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Maokai Build Guide by Galenodo

Jungle Jungle Maokai (Tanky)

Jungle Jungle Maokai (Tanky)

Updated on June 15, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Galenodo Build Guide By Galenodo 2,046 Views 0 Comments
2,046 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Galenodo Maokai Build Guide By Galenodo Updated on June 15, 2013
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Hello Maokai is my main jungler, this certain build good against AD heavy teams as I'm going straight tank as that's how I play Maokai his abilities do damage on their own. Maokai doesn't have that fast of a clear time like Olaf but can leave the jungle intact thanks to his natural tanky build. If played correctly he can have always get a kill when he ganks.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
Taking magic penetration marks, ensures that you do damage in and out of the jungle and lets you do more damage to jungle creeps with your Sapling Toss. Taking armor seals ensures that you won't get killed by the Ancient golem and taking per lvl magic resist are chosen you won't be crushed by the AP carry late game.
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A classic start to Maokai is a Hunter's Machete and x5 Health Potions but an alternative is Cloth Armor and x5 Health Potions. I Personally suggest getting Hunter's Machete so you can start on your first major item Spirit of the Ancient Golem but that Cloth Armor can turn into a Wriggle's Lantern, free sight wards ain't bad either. At this stage ganking mid or top is strongly appreciated if they're getting pushed under there tower. After ganking a few lanes and getting a few kills or assists go back and get a Spirit Stone this item goes towards your Spirit of the Ancient Golem so its quite important. Also grab your Boots for better ganking. I almost always get Mobility Boots for easier ganking. As the game progresses get Runic Bulwark, Sunfire Aegis, Iceborn Gauntlets, and either Warmog's Armor or Locket of the Iron Solari allies will appreciate a locket active every once in a while so they can get a kill. At the end of the game this a good looking build:

Item Sequence

Spirit of the Ancient Golem 2000
Sunfire Aegis 2700
Warmog's Armor 3300
Runic Bulwark 2950
Locket of the Iron Solari 2200
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Your Sapling Toss is your early jungling tool early on as they do good damage on their own and with themagic penetration marks will do more damage to the creeps. After hitting level two get arcane smash as this is your most damaging tool it, in conjunction with Sapling Toss, arcane smash destroys jungle creeps. It also makes your target look a different way so you can get more hits on them more. Level three if I plan to gank i get Twisted Advance this is what makes Maokai a great ganker. Hitting level six I obviously take my ult Vengeful Maelstrom this ult is incredible for team fights as it ignores 20% of damage to your allies in its AoE after compacting damage to allies you can repress r to do massive AoE damage.
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I ALWAYS take Smite as its essential for jungling. I also take Flash since Maokai has no real escape tool. You can also use flash to suprise a lane if they're too far away for you to use Twisted Advance on them.
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Maokai is a junglier who can gank lanes with almost no fail. Olaf is a good junglier but his q Undertow is a skillshot so if he misses its a failed gank. Maokai's w Twisted Advance is a targeted ablility so it can't be dodged. Having someone like Ashe who can slow the enemy after you use Twisted Advance is very powerful as it virtually disables them until they die or flash out.
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Creeping / Jungling

At around 1:25 start putting down your Sapling Toss so that way they don't expire. Always start at wolves as it makes sure you reach level two by killing the Ancient golem. Taking blue is essential as Maokai is mana hungry at all stages of the game. Remember to take it every chance you can get soy uo don't have issues with mana in the middle of team fight.
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Team Work

Placing down your Vengeful Maelstrom changes teamfights for the better since it repels 20% of damage taken by your allies and the consumed damage repeled makes the explosion of it much more damaging.
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Hope this helped you understand Maokai as he is a very fun champion to use.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Galenodo
Galenodo Maokai Guide
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Jungle Maokai (Tanky)

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