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Irelia Build Guide by ChronicRedEye

Irelia - Ferver of an Ionian

Irelia - Ferver of an Ionian

Updated on February 7, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ChronicRedEye Build Guide By ChronicRedEye 5,590 Views 4 Comments
5,590 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ChronicRedEye Irelia Build Guide By ChronicRedEye Updated on February 7, 2012
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Why And When

I find this to work better than most of the guides I've seen here I've tried a lot of them and always found myself changing things,usually nothing huge but always something. I already have people telling me its bad, i know for a fact that it's not i don't mind constructive criticism but ideally one would try the build first before telling someone its bad
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I can play Irelia solo top or in the jungle, with absolutely no problem in either area. I always end up carrying my team hard and dominating late game, and a friend of mine urged me to put up a guide. I have no idea how to write these things. I had him do the formatting for me.

I'll work on this more when I have time, but for now, I'll post the very basics.
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Summoner Spells

If I'm going top lane i bring the usual Teleport Flash
if I'm going into the jungle i bring the typical Smite and then decide between Flash and Ghost I like shost because shes got such a good gap closer that sometimes you just need the little speed boost but it becomes slightly less useful late game once you complete your Shurelya's Battlesong

For Jungling, I choose

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Why I chose these Masteries

I choose mostly offensive masteries because Irelia is an offensive champion, meant to be in the fray throwing damage. I took a little bit from the defensive tree to help my early game as well.

If jungling, I'd change the masteries to:

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Why I chose these Runes


Fleet Footwork
Dark Harvest
Phase Rush

I chose these because I need the armor penetration to maximize my damage, the attack speed early really helps, and the resistances and defense are incredibly helpful against what COULD be a 1 versus 2 lane, I like to take all the mitigation I can with me without sacrificing any damage, so I have offense and defense relatively balanced.

I use the same runes to jungle as I do to solo top, except I replace the 6 penetration runes with more flat attack speed runes.
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I start with a Regrowth Pendant for the extra gold per second and to later work into Shurelya's Battlesong for the speed boost, health, and regen. Then I move on to a philosopher's stone for the extra gold per second. This is my typical core starting build, and makes for a good early game. After I finish this, I grab my Boots.

I go for Wriggle's Lantern next for the farm, leech, and defense, not to mention a free ward. If for any reason you end up needing magic resistances, instead of Wriggle's Lantern, feel free to build Spirit Visage, though this might hurt your late game since you'll need to sell it, since it doesn't turn into anything. I then move on to Heart of Gold for more gold per 5, and then move onto a Phage. She has great poking and farming, so you don't particularly need the damage early game.

The next item I try and go for is a Sheen, she's an auto attacker, so she benefits heavily from the heavy extra damage after using an ability. I move on to pick up Trinity Force to amplify the damage further. I grab my Giant's Belt for later and then build both the philo and the heart of gold into their greater versions, Randuin's Omen and Shurelya's Battlesong, and complete with a Warmog's Armor for incredible sustain. If you got this far, you're doing something wrong with her. The game should be over before you can complete your build. If it isn't then sell your Wriggle's Lantern and get Bloodthirster

Alternate jungle build: I rush Wriggle's Lantern because it's every jungler's friend. Then I move on to Boots, and the next actual item I build is Wit's End for faster clear time, better ganks, and some resists. I complete my boots, depending on situation (see later in this section). Trinity Force takes some time to build, and I work on that next. I move on to Warmog's Armor for more life, pick up a B.F. Sword, and sell my Wriggle's Lantern in order to buy Bloodthirster since the leech and damage is better for late game. I finish the build with a situational armor. Either Force of Nature and Mercury's Treads for AP heavy teams or Randuin's Omen for AD heavy teams, with Ninja Tabi as boots. Late game, if you're absolutely dominating, feel free to sell your boots for Phantom Dancer because you're THAT badass.

Keep in mind when ganking that it can be beneficial and advantageous for Irelia to gank while the enemy is at a lower health than her because of her Hiten Style. Nearly anything that will give her attack damage is a viable option, so I'll spare you the "optional gear" section until I feel like writing it. I only recently worked Wit's End into my general jungling gear and found it to be an amazing help.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ChronicRedEye
ChronicRedEye Irelia Guide
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Irelia - Ferver of an Ionian

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