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Poppy Build Guide by JaykeTheFennec

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Top Jayke's Poppy Guide For Top

Updated on July 8, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author JaykeTheFennec Build Guide By JaykeTheFennec 50,142 Views 1 Comments
50,142 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author JaykeTheFennec Poppy Build Guide By JaykeTheFennec Updated on July 8, 2018
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Greetings summoners!
My name is JaykeTheFennec, and I'd like to welcome you to my newly updated Poppy Guide (as of 7/7/18). In this guide i'm gonna go into detail on many things about Poppy, Keeper of the Hammer. This includes her Pros and Cons, Spells, Runes, Items, and Combos for Poppy. If this guide doesn't fit your needs or you think some stuff should be added, please give me some constructive criticism in the comments! If you think the guide is alright for a scrub like me, please up-vote it, it helps a lot ^_^

Why I Made This Guide?
You see, in a faraway land, there was a once a teenager, this teenager had absolutely no life whatsoever, and he used all of his time playing this little, underground indie game ran by a small company known as League of Legends. This game interested the young, strapping wimp of a man, so he decided he wanted to help others become as wimpy as him. He set out to make guides on another small, unknown site named Mobafire. So he decided to start his first guide with a champion he had been playing since the first day he made his League of Legends account. This champion is only known as The Keeper of the Hammer, otherwise referred to as Poppy.

In all though, I wanted to start my guide-creation path with a character I am very familiar with and know much about in the game. Poppy was my second ever played character in League of Legends and is currently my 2nd highest mastery champion (when making this guide of course XD). These reasons led me to believe I could make maybe not a great guide, but a pretty good guide on Poppy.

Basic Champion Information
Poppy is a champion that is easily forgettable to the casual player. However when in the right hands and the right team comp, Poppy can be an absolute beast of a character. From her roaming to her cc, Poppy can be completely annoying if you don't counter her early on.

Poppy is a champion that isn't played much anymore, but is used when some certain team comp builds are played. Poppy early game is a bully in the Top Lane, using mostly her Q and E to lockdown the enemy top-laner and giving control of the upper jungles and possibly upper objectives such as Rift or Baron. To build onto this, Poppy is good throughout the whole game and should be picked for her teamfight compatibility and her CC in late game. Sadly though there are some reasons Poppy isn't picked, including her lack of sustain and her ability to be easily killed when caught out in lane or during a teamfight.

Poppy is now-adays more used as a support character, as many guides might say, but I still believe that she is very viable top-lane in some conditions. Using her roaming, her CC, and her early burst dmg, she can make her lane easy. Her tankiness, 4v5 ult, and her dash-block also make her very usefull and a key part in most of the teamfights throughout the game.

Overall she is Tanky, Annoying to Fight, A CC Madhouse, and a very good pick for your games.

About Me
My name is Jacob, more commonly known as JaykeTheFennec on my social media, including Youtube, Twitch, Twitter, and more. I normally do not do League of Legends content on any media but I will often stream to both of the above streaming services when I am bored of recording more visual novels for my trash Youtube channel. Anyways thought if you want to support me in any way shape or form, make sure to Subscribe or Follow me on any Social Media you see fit, and perhaps you could Donate anything you would seem fit.

Pros and Cons

Brief Overview

- Ultimate makes 4v5 Teamfight
- Early Burst Damage is Good
- Nice Roaming Capability
- Passive Tankiness
- Very Good Terrain CC
- Never Falls off Throughout Game

- Ultimate can save enemy champions
- True Damage is a Killer
- Super Kitable
- No to Little Sustain
- Only All-in Damage

Detailed Information

In closer view to Poppy she has quite a few things going for her. Her early game is godly her percent health dmg is incredibly annoying for any champion your against in-lane. Following this up you have your W for the Yasuo counters and once hitting 3 your E will ruin any top-laners day.

