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Recommended Items
Runes: Default
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Default
Friend of the Forest (PASSIVE)
Ivern Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Ziggs counters Ivern thematically and can be extremely oppressive in laning phase. His AOE damage makes it extremely hard for Ivern to play the game since Ivern only has a single-target shield. Moonstone still helps a bit, but Ziggs easily out damages the healing. You need to win the game very early before Ziggs can finish his core items and start dishing out insane amounts of damage that you cannot deal with. I also recommend rushing Mikael's, or at least a Negatron Cloak, before buying redemption for the MR and CC removal for his minefield.
Olaf absolutely loves enchanters, especially Ivern. Olaf is one of the strongest early game champions, and enchanters like Ivern allow him to be even stronger without falling off nearly as hard in the late game. You can use your bushes to try to mask Olaf when he wants to use Undertoe, making it much harder to react to. Plus Undertoe's slow makes Ivern's Triggerseed almost guaranteed to deal damage bar the enemy flashing or dashing away.
Olaf absolutely loves enchanters, especially Ivern. Olaf is one of the strongest early game champions, and enchanters like Ivern allow him to be even stronger without falling off nearly as hard in the late game. You can use your bushes to try to mask Olaf when he wants to use Undertoe, making it much harder to react to. Plus Undertoe's slow makes Ivern's Triggerseed almost guaranteed to deal damage bar the enemy flashing or dashing away.
Champion Build Guide


One trick I find useful for the early game after level 6 is using

Here are two short videos showing this mechanic in Practice Tool from each PoV:
As can be seen in the videos above, spawning

Also as promised earlier, here is a chart showing how Ivern's effective health scales with each of his items at all levels, aside from

With certain team compositions and game states, it is not a bad idea to eventually build


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