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Fiddlesticks Build Guide by KajiKumihoAkukei

Jungle Kaji's Fiddlesticks Jungle

Jungle Kaji's Fiddlesticks Jungle

Updated on March 15, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KajiKumihoAkukei Build Guide By KajiKumihoAkukei 490 39 1,759,930 Views 79 Comments
490 39 1,759,930 Views 79 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KajiKumihoAkukei Fiddlesticks Build Guide By KajiKumihoAkukei Updated on March 15, 2021
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Runes: Scaling Runes

1 2
Dark Harvest
Taste of Blood
Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter

Nimbus Cloak

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Kaji's Fiddlesticks Jungle

By KajiKumihoAkukei

Hello and thanks for reading my guide!

Why Fiddlesticks?

I am KajiOÌ„kami, a player that loves playing Fiddlesticks, he is a very fun champion that can heavily impact games if you play him right. After the rework he still feels really great and I love the more horrific look they gave him!

Beware, this guide is not for the feint of heart! Because you need to be strong enough or Fiddlesticks will reap you!

The guide is made based on the experiences I have had in my games on the champion.

If you do like my content, feel free to follow me on YouTube! You can find the link at the top of my guide!

Enjoy the guide and have fun out there on the fields of justice!

If you want to be able to climb the ladder in ranked here are a few pointers in general (counts for every role and every champion). League of Legends is, and will always be, a team game. This means that you will have to rely on others in order to win games. Some games you can carry your team, some games you will be the one getting carried by your team. Just remember: everyone can have a bad game!


+ Be positive
+ Be a teamplayer
+ Play the vision game
+ Take objectives
+ Play mastered champions
+ Keep your cool
One of the most important parts about being able to win consistently is being positive. If you go into your games with a clear and positive mindset it will not only help you, but also your teammates. Part of playing as a team includes going along with plays your team commits to. Even if you don't 100% agree with the play. By not joining when your team is committed to make the play you just lower the chances of a play succeeding or not!
Another very important key to victory is vision! It's not only the support's job to provide vision. It is a team effort, by buying a Control Ward on every opportunity you have, you will help your team out tremendously! Once you have learned to help your team provide vision, the next step is learning to secure objectives, because they win games. Taking turrets or slaying an elemental dragon can help your team get global gold or increased stats!
Next thing to keep in mind is to play champions you feel comfortable on, don't force yourself into taking the meta pick if you don't know how to play the champion through and through! Knowing everything there is to know about your champion is very important to consistently win lane!
Last but not least: keep your cool! If you are having a bad game, don't start making risky plays or going by yourself. Play safe and rely on your team to help you get back into the game. Same thing goes if your team is playing poorly. Stay calm and don't blame it on them, just keep playing and help them get back into the game.


- Flame
- Be negative
- Afk farm
- Surrender
- Chase kills
- Be a KDA player
Never flame your teammates, because this will cost you the game more often than not.
For example: We've all been there, the enemy jungler seems to have a tent set by your lane and your jungler doesn't visit your lane once. What to do next, flame and blame your jungler? No! Just play safe, don't give away free kills and let your jungler have impact elsewhere on the map. The same goes for being negative, this will just have a bad impact on your teammates. It will affect their play and your chances of winning decrease by a big amount.
If a game isn't going according to plan, don't go sit in a sidelane doing nothing but farm all game. Yes, farming is important, but helping your team and assisting on plays is a lot more important!
Surrendering is also never an option. If you are behind, just stall out the game until your have caught up with the enemy team or at least until the difference in items and gold doesn't matter as much anymore. A lot of games can be won by just playing smart and waiting for your time, even if you are behind.
One more thing to keep in mind: don't chase for kills. Most of the times you keep chasing for a kill you are just wasting your time or worse, getting yourself killed! If an enemy gets away with just a bit of health take this opportunity to take an objective or provide and clear out vision. This will help your team globally a lot more than trying to get that one kill to boost your KDA and risk dying.

In every game you will take Flash and Smite as it is just the best set of spells you can get for Fiddlesticks jungle.
There isn't much else that can be said about it, you need your Smite for obvious reasons and it doesn't do you much good if you would take anything but Flash.


+ Very fun champion
+ Easy to master
+ Provides cc
+ Healthy jungle clear
+ Strong combo
+ High impact ult

Fiddlesticks is a very fun champion, he isn't too hard to play and his kit is pretty straightforward. He provides a decent amount of crowd control with his Terrify and he has a silence on his Reap, which can be very valuable in teamfights. Fiddlesticks's ult Crowstorm can have a very big impact in teamfights and ganks. Especially in late game teamfights, a well timed Crowstorm can deal a big amount of damage!

- Very squishy
- Vulnerable to cc
- Gets invaded a lot
- Channel time on ult
- No real escape

Fiddlesticks is a pretty squishy champion, which makes him easy to burst down. Early game junglers tend to invade him very often. Fiddlesticks has no real form of escape, so when you engage it's all or nothing. Crowstorm has a channeling time, so if you get interrupted your engage really falls of. Fiddlesticks is also pretty vulnerable to crowd control.

