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League of Draven (PASSIVE)
Draven Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
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The Draven Mechanics
The first rule is always catch your axes, it is also his biggest weakness. when going to catch an axe it is important to remember that the axe is pretty much all of your power. when you miss the catch your damage output is practically halved.
a lot of enemies will use the axe drop location to their advantage and try to hit you there. if this happens and you know you will die catching the axe it may be better to just let it fall. most people that fight Draven don't realize that the axe is his damage and neglect to stop him from catching them. your passive is also heavily influenced by your axes since you get a stack of adoration every time you catch one. making sure you get plenty of stacks before killing a enemy guarantees you will get ahead in gold. using your e as a engage allows for a quick and easy kill with little fight back, the only problem is that since it has a high cooldown of you are ganked you may not have an escape. I will get more into detail about abilities later.
Q- This is Dravens strongest resource and is what causes most people to hate him. it is also what makes him a lot harder to master then most other adc. The goal is to always have at least one spinning axe at a time that way no matter what happens you can always have a stronger damage output and will be able to keep enemies at bay. When farming it is best to always use your q auto to farm last hit, since it makes your passive gold increase even more then just farming. During late game your q autos can usually 2-3 shot the enemy squishies. If you follow my item guide you will also shred tanks health.
W- Dravens w allows for him to easily catch up or hit faster. since it resets on every axe catch you can chain your w to move faster for longer(the only downside is the mana cost) the bonus attack speed it gives is very helpful and with youmuus it makes you have crazy attack speed.
E- Dravens E works amazingly well with his kit. It is a disengage or an engage depending on what you need. If you use it to disengage you can chain it with your w to easily escape most encounters. if you use it as an engage it stops the enemy from doing their combo long enough for you to dish out a ton of damage.
R- This is where the money maker is. Unlike most adc global ults, dravens can hit twice and is able to farm extremely well with it. I sometimes use it to stop a giant wave of minions that no one is near. it is also a great execution and if you press R again just right you are able to hit them twice within a second, not giving them time to move. it is also great for stealing Baron and Dragon.
W- Dravens w allows for him to easily catch up or hit faster. since it resets on every axe catch you can chain your w to move faster for longer(the only downside is the mana cost) the bonus attack speed it gives is very helpful and with youmuus it makes you have crazy attack speed.
E- Dravens E works amazingly well with his kit. It is a disengage or an engage depending on what you need. If you use it to disengage you can chain it with your w to easily escape most encounters. if you use it as an engage it stops the enemy from doing their combo long enough for you to dish out a ton of damage.
R- This is where the money maker is. Unlike most adc global ults, dravens can hit twice and is able to farm extremely well with it. I sometimes use it to stop a giant wave of minions that no one is near. it is also a great execution and if you press R again just right you are able to hit them twice within a second, not giving them time to move. it is also great for stealing Baron and Dragon.
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