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Kayle Build Guide by Ged24

Support Kayle Support

Support Kayle Support

Updated on May 20, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ged24 Build Guide By Ged24 19,644 Views 0 Comments
19,644 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ged24 Kayle Build Guide By Ged24 Updated on May 20, 2020
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Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Ghost Poro
Ultimate Hunter

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Champion Build Guide

Kayle Support

By Ged24
"People are not perfect, but i am not human"
Hello, i am Gedcio, i am playing League of Legends EU Nordic East. I like magic champions, in past played most on mid but now i am playing on bottom as supoort :)
I think Sorcery is best for Kayle Support:

Summon Aery - extra shield for Celestial Blessing + extra damage
Manaflow Band - extra mana regen (very important especially early)
Transcendence - 10% CDR ( i am aiming to cap 40% CDR with items )
Gathering Storm - extra AP


Ghost Poro - Extra vision after your totems dissapear.
Ultimate Hunter - Very good talent, with CDR cap u can reach almost 30 sec cooldown on your ultimate !!!
Flash - Must have.
Heal - Extra heal + 1 sec speed

Optional is Exhaust if you prefer control on enemy than heal.
Spellthiefs Edge this is great item for support because let us to get gold without killing monsters (we need only to hit enemy champions or towers) after upgrade we can place wards.
If u have problem to hit enemies with your spells u can take Relic Shield.

Here Boots of Mobility best choice because as support we need to be fast.

Ardent Censer in my opinion best item for all AP support who has heal or shield spells.

Athene Unholy Grail - AP + CDR + Mana regen + heal / dmg boost.

After my Spellthiefs Edge got ward power i switching for Oracle Lens.

Redemption - small aoe healing and dmg ( can be used when dead and big radius).

Shurelya Reverie - good item if we need extra speed for our team.
It is support Kayle so i am maxing first Celestial Blessing - this spell healing your target and giving speed bonus, remember to use it always on other player than yourself.

Divine Judgement - This is most important spell for Kayle, gives full imunity of damage and when ends deals aoe ap damage to enemies.

Starfire Spellbale - Gives extra damage to your 1 attack, i am using it in early game to build my spellthiefs edge. Also boosts passive at 11 lvl.

Radiant Blast - with this skill we can slow enemies and reduce their armor and magic ressistance but has short range so be carefull.

Passive - Divine Ascent - This is nice because every 6 lvls give us extra power, most important is at 6 lvl because our attacks changes to ranged.
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