Adding more to this is her passive tankiness, although True Damage does kill her fairly fast, he pure resistances cancel any sort of ADC who wants to give you a bad time. This helps her early game since her tankiness really counters her enemy laner if your runes are built correctly. This ability to be an early lane bully and have tanky stats give her incredible roam potential since she could walk down river to mid flash into an E and give her mid-laner an easy kill to advance them further. And most of the time the enemy won't know either and won't have the time to respond to her play.

Her last influential pro in her kit is her Ult, this thing can win you the game if used right. It can turn a teamfight around easily and make it a 4v5, 3v5, or less depending. Its also a good escape tool for your team, knocking enemies away so they can't catch you and et-cetera. It could also be used to keep the enemies in place, just clicking it will give a knock-up many of your team could follow up on and build upon to overall win the fight.

Of course even if Poppy is such a great champ, there is still her cons that very much hold her back from dominating the top lane and most of teamfights. When she is faced against anyone with True Damage, such as Garen or Fiora, will make her day much harder, due to not hating as much sustain as you would want, this is where Runes would come to be more important.

However there is still more to these counters, anyone who can dodge will annoy you as well. This is because Poppy is incredibly kitable if the opponet knows any basic League of Legends skills. She is easily countered by many fast champions since her stun is harder to hit and the only saving grace against them is her W which in all isn't very helpful anyways. Being the fact she also needs to go all-in to do any sort of damage is very annoying for a tank.

The last and most important thing to keep track of when playing Poppy is that her Ult is incredibly helpful in teamfights, but if you use it wrong you will have a terrible time and your team might report you for saving the enemie.

Spells and Functions

Iron Ambassador

Cooldown: 16 / 13 / 10

INNATE: Poppy periodically throws her buckler with her next basic attack, which then falls near her target, where it remains for up to 4 seconds. If the buckler kills its target, it bounces back to Poppy automatically. Enemies can step on the buckler to destroy it.

Iron Ambassador 2
The buckler grants 425 range and 10 - 180 (based on level) bonus magic damage. When Poppy picks up the buckler, she Iron Ambassador 2 shields herself for 15 / 17.5 / 20% maximum health for 3 seconds.

Tips : Using her buckler, you can do quite a lot. Since not many top-laners are ranged you can use this to poke quite a bit in lane. Then picking it up after gives you quite a bit of health to work with. Being that it can proc things like crits or life steal, you can use this to get quite a lot of damage off. Also and FYI is that it counts as a melee attack. The maximum health shield is also a savior when building tank, especially going things such as dead mans or warmogs. This makes her defense that much better overall.

Something interesting about the ability is its ability to land mostly near walls, its a good way to bait your enemy into a fairly easy stun and damage, or hopefully, kill them.

Hammer Shock

Range: 430
Cost: 35/40/45/50/55 MANA
Cooldown: 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5

ACTIVE: Poppy smashes the ground in front of her, dealing physical damage to all enemies hit.

The impacted ground becomes unstable, slowing enemies standing on it before erupting after 1 second, dealing the same physical damage to all enemies hit.

Initial Physical Damage: 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 (+ 90% bonus AD) (+ 8% of target's maximum health)

Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%

Tips : Her Q is hands down the best harass she has in-lane and is the reason she is an early-game lane bully. Also being the fact shields only can block the first half of the damage, and that the second half of the damage does the same as the first half. There isn't too much to say about this but using it in combos with your E or even your passive can help your team do a lot more damage. After the recent buff to the bonus AD damage as well, this thing can pack a wallop, as Poppy would say. For this ability overall, make sure you hit it, because you will miss 100% of the shots you can't aim... Basically just stun and hit them.

Steadfast Presence

Effect Radius: 400
Cost: 50 MANA
Cooldown: 24 / 22 / 20/ 18/ 16

PASSIVE - STUBBORN TO A FAULT: Poppy's total armor and total magic resistance are both increased by 10%, doubled to 20% when she falls below 40% maximum health.

ACTIVE: Poppy gains 30% bonus movement speed for 2.5 seconds and generates a barrier around her for the duration, causing all enemies who dash within to be knocked down and dealt magic damage.

Steadfast Presence can only block a single dash per enemy per cast.

