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Rengar Humor Guide by QazseWsxdr

Middle KITTY MID (Rengar mid guide)

Middle KITTY MID (Rengar mid guide)

Updated on August 29, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author QazseWsxdr Build Guide By QazseWsxdr 21,010 Views 0 Comments
21,010 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author QazseWsxdr Rengar Build Guide By QazseWsxdr Updated on August 29, 2014
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Hi, my IGN is QazseWsxdr, and I have something a bit more special to show you, that's right. Kitty mid.

So, why pick Rengar mid? Well, one day I just said why not. And then I found out it was worth playing, but then Rito decided to nerf Rengar's ult CD to 150/110/70(thanks a lot) and really reduced Rengar's early snowballing potential.

Anyway, the idea of Rengar mid is that the enemy mid laner underestimates you just because you are melee, gives you a few kills then you use your ultimate to roam and get killing sprees that are so long that it can circle the Earth 696969696969 times.
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Ranked Play

Yes. Rengar mid is completely viable, a top tier pick. You should use it in every ranked game or ban it if you're not. This is a smart strategy, absolutely.

(just kiddingIt works. Maybe, kinda, I don't know. Try it yourself, but I don't take any responsibility for queue dodges or toxic teammates.)
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What did you expect? Just take runes that any AD champion would get.
Here's the runes :
Take armor pen Quints if needed, and take AP runes if you plan to be an idiot.
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Hey, you there, did you know Rengar is illuminati? Allow me to remind you of his passive:
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Pros / Cons

  • Is a cat
  • Will screw up people, like a cat
  • Is illuminati
  • Can defeat Satan in a 1v1
  • Infinite burst with QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ
  • Wins all the time
  • These are examples of pros but of course we all know Rengar mid is god
  • Why are you looking here?
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Again do masteries like any AD champion would do.
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Creeping / Jungling

We all know Rengar jungle doesn't work, so why try it? Go mid with him, and don't even think about going top.
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Team Work

Rengar isn't about teamwork, but ripping people to shreds. Also, allow me to remind you that when you roam, never give your kills to teammates. You need all the kills you can get, and being generous isn't gonna help.
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Unique Skills

Rengar's skills are indeed unique, because they're so op.
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Always get Flash and Ignite.
Maybe, just maybe, get Teleport for turbo roaming and split pushing.
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If you haven't noticed yet, [[rengar]'s weapon is a hoe(not that kind of hoe). It is used for the ease of plowing ground and replanting seeds.
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Pick Rengar mid and win.

See easy right? Now you know the secrets of getting to challenger, as well as being reported by your teammates for trolling.

(seriously try it it's good)
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