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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Unseen Predator (PASSIVE)
Rengar Passive Ability
So, why pick

Anyway, the idea of Rengar mid is that the enemy mid laner underestimates you just because you are melee, gives you a few kills then you use your ultimate to roam and get killing sprees that are so long that it can circle the Earth 696969696969 times.
Yes. Rengar mid is completely viable, a top tier pick. You should use it in every ranked game or ban it if you're not. This is a smart strategy, absolutely.
(just kiddingIt works. Maybe, kinda, I don't know. Try it yourself, but I don't take any responsibility for queue dodges or toxic teammates.)
What did you expect? Just take runes that any AD champion would get.
Here's the runes :
Take armor pen Quints if needed, and take AP runes if you plan to be an idiot.
Here's the runes :
Take armor pen Quints if needed, and take AP runes if you plan to be an idiot.
We all know
Rengar jungle doesn't work, so why try it? Go mid with him, and don't even think about going top.

You get the idea.
Rengar mid and win.
See easy right? Now you know the secrets of getting to challenger, as well as being reported by your teammates for trolling.
(seriously try it it's good)

See easy right? Now you know the secrets of getting to challenger, as well as being reported by your teammates for trolling.
(seriously try it it's good)
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