Bonus Movement Speed: 32 / 34 / 36 / 38 / 40%

Magic Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+ 70% AP)

Tips : Poppy's W to me seems to be her worst ability due to its very, very limited use. It's helpful when fighting enemies with dashes, but otherwise it seems a little bite gimmicky. However, it is a fast way to get into lane, or to run away from enemy champs, overall thought not many tips I can give. They did recently nerf the passive which requires Poppy players to go more defensive and tanky building to make up for it. It feels like this recent update really gives her a slow down in tankiness (which is fine) but a huge buff in damage (which I also think is fine. Just know add more defense in your kits.

Heroic Charge

Range: 425
Cost: 70 MANA
Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10

ACTIVE: Poppy dashes to the target enemy, dealing them physical damage and carrying them along with her for up to 300 units.

If they collide with terrain, she deals them the same physical damage again and stuns them.

Initial Physical Damage: 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 (+ 50% bonus AD)

Stun Duration: 1.6 / 1.7 / 1.8 / 1.9 / 2

Tips : Poppy's Dash is probably one of her better abilities and can be used to follow up combos or start combos. The big weakness in it is she needs the environment to help. The hitbox on her charge is a little iffy at times but most of the time it should work, practice in training mode if you need help landing it. Her charge also applies effects twice, once whens she hits her target, and more when she stuns them. If you have vision of an enemy over a wall you can dash over the wall to stun them its very helpful in this sense. The last thing to know is Poppy can stun people on player-made objects like Azir's wall or Trundle's Pillar. The new damage buff overall isnt much of a change, it does help a bit late game, but really just dont expect too much more damage to be dealt.

Keeper's Verdict

Range: 1900
Cost: 100 MANA
Cooldown: 140 / 120 / 100

FIRST CAST: Poppy channels for up to 4 seconds, retaining the ability to move but slowing herself by 15% for the duration. Keeper's Verdict's cooldown is set to 30 seconds if its channel is canceled.

SECOND CAST: Poppy smashes the ground, sending out a shockwave that travels in the target direction. When it hits an enemy champion, a massive hammer erupts, dealing physical damage to all enemies around it. Enemies impacted by the hammer are knocked back an incredible distance towards their fountain.

Releasing the ability instantly cancels the channel, dealing 50% reduced damage and knocking up all enemies around Poppy for 1 second.

Poppy has sight of airborne enemies and they are rendered untargetable for the duration, with their displacement distance increasing based on how long Keeper's Verdict was channeled. An uncharged attack does not render enemies untargetable.

Initial Physical Damage: 200 / 300 / 400 (+ 90% bonus AD)

Reduced Physical Damage: 100 / 150 / 200 (+ 45% bonus AD)

Tips : Poppy's Ult is her game-changer, it can easily change a teamfight for the better or worst. Poppy's Ult has 2 different uses from my experience that is helpful, these uses being that he ult can save your teammates by pushing enemies away or making your team have the advantage. The other way it can be used is it's knock-up, although it won't trigger Yasuo's ult it can be used to keep the enemies in place for your team to be able to follow up on damage and teamfighting them. Once again like her E, but now a slight declline in damage. Still not much of a difference, I find the reduced one more useful in game for keeping the enemies CCed. So overall the damage change won't effect much unles you use it to push enemies away.


Grasp of the Undying: PASSIVE: If you have dealt or received damage in the last 2 seconds, you will generate stacks of Grasp of the Undying every second. At 4 stacks, your next attack against an enemy champion will deal 4% of your maximum health bonus magic damage, restore 2% of your maximum health, and permanently grants 5 bonus health. The empowered attack is primed for 6 seconds, refreshing whenever you deal or receive damage.
If you're Ranged, the effects are reduced by 40%, down to 2.4% of your maximum health, 1.2% of your maximum health, and 3 bonus health respectively.

Bone Plating: PASSIVE: After taking damage from an enemy champion, for 3 seconds, the next 3 spells or attacks you receive from the same enemy champion deal 15 - 40 (based on level) less damage.

