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Attack: damage 55.8 (+3.2 pr. lvl)
Health: regen. 6.25 (+0.7 pr lvl)
Attack: speed 0.651 (+3% pr. lvl)
Energy: 200 (Manaless)
Armor: 16 (+3.7 pr. lvl)
Energy regen: 50 Magic res. 30 (+1.25 pr. lvl)
Range: 125 Movement speed: 325

Cost: 50 energy
Range: 975
Cooldown: 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 seconds
Physical Damage: 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 (+0.9 per bonus attack damage)

Cost: 30 energy
Range: 1100
Base Physical Damage: 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 (+8% enemies missing hp) (+0.9 per bonus attack damage)

Cost: 50 energy
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Range: 700
Shield Strength: 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 (+0.8 per ability power)

Cost: 30 energy
Spell Vamp & Lifesteal Bonus: 5 / 9 / 13 / 17 / 21%
Armor Bonus: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30

Cost: 50 energy
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Radius of AoE: 350
Magic Damage: 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 (+1.0 per bonus attack damage)

Range: 500
Cost: 30 energy
Initial Slow: 30 / 37.5 / 45 / 52.5 / 60%

Cost: No cost
Range: 375
Knockback distance: 1,200 (estimate)

The combo of

Be careful when immediately using

One of the most effective methods of harrassing with Lee Sin is to use

If you are jungling, always remember to use


Similarly, you can use

During a team engagement, try to use

Be careful about using

You also have to make sure to aim

Due to scaling well with attack damage, but requiring a fair amount of survivability due to how close he must get to enemies while he fights, getting items like
Wriggle's Lantern Lantern and
Hexdrinker early can have noticeable results.
If played in lane,
Atma's Impaler will be more beneficial than
Wriggle's Lantern, especially if building more towards the tanky side of tanky DPS.
Atma's Impaler is a generally great item for
Lee Sin; consider complementing it with a
Frozen Mallet and/or
Warmog's Armor.
Randuin's Omen is a viable item for
Lee Sin, complementing his ability to slow movement and attack speed.
Trinity Force is a fantastic item for Lee Sin. Since he has 7 skills, he can constantly proc the effects of
Sheen. Coupled with his passive, he is very likely to proc the
Phage effect giving him excellent DPS and chasing. However, given his strong attack damage scaling and natural squishiness, it is best to get
Trinity Force late, instead going for attack damage/durability items such as
Wriggle's Lantern,
Phage, or a few
Doran's Blade's.
Trinity Force will also provide some ability power to beef up the shield from
Safeguard without sacrificing an item spot purely on AP, in addition to its plethora of beneficial effects and stats.
Lee Sin can drop a tower fast if he has
Trinity Force because his low CD abilities do not require targets to cast, allowing him proc the bonus damage every 2 seconds.
Youmuu's Ghostblade a midgame
Lee Sin can singlehandedly push a turret. Stagger your abilities to trigger
Flurry while activating the
Youmuu's Ghostblade active.
Lee Sin does not use mana and scales well with attack damage, it can often be better to build the much cheaper
Hexdrinker rather than the more expensive, but more popular
Banshee's Veil (which Lee Sin wouldn't be able to use the mana portion of anyway).
Lee Sin tanky is important because to use his ult properly he needs to be able to survive being in the middle of the fight.
When playing jungle
Lee Sin, you can use
Wriggle's Lantern to place free wards for not only vision and map control, but also for synergy with
Safeguard. This allows you to jump over walls to gank/escape enemies.
Getting tanky with a
Frozen Mallet or
Warmog's Armor will allow you survive longer and give you more attack damage if you get
Atma's Impaler.
Bloodthirster on
Lee Sin will have profound effects with his damage output and regeneration.
Attack speed is a non-optimal build path on
Lee Sin, as most of his damage comes from AD-scaling abilities, and his innate
Flurry grants him natural AS.

If played in lane,




When playing jungle

Getting tanky with a


Attack speed is a non-optimal build path on

Most of his spells deal physical damage. Investing in armor items will mitigate his damage output.
Resonating Strike will deal a lot of damage when you are low on health. Try to dodge his
Sonic Wave so he can't use Resonating Strike to finish you.
Cripple will only slow you if he hits you with
Tempest. Make sure you stay away from the ability's AoE in order to avoid the slow.
Instead of battling him in minion wave, try to fight him when he is alone so he can't make the full use of the dash from his Safeguard.
Keep in mind that he can still cast
Safeguard on himself to gain its shield and regeneration from
Iron Will.
When playing as a stealth champion, wait until
Lee Sin uses
Sonic Wave and
Tempest so you won't get revealed from your stealth.
Lee Sin's
Dragon's Rage will knock you back to a set distance. If he targets you, it's better to run away in the direction he kicked you rather than running through
Lee Sin to escape.
Be extremely careful not to use
Flash to escape while affected by
Sonic Wave, as he can stick up to you with Resonating Strike]. [[Lee Sin can activate
Resonating Strike to jump to you, from a long distance away, although there is a range to his ablility.
Flash until
Sonic Wave wears off or
Lee Sin has already used
Resonating Strike.
Keep in mind that
Lee Sin's abilities have high Energy costs when engaging him. He will be vulnerable and unable to take much action if he is Energy-starved.
Keep your team spread to minimize the effect of his
Dragon's Rage.

Instead of battling him in minion wave, try to fight him when he is alone so he can't make the full use of the dash from his Safeguard.
Keep in mind that he can still cast

When playing as a stealth champion, wait until

Be extremely careful not to use


Keep in mind that

Keep your team spread to minimize the effect of his

Viable Choices

Also good if ganking to get a high movement speed slow on the target.



Unviable Choices


- Surge: No reason to take this, as only his

When jungling always take Summoner spell
Smite. Good to take and early boots and Wriggles.
Blue buff spawns at 1:55
Respawn cooldown: 5 minutes
Red buff spawns at 1:55
Respawn cooldown: 5 minutes
Dragon spawns at 2:30
Respawn cooldown: 6 minutes
Baron spawns at 15:00
Respawn cooldown: 7 minutes
Give your AP carry blue as you dont use mana, and dont need cd.
Gank once before recalling. Remember to have one in E and one in Q when ganking.

Blue buff spawns at 1:55
Respawn cooldown: 5 minutes
Red buff spawns at 1:55
Respawn cooldown: 5 minutes
Dragon spawns at 2:30
Respawn cooldown: 6 minutes
Baron spawns at 15:00
Respawn cooldown: 7 minutes
Give your AP carry blue as you dont use mana, and dont need cd.
Gank once before recalling. Remember to have one in E and one in Q when ganking.
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