LoL Best Kennen Build Guides 2025
Build guides for Kennen on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Kennen builds. Create your own champion guide!
Season 11 Builds
Kennen Support Master Guide
Mathmatically correct Kennen
Guía Kennen supp | ESP
Kennen Guide
[Patch 11.8] ADC Kennen (AP ATACK SPEED GOD)
smurf on them noobs with KENNEN SUPP
Kennen Support |S11| PRO Korean bot
Kennen Jesuscirraptor ADC
Kennen Life Steal (OP For Teamfights)
Kennen best build/runes
Kennen supp one shot/poke
Kennen AP Mid
Kennen runes that most pros use
Kennen jungle 10.23
Kennen top full AP the little ***********er
road to roastr
Season 10 Guides