Dark Harvest will most likely be your keystone when going Domination.
This particular keystone gives you a nice scaling option. While the damage isn't too high in the early game, if you collect your dark harvest stacks wherever you can the late game damage will be insane.

This particular keystone gives you something that Fiddlesticks normally lacks when he ganks without Crowstorm: a quick way to get to the enemy when you are ganking.
You just start channeling your predator boots while you are in the river and then you are too fast for the enemy you're ganking to get away without blowing at least a Flash.
Another perk of taking Predator is that it makes counter ganking a lot easier because you can get to your teammates a lot faster.
Note: always make sure you fully channel Predator before engaging, or else you will just put it on cooldown.

Taste of Blood is a solid choice for Fiddlesticks because it gives you the bonus healing on top or your Bountiful Harvest. This will make it just that little bit harder for the enemy team to take you down. Allowing you to deal more damage or to get away after unleashing your full combo.

Eyeball Collection is good because of the bonus ability power you get from is.
Not much else to say about it, it's pretty straightforward.

Ravenous Hunter is 100% worth concidering here, since this will give you up to a 9,50% omnivamp!
Omnivamp means that you will get more healing done while using Bountiful Harvest and on top of the you will get even more healing for all damage you do.

Nimbus Cloak is a great rune to take as Fiddlesticks. The bonus movement speed it gives you after casting a summoner spell makes it so much easier to stick on to targets after using your ultimate. This means that using Smite on an enemy champion makes it even easier for you to stay on top of them.

Transcendence is a great rune to get on Fiddlesticks because it allows you to cap out your cooldown reduction as early as possible. Even if you exceed the cap you gain bonus ability power thanks to this great rune.

Perfect Timing is an amazing rune for Fiddlesticks if you want to go in the inspiration tree. Having a free stopwatch available before you can buy your zhonya's can allow for some very powerful and creative playmaking.

Approach Velocity is a rune that is very often overlooked on Fiddlesticks. When going for the inspiration tree, I can highly recommend this rune though. If there is good gank setup on your team the bonus movement speed you will get from this rune while engaging on the enemy team will prove very strong.

Tier 1 ~ Offense
+ 6 AD or 10 AP
+ 9% Attack Speed
+ 8 ability haste
Tier 2 ~ Flex
+ 6 AD or 10 AP
+ 5 armor
+ 6 magic resistance
Tier 3 ~ Defense
+ 15 - 90 HP (level 1 - 18)
+ 5 armor
+ 6 magic resistance

I will tell you my personal view on these stats for Fiddlesticks. These bonus stats should be your pick no matter what the rune page you are going to run is.

Tier 1 ~ Offense: adaptive stats, which in the case of Fiddlesticks will be + 10 AP (unless you are looking to play some good old crittlesticks! ;) ). This is the best way to go because you will be happy to have the extra damage when dueling versus the enemy jungler and it will help you a lot in getting off successful ganks!

Tier 2 ~ Flex: same as in tier 1.

Tier 3 ~ Defense: here you will pick the bonus armor for one simple reason: bonus armor is the stat you will be getting the most value out of as jungle Fiddlesticks since it will help you stay healthier in the early jungle clear.

A Harmless Scarecrow (Passive):
Fiddlesticks new passive is called A Harmless Scarecrow. Fiddlesticks starts each game with an exclusive "Scarecrow Effigy", which permanently occupies his trinket slot. This effigy can be used as a ward.
Starting from level 6, placing an effigy grants obscured vision of the revealed area as well as reveal and disable enemy wards near it for 6 seconds.
When spotted by an enemy champion the effigy will look like it is using one of Fiddlesticks abilities.

Terrify Q:
PASSIVE: All enemy units are afflicted with A Harmless Scarecrow when Fiddlesticks is out of combat for 2.5 seconds and is unseen by enemy champions. Fiddlestick's next damaging ability against an enemy affected by A Harmless Scarecrow will fear them. This effect can trigger against multiple enemies for area of effect abilities.
Fear duration: 1 - 2 seconds (scales with level).
ACTIVE:Fiddlesticks shrieks at the target enemy, dealing magic damage and fearing them for a short duration. Terrify has a minimum damage threshold, and is capped at 400 against monsters.
Note: Enemies can only be feared by Terrify's passive once every few seconds. Terrify's active damage and minimum damage threshold are doubled if its target has recently been feared, feared enemies are slowed by 90%.

Bountiful Harvest W:
Fiddlesticks tethers itself to all nearby enemies and channels for up to 2 seconds. While channeling, tethered enemies are revealed as it siphons their souls, dealing magic damage to them every 0.25 seconds, with the last tick dealing additional magic damage. Total damage is reduced to 40% against minions.
Fiddlesticks heals itself for a percentage of the damage dealt, reduced to 15% against minions. If all targets break their tethers by moving out of range, the ability ends immediately. If the ability is fully channeled or all targets are slain, 60% of the remaining cooldown is refunded.

