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Ability Order
Way of the Wanderer (PASSIVE)
Yasuo Passive Ability
Here are the Jungle main advantages and disadvantages of Yasuo:
- High mobility
- Very good and fast wave clear
- High snowball potential
- Good Gank potential
- Really fun to learn
- No escape abilities (you have to rely on the enemy minions to outplay and escape)
- Squishy early game
- Very hard to carry games solo
- Very high skill cap
- High mobility
- Very good and fast wave clear
- High snowball potential
- Good Gank potential
- Really fun to learn
- No escape abilities (you have to rely on the enemy minions to outplay and escape)
- Squishy early game
- Very hard to carry games solo
- Very high skill cap
Start Red -> Raptors -> Wolves -> Blue -> Gromp -> (Look Top for Gank Potential!) -> Top Crab -> (Look Mid for Gank Potential!) -> Bot Crab -> (Look Bot for Gank Potential!)
You can dont do crabs and recall for items if you low hp.
But normally you can survive it because you buy 3 Potions at Start
You can dont do crabs and recall for items if you low hp.
But normally you can survive it because you buy 3 Potions at Start
When you play Yasuo Jungle, you're expected to be a little bit squishy than usual. Sometimes you wont have another tank in your teams so you will have to be the one doing the engages.
But if you do have another tank and someone who can engage instead of you, remember that you don't always have to go in on the first knockup. Sometimes you can have a whirlwind ready and use it after your tank has engaged and maybe get 2 or more people in the air before using your ULT.
But you can normally 1v1 or 1v2 if you are dont sucking ._.
But if you do have another tank and someone who can engage instead of you, remember that you don't always have to go in on the first knockup. Sometimes you can have a whirlwind ready and use it after your tank has engaged and maybe get 2 or more people in the air before using your ULT.
But you can normally 1v1 or 1v2 if you are dont sucking ._.
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