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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Runic Blade (PASSIVE)
Riven Passive Ability
Riven's aoe based, low cooldown, manaless skillset makes her pretty decent jungler. Her mobility combined with 2 forms of CC makes her ganks scary. Riven is definitely not the fastest jungler but a good Riven will be able to make ton of good sh*t happen when ganking a lane.
While there might be better jungle picks, the fact remains that she's one of the most fun champs to play.
Spirit of the elder lizard???
I don't think it's good item anymore. Rushing an early Tiamat will do the trick and lead you to your beloved Hydra earlier.
Bloodthirster over Hydra???
While BT is a really strong item on Riven, Hydra will provide you with the tools you need to clear camps faster.
I don't think it's good item anymore. Rushing an early Tiamat will do the trick and lead you to your beloved Hydra earlier.
Bloodthirster over Hydra???
While BT is a really strong item on Riven, Hydra will provide you with the tools you need to clear camps faster.
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