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Kled Build Guide by derps mcmaster

KLED JUNGLE S7 | How to get your team to hate you

KLED JUNGLE S7 | How to get your team to hate you

Updated on October 21, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author derps mcmaster Build Guide By derps mcmaster 4,449 Views 0 Comments
4,449 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author derps mcmaster Kled Build Guide By derps mcmaster Updated on October 21, 2017
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Why play kled jungle

Hi! It’s me, derps. Today, I’m going to talk about Kled jungle. First off, for some reason top is pretty popular so the main reason you’re gonna be playing Kled in the jungle is because it was your 2nd preference and you love kled.
-no mana costs
-he’s kled
-fairly strong ganks because of his Jousting Beartrap on a Rope / Pocket Pistol. Combo.

-not a conventional jungler
-hard to get skaarl back if you lose him while clearing
-fairly slow clear compared to other junglers

Kled is a tremendously fun jungler who, if he gets ahead, can do some pretty stupid stuff. He ganks fairly well and isn’t easy to deal with if you don’t know how he works. If you can get some solid ganks in pre six and then farm for a while again you should be set to start ganking a lot a bit later.
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Pretty much your choice. The one shown is just my full on ad page so I can afford to build some health items early game and still be ok in the damage department.
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Pretty standard.
Fury because attack speed
Fresh Blood because early game combos
Natural Talent because free damage
Battle Trance because same damage dealt as Double Edged Sword but less taken in the long run.
Battering Blows because no ap here fam
Fervor of Battle because good for keeping damage output up

Unyielding because a lot of damage runes and no defence
Tough Skin for an easier clear
Veteran’s Scars because bonus hp. Early game one auto can make all the difference.
Fearless because half the time you engage for your team and the bonus helps til they arrive.
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All you really need are items that combo damage and health. Anything goes, these are just my personal preference.
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Skill Sequence

I take a point of q first, as usual, then e because it helps clear faster. I share between his q and e because the low e cool down is good for engages and disengages and q is good for when you’re dismounted. His w is nice but I max it last because it is outshined by his other abilities.
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Stuff you should know

I’m going to keep this simple.
E + Q + E + auto
E at an enemy, then q them, then if they flash recast e to get back to them, then autoattack til they’re dead.
I usually invade their red if I can, then blue, then gromp, then wolves, then red. It helps to ask a teammate to ward your red in case the enemy invade it.
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Yeah, so Kled is pretty fun but I’m not sure why you’d choose to play him jungle over top. He’s still nice in jungle tho and he’s kled, which is an added bonus.
That’s about it. Thanks for reading. Don’t forget to downvote if you hate it and upvote if you found it bearable. Cheers!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author derps mcmaster
derps mcmaster Kled Guide
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KLED JUNGLE S7 | How to get your team to hate you

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