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Syndra Build Guide by Tiber the Terribad

Middle Introducing Syndra Bowling

Middle Introducing Syndra Bowling

Updated on December 19, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tiber the Terribad Build Guide By Tiber the Terribad 2,318 Views 0 Comments
2,318 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Tiber the Terribad Syndra Build Guide By Tiber the Terribad Updated on December 19, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Syndra
    5v5 Mid
  • LoL Champion: Syndra


Syndra Is perhaps one of my favorite champions, but she is highly under rated many find it hard to use her as she requires a basic understanding of geometry to play effectively. Learning how to use her skills in seconds is key.
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Pros / Cons

    - High Damage
    - Long range
    - Unstoppable if played right
    - Can throw tibbers at Annie. (Or steal enemy jungle buffs from their jungle always funny.)

    - Very squishy
    - Often ganked
    - You can get over confident and push too far
    - Mana hungry
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Marks: Magic penetration, pretty simple why we need those.
Seals: Mana hungry lady, these seals help alot.
Glyphs: You can use scaling or flat if you would rather be stronger early or later game.
quints: More ap = better
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Pretty standard AP Carry.
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Stack alot of ability power and magic penetration, crystal scepter isnt a bad idea for even more slow, and health.
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Skill Sequence

Q, well everything you do revolves around this max it first always. If you can keep four down you can shoot 7 balls with your ult.

W, Why at level four? Well it is handy, and hilarious and does very good damage, it is just not very helpful in keeping you alive or farming. I find that it is better at lvl 4 and maxed last.

E, At level two this gives you a combo stun and an ability to do multiple last hits if needed or push that ganker away and possible stun. (I tend to cast sphere than cast that instantly after by time it is down it will kick the ball and stun whoever you aimed at.

R, Good at initiation or ending. If you use it at start or half way through than use scatter the weak on the pile of balls to shotgun them with stuns.
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Flash: Get out of **** up free card.

Ghost: Works as well better for chasing down enemies

Ignite: Good to finish. Needed for Vlad, Mundo, Warwick, Irellia. Super Vampy people.
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This is where some Syndras muck it up. End up wasting all their mana on ball spamming. I use it to last hit only if there are multiple creeps to last hit and or i can get the enemy champ in the aoe otherwise I just float about and Last hit, and harass the enemy, Syndra's range is superb and she can keep others from the farm while she eats it up.
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Unique Skills

The best thing about Syndra is not only her great damage or her range, but the fact she has no casting time, she does not need to stop moving to cast. This is also one of the Harder skills to learn for some people. This makes it easy to set up a bowling ball stun with Q & E to a pursuing enemy as more often than not both spells will hit the enemy.

Bowling ball stun: Drop Q at your feet or at about half range of Scatter the weak (E) (max if needed)than in the same instant press E so the ball will go which way you want (facing direction matters)

Point blank BBS: Something to keep in mind, the BBS can be done even if the enemy is between you and the ball. If for example they are at your feet, and the ball is behind them if you hit scatter the weak, they will be pushed back into the path of the ball, which than will be sent flying stunning them.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tiber the Terribad
Tiber the Terribad Syndra Guide
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Introducing Syndra Bowling

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