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Choose Champion Build:
Hybrid AS/AP
Full AP
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Divine Ascent (PASSIVE)
Kayle Passive Ability
Skill Sequence
This is pretty much the best way to level Kayle up, unless your opponent in lane has too high MR/Armor for you to burn through, in which case you might want to take a second point in your Q early on.
I always use Teleport/Flash, but this is mostly down to preference.
The main thing to have on Kayle is Flash, without that, your ult won't be as strong of an escape as it could be (in-lane).
For a second spell, you have a free choice ranging between Teleport, Ignite, Barrier (highly situational & not recommended), Exhaust (moar chase power), Cleanse (when dealing with a massive CC-heavy team) or Revive(not recommended).
The main thing to have on Kayle is Flash, without that, your ult won't be as strong of an escape as it could be (in-lane).
For a second spell, you have a free choice ranging between Teleport, Ignite, Barrier (highly situational & not recommended), Exhaust (moar chase power), Cleanse (when dealing with a massive CC-heavy team) or Revive(not recommended).
Whenever your opponent is in lane, just sit behind your own minions, wait for E to come off cooldown & farm with that, while always trying to last-hit minions & avoid overextending early on.
If you're up against a melee champion, you can farm a bit without your E, but avoid getting poked too much before level 6.
When your opponent is out of lane, simply last-hit minions with basic attacks (no E) untill they're back.
When pushing, just round up all the minions, turn on your E & burn through those minions like mad.
If you're up against a melee champion, you can farm a bit without your E, but avoid getting poked too much before level 6.
When your opponent is out of lane, simply last-hit minions with basic attacks (no E) untill they're back.
When pushing, just round up all the minions, turn on your E & burn through those minions like mad.
- Extreme farm mode with her E.
- Amazing at chasing when Q & W are properly used.
- Her ult is probably the best tower dive/escape tool there is.
- Amazing late game damage.
- Fairly vurnerable to early ganks.
- Can be killed easily when caught out of position before level 6.
- Her farming with E can cause her to overextend easily.
- Farming with E can cause you to lose a lot of CS.
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