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Hi guys my name is Techlord, you may say I am not the best League of Legends player, but I do like to shine as a champion when I am playing them,

I enjoy playing

I enjoy playing top lane to a large degree, aswell as jungle, I like to play a champion who is usually average with a kit that can provide alot, thus the reason I also love

This is my first guide, so go easy on me :P
Long range poke that has small AOE.
Has amazing power at all points in the game.
Acceleration gate can provide aid in laning aswell as during teamfights.
He has the potential to burst towers quickly.
Thundering Blow deals a ton of damage to tanky champs as it does %DMG
Can simply stomp top lane with his range

Very mana hungry at all stages of the game.
Again, very hard to master.

He may not be as all up in your face as

Jayce is a ton of fun and if used correctly can be a total beast against anybody.

Seals: Armor is simply the only viable choice for seals on

Glyphs: Again, only MR glyphs as you again need a little extra defense, to give you an all round stat bonus to counter any opponent.
Quints: AD Quints are very effective to help with early game damage, Movement speed or amour Pen are also viable choices, Only if you can last hit WELL.

Jayce' melee form can provide alot of power when in lane, please do not stay in ranged when playing Jayce, switch forms to confuse your opponent to thinking how you will initiate or if you will initiate, normally, go in to melee form from ranged after farming abit to gain the speed increase with

Jayce' ranged form allows for alot of damage At a large range, harassing with

Other useful summoner spells:

Jayce can Excel when using summoner spells correctly to aid with his kit, he can use

Build these two before boots unless boots are completely viable at early points in the game, if you feel you need more mobility against champions such as

Build these items into

Other Viable options:


Mid Game:During mid game, hopefully your top lane tower has been pushed at this point meaning you can assist in other lanes, usually past the 20 minute mark. At this point you should be well on your way to getting

Late Game: At this point, you should almost be fully built, continue pushing towers and get Baron at a safe time, ensure you buy wards when you can to assist your team with there map awareness, When in teamfights, target the squishy ADC or mid laner first, other than that, anybody who is fed try to

Darius as a matchup is failry easy if you play it correctly. Darius is a scary enemy to be faced against, as Jayce, you must take advantage of your long range poke with your accelerated

Teemo, for Jayce, is a very easy Matchup if,done correctly. Teemo is a very squishy champion and can easily be shutdown.
Not finished yet.

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