Conditioning: PASSIVE: After 10 minutes gain 8 bonus armor and 8 bonus magic resistance and increases your total armor and magic resistance by 5%.

Overgrowth: PASSIVE: Every 8 monsters or enemy minions that die near you permanently increase your maximum health by 0.2%.

Explanation: To explain this rote and why it is better than others, I will go piece by piece starting with Grasp. Starting to compare them we can immediately remove Guardian due to the fact that Poppy can't cast any spells on teammates.
Then it goes to the discussion whether you go Grasp or Aftershock. Many would go for aftershock because it procs with your E, and it gives more defenses. My reasoning on why you go Grasp is because going Grasp will give you more Health and will deal Magic Damage.
This is overall better due to the fact that with other runes you can get the good half od Aftershock (gaining tankienss) and that Grasp give you permanent max health along with free healing.

Next is Bone Plating. Changed from font mostly (for me) due to the lacks in tankiness Poppy now has early game. This run really helps make up for those problems Poppy now has. This is very helping overall since it will help out with defending more hits for all-inners early on.

Next up we are on Conditioning and to make it straight and simple, Conditioning is like the other two, but better, and that's about all I got. To make the next just as simple, the other two other than Overgrowth just don't do enough to be useful in game.

Coup de Grace: PASSIVE: Deal 7% increased damage to champions below 40% health.
Additionally, you gain 9 bonus Attack Damage or 15 Ability Power (Adaptive) for 10 seconds whenever you score a champion takedown. This bonus does not stack.
ADAPTIVE: Grants bonuses based on which stat you already have the most bonuses for. Defaults to the first listed.

Triumph: PASSIVE: Champion Damage rating takedowns, after a 1-second delay, restore 12% of your missing health and grant an additional 20 Gold.

Explanation: More explanation ago! Starting with Coupe de Grace, you can definitely abuse the hell out of this since using your combos to get them on low health is not a hard feat in the slightest and to follow up with more damage is soooo helpful, not to mention FREE AD. Triumph is good since you have to go all-in all the time and having that cherry on top of healing after you kill them is fantastic and hey, you can.. almost buy a potion now! The nerf is annoying though, bring back that 0.5 second delay Rito!


Flash E: One of my personal favorite combos, and very helpful in lane. Click E on an enemy when outside E's range and you'll walk to them slowly,
flash towards them right after and it will flash you in range and automatically E them in the direction you were, very helpful for early game kills and catching enemies out in a teamfight. Of course afterwards follow up with an Q or Ambassador Auto.

Epic Steal: Using your E to it's advantage you can take dragons or barons from your enemies with the right plays. My normal plan is toget a ward down and try to E anyone from the other side that your in range of since it will help you get into the pit and follow up with an ult to knock them away or Q to steal (hopefully).

Basic Combo: Now for the last of the bunch, this is your most common combo and it can be modified depending but mostly goes; W > E > Q > R and it works like this. You get your enemy to a location near a wall for a chance to stun them, start moving towards them and use W to speed up, once in range use E to stun and immediately Q then immediately ult and when they land hit a few autoattacks. This makes sure you get off your max damage especially with your 2 hit Q.

Favorite Combo: For my favorite combo of them all, it gets a little tricky but completely possible. Make sure you Dead Mans first to do this and a Frost Fist as well (Iceborn Gauntlet). The combo is Flash > E > Auto > Q > E > R > Q > W > E > Q and once again it is hard to do but possible. Normally how this works is both luck and the opponents stupidity to an extent. You wanna start with a Flash E into a wall, follow this up with you Auto attack (most likely your shield throw) run and grab it. By the time you run drop a Q and then pick up your shield and most likely your opponenet will be immobilized by Dead Mans. The slow of Q will keep them in place for another E into an Ult into another Q. Follow up with a W to kep up and then finish with another E into Q. This does a lot and is spammy but timed correctly your enemy will panic and mess up their escape. I would highly recommend to bait their flash before hand for this to work. Normally I do it after hiding in a bush in some random lane late game and flashing out to do the combo.

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JaykeTheFennec Poppy Guide
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