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Recommended Items
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Mark of the Storm (PASSIVE)
Kennen Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Leona shuts down alot of laningphases of Kennen because you won't get out of a trade easily.
You can't peel your adc from her engages as well as other supports can. Try to oneshot the enemy adc when he tries to follow up.
Kaisa obviously one of the better paires since she can follow most of the flank engages later in the game. She can peel alot for herself which compensates for the lack of protection in Kennen.
Kaisa obviously one of the better paires since she can follow most of the flank engages later in the game. She can peel alot for herself which compensates for the lack of protection in Kennen.
Champion Build Guide
Play rather safe, try to snipe enemies for economy and a bit of damage. If you run predator as rune, you should have based for boots BEFORE you hit lv 6. You can all in very easily with flash. It's Important to hit both enemies with E.
later in the game depending on runes and items, you want to flank as much as possible. Ping your teammates your ultimate cooldown. Once its up, alot of fights are very hard for the enemy team.
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