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Draven is one of the only matchups that will out damage you early. There's rarely a time when you can duel him even if you kill him 5 times over. Typically, Draven will get Lifesteal on first back and can ignore your Q poke allowing him to endlessly push you in. The best way to approach this matchup is to be very passive and only strike when the play is guaranteed. You can squeak out out-scaling him if you just stay even with him as his axe catch with get more unreliable for him as the game goes on while you'll continue to scale.
Jinx will outscale you, push you in easily, and take your towers with ease. The best approach is to try to enforce your early game by going for Q poke and dwindling her down.
Ashe can barely push you in and only has 50 range on you. She's easy pickings with W and R. You should also be able to kill her before she has a chance to charge her Q up. Q poke on her is very effective.
Be wary of hook. You have no mobility early outside of flash early on so a well placed hook will spell death. Also 4th shot can be diminished by his mana shield.
Brand is ridiculously strong and can kill pretty much any adc without help of his own adc. That being said if you dodge his stuff and engage when he's on cooldown he's pretty easy to kill
Caitlyn will outrange you but Jhin has above average range for an ADC so you won't get as abused as someone like Vayne would. Caitlyn has no attack speed steroid and minimal damage boosts outside W and Passive so you can easily out trade her in autos if you can get in on her. Another thing to note is that you have a much more effective R than her.
A very easy matchup for Jhin. Ezreal typically stands at a perfect range to be Q poked. If he ever uses his E aggressively it should be a free kill or you can push him out of lane. The only annoyance here is landing skill shots.
The only time Kai Sa isn't a threat is early you can abuse this to get a small lead. However, she will outscale you and get to a point where if she lands W and uses R she will kill you with a Q + auto. It's best to avoid her outside early game, never let her proc PTA, and allow your team to collapse onto her.
He can outduel you early but you will outscale him. Don't let him proc PTA early.
Miss Fortune
Easy matchup. You win at almost all stages of the game. She can only rely on hoping to hit a game changing R.
As with all ADCs root spells death.
Hard to trade into because of easy proccing aftershock and the giant Hp-based shield. His ult can really screw up a team fight for you late game as well.
Pyke is scary to almost every adc and Jhin is no exception. However, he has no glaring advantage just play around his engage.
Hitting rammus will kill you unless you have build lord dom's. Even then you will lose a considerable amount of health attempting to kill him.
You can kite him out, but if he gets to the point where he 1 shots you out of stealth you're ****ed.
A decently difficult matchup. If the enemy has fast reactions, hitting abilities will become a chore. Try to sneak Qs on minions while autoing to confuse her to pop her E early.
Tristana is very deadly if you give her an opening. A mixture of burst with consistent autos from her Q and PTA burst makes this a really deadly matchup. You can win this but if she gets ahead, it's really hard to pick her off.
You need to oppress Twitch early or he will outscale you. As with rengar, you need to watch out for the point in the game where he can 1 shot you out of stealth.
Very easy matchup Varus can never outscale you and loses early if played correctly.
Surprisingly since the nerfs, Vayne doesn't pose as much of a threat. You scale pretty much alongside her and can typically 2-3 shot her before she can take you out. You also can crush her early if you press your advantage. Be wary of getting stunned and allowing her to proc PTA.
One of the only ADCs, in my opinion, that makes quick work of yummi. If you ever catch her with W when jumping between champs she's dead.
Same as any Assassin AP or AD. I'm using Zed as a general example here as to not clutter this with a bunch of assassins. Kite him, buy stop watch, and try to bait him into blowing CDs on allies.
Very good lock-down. Your biggest worry is long range poke or a Blitz that misses hooks.
Good poke plus semi-reliable lockdown. Bonus points because if brand hits a stun it's basically a kill.
Very low synergy dwindling on none. His passive is a chore to proc for Jhin who attacks slowly. Decent peel. If you do proc the passive it can be easily converted to a kill.
Decent poke reliable CC decent all in. The biggest drawback is lack of reliable burst and having 2 squishies in a lane.
Nice AD buff and decent peel. Her Q makes hitting W easy, however she is also very squishy.
After the recent buffs, karma is a great choice for a support for Jhin. Lock-down, shielding that leads to move-speed, and great poke.
Very strong engage, high damage, and lots of tanky stats. Leona's only issue is that she has no disengage.
Similar to Janna reliable yet very squishy. Not much to say about this one.
Super strong pick right now dwindling on overpowered. Lux has a great mix of high damage, ranged poke, a huge shield, tankiness with aftershock, and extreme synergy with her ult.
Morgana is the Queen Bee of supports. High damage, long CC, great engage, and she can literally make you ****ing immune to CC.
