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Recommended Items
Runes: Grasp + Insp
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Threats & Synergies
I fought a Samira with this build and I outperformed her in overall DPS and objective priority. However, do not be lulled into a false sense of security. While you do melt her if you can get on top of her, she does the same and exists late game to destroy just about any target. 200+ Armor and yet she still does enough damage that you cannot 1v1 her without a decent plan or well placed flash to escape ult and remove it from the equation. Keep in mind that she can dash out of your wall by targeting you or your allies, and if you are really unlucky she could use her windwall to negate your E if she gets lucky. Although, without her ult, she shouldn't scare you too much as a bruiser.
Karma sits in a similar spot to Nami, although having slightly harder to execute hard CC. I would rank her on the same level as Nami due to her ability to consistently provide a movement speed buff towards a target. This can provide huge value by helping you line up better E's on fleeing targets or help boost you to further run down already marked targets.
Karma sits in a similar spot to Nami, although having slightly harder to execute hard CC. I would rank her on the same level as Nami due to her ability to consistently provide a movement speed buff towards a target. This can provide huge value by helping you line up better E's on fleeing targets or help boost you to further run down already marked targets.
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