Reap E:
Fiddlesticks swings with its scythe in a crescent-shaped area on the target location, dealing magic damage and slowing enemies hit for 1.25 seconds.

Crowstorm R:
After channeling for 1.5 seconds, Fiddlesticks blinks to a target location with a murder of crows flying wildly around him for 5 seconds, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies every 0,25 seconds.
Fun fact: Fiddlesticks can use summoner spells while channeling Crowstorm, as long as he doesn't have to move to use them!

Please do check the video I made below to get a quick look at Fiddlesticks abilities.

> > >


Crowstorm: your ult is your biggest output of damage, so for that reason you will want to put a point in it every chance you get. This means at levels 6 > 11 > 16.

Bountiful Harvest: you will max Bountiful Harvest first because of one simple reason: the increased sustain it provides! If you can get a full tether of the last tick will deal a very nice chunk of damage as well!
Another perk maxing Bountiful Harvest brings is that you can negate a lot of damage enemy champions do to you while you are ganking. Leaving time for your laners to do their damage.

Reap: after you have maxed out Bountiful Harvest, Reap is next because it has nice damage and the slow increases with leveling up the skill.

Terrify: the last skill to max is Terrify because it's damage isn't really that high, and with the damage you do with all your other abilities you don't really need the extra duration on the fear.

Season 11 brought us a whole new array of items and introduced us to mythic items. This was a very big change and this is also the reason I took so long to change my guide. I have very carefully tested all possible builds and the items I will talk about here are the ones that brought me most success and feel the best on Fiddlesticks by far.

Hextech Rocketbelt is in my opinions the best mythic item to buy on Fiddlesticks because of the extra mobility it provides. You can use the dash of the rocketbelt to close the gap with an enemy champion, to reposition if you need to or to get away from a sticky situation.

Night Harvester is another good mythic item to consider on Fiddlesticks because it also provides another form of extra mobility. While this item doesn't provide you with a dash like the rocketbelt does, it does provide a lot of power when ulting into the entire enemy team, extending the speed boost with each new champion you damage.

Zhonya's Hourglass is a must buy item on Fiddlesticks in every single game. You always want to buy this as a second item.
The reason for this is very simple: if you ult in the middle of the enemy team they will either flash out of it, or try to burst you down. Having a Zhonya's Hourglass here can prove very useful, making sure you don't die and get the maximum duration out of your ult.

Demonic Embrace is an amazing item because it deals bonus magic damage to enemy champions for 1,2% of their maximum health for 4 seconds.
On top of that this item makes you a lot tankier as it provides bonus health and gives + 10 bonus armor and magic resistance while the burn damage is active. This bonus is increased to a maximum of + 20 bonus armor and magic resistance when all 5 enemy champions are infected.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter is another very good item on Fiddlesticks.
The reasons here are very clear: more ap, more health and an extra slow, making Crowstorm that much more effective.

Rabadon's Deathcap is a strong item to consider building on Fiddlesticks just because of the raw amount of AP it provides. If you get of a Crowstorm in late game with a fully completed Rabadon's Deathcap you will be dealing a huge amount of damage!

Morellonomicon is another great item, since it's changes gave it the extra magic penetration and made it more heavily focused on the grievous wounds. When the enemy team has a lot of healing power, think of an AD carry with Blade of the Ruined King or Bloodthirster or champions like Warwick and Swain, this item can decrease the effectiveness of their healing by a substantial amount.

Void Staff should be build when there is a lot of magic resistance on the enemy team.
I their builds are heavily focused on magic resistance buying this item will increase your damage a lot more than buying flat ap. More ap (like you get from Rabadon's Deathcap may look stronger, but trust me, Void Staff is a much stronger choice in these kind of situations.

Sorcerer's Shoes are your go-to boots if you get the chance. The extra magic penetration it gives you is just so good on Fiddlesticks.

Mercury's Treads are preferable when the enemy team has a lot of cc. The increased tenacity will help you get out of tough situations just that little bit faster.
Another good situation to go for Mercury's Treads is when the enemy team is very heavily ap focused (ap top + jungle + mid).

Ninja Tabi should be your choice when the enemy team is full ad, just because it will help you so much against full ad comps. The reduced damage from auto attacks and the extra armor will keep you alive a lot longer against full ad comps.

Mobility Boots can be a very effective choice if you get ahead early and want to make a big impact on the game by ganking a lot.
Personally I prefer Sorcerer's Shoes on Fiddlesticks because of the increased damage they provide. But this is more of a choice of playstyle, since both Sorcerer's Shoes and can be very good Mobility Boots.

Started new log after the rework:

02-04-2020: reworked guide (chapter 1 - 9).
03-04-2020: finished chapter 10 - 12.
13-04-2020: added new rune page, update matchups.
20-10-2020: updated guide for patch 10.21.
29-10-2020: updated guide for patch 10.22.
09-02-2021: finally updated guide for season 11.
23-02-2021: updated guide for patch 11.4.
11-03-2021: updated guide for patch 11.5.

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KajiKumihoAkukei Fiddlesticks Guide
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