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pretty hard - he has sustain and revive, you are antiburst. engage when his revive is on cooldown, keep your distance
one of the few assasins capable of countering you. she can just wait for your ult to pass then attack as she is not very combo reliant
just dodge his headbutt and you should be fine. keep your distance, though
watch for his build for too much tankies, dodge Q and win!
dodge her stun, go out from ult, heal and shield. you need to use everything you have but okay
you counter her. use your ult immediately after she starts attacking you, she is instanuke - interrupt her and kill her. make her awesome burst useless
challenging. both of you are capable of keeping distance but her damage output can be higher. ask for a gank
use shield when you see many soldiers spawned. keep close to him as his ult can stop his chase, but never overextend yourself catching him
try to dodge his Q, otherwise mash R during grab to waste his combo and kill him
hard CC is countering you and he has awesome sustain above. ask for a gank, dodge things...
hide behind minions, outlane or outsustain him. double think before chasing him
ult her ult, dodge harass, don't step on traps. However, she is hard to kill as she has better range and knockback too. ask for a gank
never mind using your ult at the beggining of the fight as you can beat her quickly - you negate most of her damaging potential when you don't get poisoned quickly
Harry him by E and dodge his harass, deny him feast. outlane him by denying farm, double think before chasing him
dodge his phosphorous bomb and ult, ult his E and you should be fine
when he grabs you wait for his third AA then ult and kill
dodge her Q otherwise ult after her ult but she counters you
Dr. Mundo
buy morellonomicon instead of lich bane, dodge Q. challenging pickup
ult when he starts. try to Q him. Hard matchup
stay behind minions to avoid stun. use ult when she changes to spider to avoid spiders
try to keep distance enough big to avoid melee but enough small to not lose vision of her that may be crucial, ult her ult
dodge his abilities, ult when low on health. no SS make hitting him easy
wise fiddles would dark wind you first to negate all your damage. ult his w to reduce healing, but he counters you much
ult her ult or e and you will reduce most of her damage. watch for guardian but okay matchup
ult his ult, keep distance, get kill... He's a good dodger but Kayle has nothing to dodge...
dodge things, ult his ult, get something on MPen instead of rabadon's, attack the nonbulwarked. counter on you but also almost no damage
dodge ult, ult Q, buy morellonomicon instead of lich bane
dodge E, ult ult, buy zhonya's instead of lich bane. keep distance
good sustain, fury and range makes him a counter. when you are near to killing him he will transform into a high HP tank.
avoid body slamming, dodge Q [so easy] and ult. change morellonomicon for lich bane
get out of W, keep distance, dodge buckshots, not chase him unless you are sure you'll kill him
he'd try to cover great distance by E so when you see him retreat and hope it would pass without damage. a morellonomicon instead of lich bane
destroy his turrets before engage, dodge or ult ulted W
ult her hiten or E and kill her as she is squishy
Jarvan IV
ult when he is about to ult on you, never stand between him and standard, get pens instead of rab's or lich
ult his stun but he counters you
different as what he prefers. dodge orbs, ult melee attacks...
ult her ult, dodge zaps... still a counter, but a gank may get you ahead
ult when you have many stacks of rend. ask for a gank
dodge everything. be wary after teamfights when you have both savers on CD, but okay matchup
you are good against caster, but when he plays countercaster get void staff instead of lich
ult her burst, an ignite may also work well
know yourself. keep close for Qs, engage after ult, save your ult for last moment, keep Qing until her ult passes then E or outlane her by E
ult his E and ult, dodge Q. keep small distance for quick Q but enough large for his Qs dodge
keep near minions, don't chase him. tricky ult though
keep moving to dodge while E and Q or just ult and **** on everything just kill him fast
ult her burst and Q her often to make escapes harder. no kill season, though
Lee Sin
hard one. ult his ult, keep healing and distance
try ult to interrrupt her combo. try keep distance and dodge stuff...
avoid his ult by flash, Q and E him, ult his abilities
dodge stuff. harry her
dodge Q. hard one, literally
ult ult, dodge stuff, heal... stick on him
ult ult, keep distance, early boots with enchant recommended
Master Yi
ult his ult. keep behind many minions, get void as described before
Miss Fortune
dodge stuff ang get a melee with you to carry the impure shots
made of metal. ult when you are low on health, ask for protection. countering you
dodge stun and ult ult, ask for gank
counter, avoid her.
wither is effective counter - use the low range of it and always keep distance ABAP
dodge ult and Q. or ult ult. harry him. you not need kill him, just keep your minions winning and harass him
dodge Qs and ult her assault
dodge Qs, this is like to be easy
avoid ult and ult his burst
keep distance, but easy
counter to you
dodge his jumps, keep distance. ult ult
tricky one
ult her assault
your cheapest counter
dodge stuff, keep distance
cruel enemy
dodge E and morellonomicon...
almost same as you but constant damage.
dodge stuff, ask for protection.
counters you. get close and make her run out mana
ask for help
ult. run him short on mana
ult ult. nothing to say here
tricky guy. ult when his ult is about to end
astonishing. make his awesome armor useless. a bit annoying, though
ask for help
dodge Q and ult when he is close
kills you from a better distance
morellonomicon and distance.
morellonomicon a bit earlier and help from team
hard to kill as rats usually are
try keeping distance, ask for help
keep dodging, gank.
ult ult to break her burst or ask a tank to absorb the damage. not as hard as seems
avoid stun, ult ult... Harassing or denying farm will work good
ult and he will be low on mana quickly
ult her burst and kill her
run him out of mana
keep close to him, morellonomicon
try keep your distance, stay near turrets
try to keep your distance. not waste your ult unless you really need it after his ult
wukong, zhao, yasuo. all the same. you counter them all by quitting their burst
Something got wrong and I cannot add AP Carry section. If someone knows how to deal with that write in comments please. It never saves the champion build.