Nami is an amazing pick, and not for 1 particular reason. She has great healing and poke while also providing disengage. Just an overall great pick for any ADC. Her lack of mobility and squishiness can make her an easy target but her kit makes up for that.
Super strong engage and tankiness. If you can't follow up and hit W after Naut goes in, you should probably stop playing Jhin.
Pyke is just a strong pick in general. He can do well just on his own with his amazing mobility and damage. His decent CC also makes comboing someone into certain death easy. 4th shot into a pyke R spells death for most targets.
Unreliable. Nothing synergizes too great with Jhin. His 1 saving grace is his high mobility.
Another enchanter Sona is like a weaker version of Nami, in my opinion. Engage with ult is very strong.
Can make you unkillable in lane. Soraka's weaknesses mostly lie in her ability to poke while keeping her distance.
Tahm Kench
Tahm can be a solid pick for Jhin keeping him safe while also being a giant meatshield. Unfortunately he lacks a super hard engage and really has no really glaring synergy.
Taric is the essence of mediocre. Nothing too crazy here. He has decent CC, however you don't really utilize his ult to it's full potential as Jhin is more of a burst character than DPS.
Just like other hook supports, thresh can be really solid in locking down someone for Jhin to have his way with. Bonus points for his W saving your ***.
Yummi and Jhin are an okay combo. Yummi scales decently well off of Jhin's incredibly high AD, however Jhin's lack of mobility makes the pair an easy target.
A great pick dwindling on ideal. Speeding you up for your 4th shot or to get out of a situation and even reviving you if you overstep. The only thing keeping Zilean back is a reliable way to lock down someone for Jhin's W.
Similar to brand. Great lock-down and damage, but absolutely no mobility.
Very good lock-down. Your biggest worry is long range poke or a Blitz that misses hooks.
Good poke plus semi-reliable lockdown. Bonus points because if brand hits a stun it's basically a kill.
Very low synergy dwindling on none. His passive is a chore to proc for Jhin who attacks slowly. Decent peel. If you do proc the passive it can be easily converted to a kill.
Decent poke reliable CC decent all in. The biggest drawback is lack of reliable burst and having 2 squishies in a lane.
Nice AD buff and decent peel. Her Q makes hitting W easy, however she is also very squishy.
After the recent buffs, karma is a great choice for a support for Jhin. Lock-down, shielding that leads to move-speed, and great poke.
Very strong engage, high damage, and lots of tanky stats. Leona's only issue is that she has no disengage.
Similar to Janna reliable yet very squishy. Not much to say about this one.
Super strong pick right now dwindling on overpowered. Lux has a great mix of high damage, ranged poke, a huge shield, tankiness with aftershock, and extreme synergy with her ult.
Morgana is the Queen Bee of supports. High damage, long CC, great engage, and she can literally make you fucking immune to CC.
Nami is an amazing pick, and not for 1 particular reason. She has great healing and poke while also providing disengage. Just an overall great pick for any ADC. Her lack of mobility and squishiness can make her an easy target but her kit makes up for that.
Super strong engage and tankiness. If you can't follow up and hit W after Naut goes in, you should probably stop playing Jhin.
Pyke is just a strong pick in general. He can do well just on his own with his amazing mobility and damage. His decent CC also makes comboing someone into certain death easy. 4th shot into a pyke R spells death for most targets.
Unreliable. Nothing synergizes too great with Jhin. His 1 saving grace is his high mobility.
Another enchanter Sona is like a weaker version of Nami, in my opinion. Engage with ult is very strong.
Can make you unkillable in lane. Soraka's weaknesses mostly lie in her ability to poke while keeping her distance.
Tahm Kench
Tahm can be a solid pick for Jhin keeping him safe while also being a giant meatshield. Unfortunately he lacks a super hard engage and really has no really glaring synergy.
Taric is the essence of mediocre. Nothing too crazy here. He has decent CC, however you don't really utilize his ult to it's full potential as Jhin is more of a burst character than DPS.
Just like other hook supports, thresh can be really solid in locking down someone for Jhin to have his way with. Bonus points for his W saving your ass.
Yummi and Jhin are an okay combo. Yummi scales decently well off of Jhin's incredibly high AD, however Jhin's lack of mobility makes the pair an easy target.
A great pick dwindling on ideal. Speeding you up for your 4th shot or to get out of a situation and even reviving you if you overstep. The only thing keeping Zilean back is a reliable way to lock down someone for Jhin's W.
Similar to brand. Great lock-down and damage, but absolutely no mobility.
Hello everyone and thank you for getting this far into the guide! I will be updating this page continuously as well as the rest of the guide. Soon I will have tips & tricks and examples of using Jhin to his full effectiveness. If you would like to play a game together or ask a question my IGN is: Shake the Shade and I play on NA. Keep on the look for updates thanks!
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