this guide before spicing it up with some good looking images and text. Please note that this guide will initially look clunky.
Table of Contents
Pros and Cons
+ Versatile and Fluid Kit + Crazy High Skill Ceiling + Large diversity in playstyles and build options + Great Lane Bully + Insane Mobility and Engage Potential + Immense Late Game Power
- High Learning Floor - Squishy - Any mistakes are punished hard - Long and Arduous Learning Curve
What is Azir?
Azir is a hyper-carry control mage that captializes on his raw damage output, zoning, and engage potential to carry his team through teamfights and skirmishes. Although Azir is mainly classified as a control mage, Azir's Conquering Sands, Arise!, and Shifting Sands produces defensive gameplay similar to an ADC. This ADC-like kit allows Azir to kite and backline effectively.
However, Azir's ult: Emperor's Divide can be used offensively and defensively. Emperor's divide can be used defensively to supplement his ADC-like playstyle or to offensively engage and burst down an enemy backline. Using Azir's ult as a offensive engage requires the use of Azir's other abilities. Doing this puts all of Azir's abilities on cooldown which creates a high-risk high-reward senario.
This offensive engage has been dubbed by the Azir community as the SHURIMA Shuffle and is one of the main reasons why Azir has a high learning floor and ceiling. Understanding when to or not to engage the enemy is one of the keys to successfuly play Azir and is one of the main reasons why Azir is considered hard to play.
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