This guide is pretty much like ExtremeKabuto'sKayle - an unique kind of AP Carry, but provides different tactics. Items are changed only a little, however. Hello folks! My name is Vít Matějíček, summoners witekmat and nick on mobafire jungle everywhere (yes I am from Czech Republic, your browser or web may change some letters of my name...). I am a player (mainly jungler)not reached lvl. 30 yet :-(. I play Kayle pretty long with both roles, getting extraordinary results. For example, I late game killed fullbuild Sion that stacked HP. He had 6000 HP. Hit me with all abilities. Blocked Unstoppable Onslaught and E with Intervention, negated Q and W with Divine Blessing, killed him... With most health remained :-)
Pros / Cons
Pros / Cons
+hard to itemize against
+hard to kill as Carry while still dealing huge amounts of damage
+good support
+high splash damage-too litle CC
-when supporting easy to kill
-sometimes hard to catch enemies after decimating them with E
Rework of this section in progress.
Item Explanation
It buffs your supporting abilities for an AS buff. Also gives some AP along with mana regen. Gives MPen aura and AP - AP carry will do more damage. Gives AP, CDR and, what is important, reduces healing. Pick this against supports and self healing ones. Watch for this item as Carry Something like BotRK for AP. The stacking Mpen and percentual damage along with Arcane Blade will help you against tanks. Helps with spamming. Especially good for hybrids. Mixed damage and crazy healing.
greater quintessence of hybrid penetration I said it is hard to itemize against you, but when you have to deal with two champs one stacking armor, second MR or a tank with large amounts of armor/MR from abilities or base stats buying items for the second, it is also hard for you to get both pens. This almost gets you rid of the problem along with unusual early damage. Gets you better physical DPS than AD runes and also helps with Righteous Fury, making it one of the best DPS runes. You are Carry, not tank. Offensive runes are better due to your healing and shielding potential. Gives the best stats from seals. More survivability than armor seals. Damage seals are worthless... Just the best from seals.
Fine AP boon.
Some support masteries as Kayle is best in teamfights to multiply the dmage done by allies. Casual damage masteries. Casual defense masteries.
Team Work
Team Work
Start playing support - see the support section below in this chapter. Heal your ally, though the carry is you to obliterate enemies. Early game most people try to kill the carry first, so play like toplane support. When the enemy finally realizes that you are the carry, start protecting yourself as the most-DPS carry. First blast enemy carry with Reckoning, then back and Righteous Fury from safe range. Enchantment: Furor will help you catch casual fleeing enemy. When still struggling to catch, Divine Blessing will work for healing you after battle and movement. Focused you? Does not matter. You have Intervention. Or ask your support or tank to protect you. Your E will decimate multiple enemies from reasonable distance.
Work like normal support. Do not fear using Intervention often, it has low CD and can turn the tide of both early 2v2 and late big teamfights. This can give you two assists and double kill to your carry.
Kayle's basic attacks against enemy champions reduces their armor and magic resistance by 3% for 5 seconds (stacks up to 5 times).Nice against tanks and squishies, especially early and very late game
Blasts a target, dealing 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 (+60% of ability power) (+1.0 per bonus attack damage) magic damage, applying a stack of Holy Fervor and slowing its Movement Speed by 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55% for 3 seconds.Slow and nice damage packed. Stacking with AD and AP. Low range - potential threat, so sometimes skip using this for initiation to direct attack with E (low threat). Never use this in teamfight unless you really need it as Kayle walks in range. Target may start retreating and you'll find yourself in a middle of the enemy team, with a dire need to use Intervention not in the right moment. This is a bit more duelling ability.
Blesses a target allied champion, healing them for 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 205 (+45% of ability power) health and increasing their movement speed by 18 / 21 / 24 / 27 / 30 (+7% per 100 ability power) % for 3 seconds.Stacks good with AP. As a carry, you do not need putting more points in it as it stacks with your AP. Same for support, with the exception of changing with Righteous Fury. You need supp damage too and early game with your AP the heal is very strong. Where it would fall of mid game you have enough points in it as support. Both cathegories: Costs a lot of mana - do not use it too often early game as you can shortly run off your mana.
Kayle harnesses her righteous fury to increase her attack range by 400 for 10 seconds. These attacks splash, dealing 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+25% of ability power) additional magic damage to her target with nearby units taking 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 % of her attack damage plus magic damage. This splash damage does not affect turrets.Most discussed Kayle ability. When you target turret, minions would take damage. When you target minions, turret will take no damage. During it you are considered ranged ( Ravenous Hydra and Runaan's Hurricane are related to that). It is considered both spell cast and basic attacking, making it trigger all items related to that such as Lich Bane and Wit's End or Guinsoo's Rageblade and benefiting from both AP and AD. With this build this is your main damage and farm. You are going to use it more than AA - max it first. Low mana cost, long duration, short cooldown. Use this all the time. What else?
Kayle bathes a target ally champion (or herself) in a holy light, rendering them immune to all damage for 2 / 2.5 / 3 seconds.Use this when the enemy team targets you or the most DPS carry. Use often.Sometimes it is good to use when you get to a 1v3 or more situation fro a quick and flawless escape. In teamfights do not concentrate on one enemy too much or you'll be forced to use this not in the optimal moment. Fleeing enemies are your assasin's matter. Early game one of the strongest lifesaving tools - use this often before the teamfight season begins. Late game when casual laning use this to evade ultimates. Remain wary, this makes you immune only to damage, CC like stuns or hooks or even terrifies still work.
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