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Kalista Build Guide by zenki

ADC Kalista Is Meta

ADC Kalista Is Meta

Updated on November 19, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zenki Build Guide By zenki 3,438 Views 0 Comments
3,438 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author zenki Kalista Build Guide By zenki Updated on November 19, 2019
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Runes: core

1 2
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Taste of Blood
Ravenous Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Kalista Is Meta

By zenki
I, Kalista, have dream, i dream to make kalista great again
I want to share some ideas i had floating in my mind for a Kalista rework.Don't take me wrong, i'm totally fine with her current state but i think that maybe by shifting her kit more on one identity instead of like 3 she'd be much easier to balance and perhaps more popular overall:

+25 AA range



-Auto attacks deal only 90% of your attack damage

-Lunge distance increases with boots tier


-Lunge distance now increases by 250/300/350/400 on champion level 1/6/11/16

-Cannot lunge when affected by slows

This way she gets a better later game spike while also having a clear weakness in point and click slows like blue smite or gunblade or items like rylais without necessarily destroying your attack speed.



-Damage changed from 20/85/150/215/280(+100%AD) to 100/110/125/140/150% AD

-Range changed from 1150 at all levels to 800/900/1000/1100/1200


-Applies on-hit effects

-ITEM ADAPTABILITY: Pierce gains special effects depending on the items in your inventory f.e. Runaan makes you throw 3 spears like kha's evolved W, RFC gives 150 extra range on your Q if fully charged, deals extra damage with Trinity etc etc.

In my eyes her Q has always been some sort of skillshot auto attack so i wanted to go all in on that concept.



-Passive:When your Oathsworn dies near you, their soul gets carried in Stasis inside you for 1/1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds, they can then emerge to a location knocking up the enemies it comes in contact with for 0.75/1/1.25/1.50/1.75 seconds, 150/120/100/80/60 seconds cooldown.

Yep, this is her current ult.I like saving my support's *** and yeeting my Thresh as much as the next Kalista main but her ult is imo the straw that breaks the camel back when it comes to balancing in pro play, so no more saving your support's ***, no more engage at will, just pure revenge for your dead Support, also a nice escape for Kali if things go south.



-Does not stack on epic monsters, instead every rend stack applied on epic monster gets ripped off making your autos deal 25% more damage to them.

Don't have much to say about this one, though i fear that with this change i may have reduced too much her skill expression, so take this with a grain of salt.



-Passive: Enemy takedowns grant a stack of Vengeance for 6 seconds (max 2/3/4).

Vengeance: Auto attacks apply an extra stack of rend (up to 5 stacks per auto at max level with 4 stacks)

-Active: Send 1/2/3 sentinels to the closest enemy targets, enemies reached by the sentinels are afflicted by true sight for 0.5 seconds and are marked.Marked enemies receive rend stacks from your oathsworn's first 3 auto attacks.

This is probably too much lol, if this was actually a thing i'd imagine they'd have to reduce her rend damage but i tried to make it so that her true potential is only achieved on late game, which, with the current meta, is not always easy to reach,I want to share some ideas i had floating in my mind for a Kalista rework.Don't take me wrong, i'm totally fine with her current state but i think that maybe by shifting her kit more on one identity instead of like 3 she'd be much easier to balance and perhaps more popular overall:

+25 AA range



-Auto attacks deal only 90% of your attack damage

-Lunge distance increases with boots tier


-Lunge distance now increases by 250/300/350/400 on champion level 1/6/11/16

-Cannot lunge when affected by slows

This way she gets a better later game spike while also having a clear weakness in point and click slows like blue smite or gunblade or items like rylais without necessarily destroying your attack speed.



-Damage changed from 20/85/150/215/280(+100%AD) to 100/110/125/140/150% AD

-Range changed from 1150 at all levels to 800/900/1000/1100/1200


-Applies on-hit effects

-ITEM ADAPTABILITY: Pierce gains special effects depending on the items in your inventory f.e. Runaan makes you throw 3 spears like kha's evolved W, RFC gives 150 extra range on your Q if fully charged, deals extra damage with Trinity etc etc.

In my eyes her Q has always been some sort of skillshot auto attack so i wanted to go all in on that concept.



-Passive:When your Oathsworn dies near you, their soul gets carried in Stasis inside you for 1/1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds, they can then emerge to a location knocking up the enemies it comes in contact with for 0.75/1/1.25/1.50/1.75 seconds, 150/120/100/80/60 seconds cooldown.

Yep, this is her current ult.I like saving my support's *** and yeeting my Thresh as much as the next Kalista main but her ult is imo the straw that breaks the camel back when it comes to balancing in pro play, so no more saving your support's ***, no more engage at will, just pure revenge for your dead Support, also a nice escape for Kali if things go south.



-Does not stack on epic monsters, instead every rend stack applied on epic monster gets ripped off making your autos deal 25% more damage to them.

Don't have much to say about this one, though i fear that with this change i may have reduced too much her skill expression, so take this with a grain of salt.



-Passive: Enemy takedowns grant a stack of Vengeance for 6 seconds (max 2/3/4).

Vengeance: Auto attacks apply an extra stack of rend (up to 5 stacks per auto at max level with 4 stacks)

-Active: Send 1/2/3 sentinels to the closest enemy targets, enemies reached by the sentinels are afflicted by true sight for 0.5 seconds and are marked.Marked enemies receive rend stacks from your oathsworn's first 3 auto attacks.

This is probably too much lol, if this was actually a thing i'd imagine they'd have to reduce her rend damage but i tried to make it so that her true potential is only achieved on late game, which, with the current meta, is not always easy to reach,
Proof that kalista is broken

Okay, so dont get me wrong, im not here to blame, insult or anything else.
I respect Kalista players, so dont take this post personally.

So, ive had a game, where i played draven and i had a janna support.
As far as i know, Draven + Janna = big boom!!!
We played against Kalista + Alistar, and i thought we would stomp them, cuz Kalista is known as prolly the weakest champ ingame.
But everysingle time i tried to trade or all in the Kalista, the Alistar just cc'd me and Kalista pretty much just killed me in few seconds.
With Hail of Blaids, she can cast few aa's in splitseconds and burst ur entire health down so she was actually strong in the lane.
After first base, she bought attackspeed boots and she could solohandly kill me as a draven with 3 longswords.
On what world is she allowed to solo-kill me as KALISTA against DRAVEN.
I can't really catch up to her since she can slow me twice and jump away.
She has infinite mobility due to her E.
She can save an allie and use him as a knockup (?XD).
She becomes the better jungler for securing objectives.
Her champ-design just doesnt make any sense at all.
You cant really compete against her since she outclasses u in every single aspect i mentioned above...

As i said, this is just my opinion, pls tell me what u think about it and try to help me to understand kalista as a champ.
Ty for reading, :D

- from a redit user on r/leagueoflegends
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