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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Determination (PASSIVE)
Xin Zhao Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Early Game
-Start red
-Gank mid level 2 if possible
-If you dont gank level 2 go red-blue-gromp-scuttle (or invade enemy red) and try to find a gank mid-top or reset for botside jungle
-After first few minutes prioritize botside jungle for an early dragon
-Gank mid level 2 if possible
-If you dont gank level 2 go red-blue-gromp-scuttle (or invade enemy red) and try to find a gank mid-top or reset for botside jungle
-After first few minutes prioritize botside jungle for an early dragon
Mid game/Late Game
-Establish vision control aroud objectives and try to take them out
-Flash agressively for kills
-Late game you cant solo much anymore, try to group and frontline for your team
-Biggest factor late game is timing your ultimate
-Flash agressively for kills
-Late game you cant solo much anymore, try to group and frontline for your team
-Biggest factor late game is timing your ultimate
Strengths and weaknesses
-early 1v1s
-level 2 ganks
-Early game
-Falls off (hard) late game
-Bad mobility if you find yourself out of position
-early 1v1s
-level 2 ganks
-Early game
-Falls off (hard) late game
-Bad mobility if you find yourself out of position
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