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You can easily kill Amumu the entire game until he reaches his tank items.
Kill Hecarim on his 2nd buff since most of them run ghost instead of flash which gives them no escapes and he gets low while clearing.
You can 1v1 Rek'Sai at basically any point of the game, Q evolve lets you kite her around without giving her any time to hit you.
Against Twitch you wanna perma invade and one shot him at any time you can, Twitch is one of your easiest matchups.
You can 1v1 Gragas at basically any point of the game unless he has a item / level advantage.
Taliyah has a faster clear than Kha'Zix, but Kha'Zix outscales and wins the 1v1s early game.
Jarvan IV
The only problem you'll ever have in this matchup is his lvl 3, use your leap to dodge his knockup and you'll win most of the time.
Very weak early game champion, you win everything pre 6 but after 6 you have to look to not get hit by the charm.
As long as you don't die to Nidalee early, you win this matchup.
Ignore him and focus on your laners.
Whoever gets more fed or hits lvl 6 first wins.
Better jungler wins.
Play around his fear, fight him only when isolated.
Lee Sin
If you get ahead this matchup is very easy, if you're even be careful of his Q.
Try to use your R to make his spellshield dissapear, the spellshield can take a lot of your dmg away by blocking your Q.
Evolve Q and try to fight her.
Easy matchup if you're able to use your R and E correctly to dodge his stun, make sure to not facetank everything.
She can't kill you, you can kill her. Therefore gank your laners instead of trying to fight her (conquerer is nice in this matchup).
You HAVE to shut him down early, his ultimate is a GAME CHANGER late game, if he ults you you're done for.
Master Yi
Go challenging smite and Q evolve, only fight him when he doesn't have meditate, he shreds you late game so focus on getting your laners ahead.
****s Kha'Zix because of his R, it removes isolation because of his clone and his Q stealth is hard to play around.
A matchup that is skill based, you need Q evolve, R and challenging smite to have a chance at dueling him, as long as you're not behind you should be able to duel him if you play it correctly
Very annoying matchup, if you want a chance at fighting him you have to get the jump on him first and even then he can just E away, be careful of how tanky he can become because of his E stacks.
Bad matchup, get challenging smite and Q evolve for a chance at dueling him since his passive blocks your autos.
Xin Zhao
Very Xin Zhao favoured matchup, his lvl 2 is insane and he can duel you easily from early-mid game, you outscale.
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