essentially, he's not a true counter but i hate this guy so much in the toplane compared to other champions that i just never want him in my game because half the time its just pain.
Jack ******** champion who basically just does one rotation and you're no longer on the map. Play around abilities, her early levels is semi annoying and hard to fight, watch her energy levels and if possible try to leave her shroud if not stay in for attack speed stats and fight for your life. dodge her shuriken dash at all times or you basically die or end up with 5% hp. obviously later on you just outscale her but laning against her is just irritating. In lane i reccomend playing it slow, take advtange of her shroud cooldown and if she waste energy on e or q you can potentially kill her if you are both even in gold. if she hits shuriken on you, run to tower and ward hop, save e for when shes on top of you. very difficult matchup.
Playable early, she just mega kites you past 15 minutes with scaling items and she is strong enough to kill you before her ult runs out. try to get a lead or a good enough help from jg to get something going,
If you can cheese level 1 its a bit easier but essentially if she waste her jump on you or if you can bait her to getting close to you, you can take the trade and win. Most of the time play on the safe side you outscale her after 2 items pretty comfortably if you are skilled enough in macro and micro.
This matchup is playable but its hell since you don't have any good means of slowing him down or stopping him from running mach 30 after doing 90% of your hp and then knocking you away from trading. you scale better but this lane is a pain if you die more than once and cant farm.
he may be ranged, an angry hamster thing, and stuns, but you can easily play it safe getting some mr and health plus divine and then this little hamster cant play solo lane anymore. you can also try to snowball by trading your jump for his dash yours is lower cd so you have a small window to out trade him, do this like 1-2 times and you should be able to kill if played right. also watch for ganks this guy will call his entire team
he may be a counter to some but in my opinion, you can either run lethal tempo/conquer if you think you're better, or safe play run the usual grasp with divine and some mr in runes you should be able to do some decent trading lane controlling, watch his jungler and you're chillin.
barrel guy, some are better than others so be careful about unsuspecting barrel mechanics. His passive auto does funny true damage, resets on barrel. Try to do some trading early, be careful when jumping on him try to do it before the barrel hits 2 hp and if he waste q you can do some easier trading jumping him and hitting his barrel first and being able to potentially kill him off this.
this guy used to be an issue but now hes just a guy who taunts you and blocks autos with a strong lvl 1 but not better than yours, just run tp this matchup if you aren't try to stun him from getting into team fights, if he does tp to help his team punish him by getting his tower or making him lose xp on top side, if you dont your team just loses because he's unpunished for leaving lane. tell your teammates to watch his ult on 6.
I only consider him a reasonable threat if you dont get a good jungler who can help you with nasus existing in your lane or atleast getting objs and kills bot side while their jungle is afk your side, most are running spell book e max because its the most funniest thing he can do. Try to run some mr with divine, early level cheese him, make sure he cant farm or cant stack minions, disengage if you are relatively even when he ults, count it down so you know how long you have to kill him without his ult. don't disrespect his sheen q poke or his e magic damage. post 6 save your e for when he ults so you get a window to either kill him there with all-in or a chance to run away before he just q perma into you dying. If you are smart on macro, this lane is a lot easier, less on how mechanically skilled you are although you'll need to know your damage and capabilities in this matchup as per-usual.
hes just a 2023 champion with a lot of stats, don't let him cheese you with wall hack ultimate he has sending you to his tower better than sett. hes not difficult to play against, dodge his q's and you can build ds bork and so on he loses any time.
not a threat after early levels, don't take bad trades, always run ghost flash, walk out of his e and re-engage when its out, beat him up for his lunch money. Run bork into iceborn, bc, garg, shojin, lucidity boots for the full build and this man no longer can be in your face without crying for his entire team which he'll do anyways because he can't play.
Hes relatively even with you early levels and neither with item. Just be careful not to die to him more than twice if possible. you can do bork into triforce or sunderer in bork i believe works aswell. dodge his q's and e trade for e grab, jump out after he pulls and just run if you're losing the fight before he hits 5 stacks.
Jax favored matchup where you outscale her 10x over after two items. run lethal tempo don't do grasp please i beg of you. watch vitals, ignite is better than ghost here so play for 1v1 when its up. If you are running tp build exe early. try to dodge her reposte regardless of her being able to actually parry the stun timer, as long as you are even with her or slighty up you win this fight just don't let her get her ultimate off on you that healing is busted w/ or w/o heal cut.
what the hell are you doing in blind pick against the same guy
Hes relative to the gragas like playstyle, you're just better though, make him blow his blast and he can't negate your jump stun trade and back off. repeat, you can also just farm and keep it near your tower but its a little difficult, also small reminder every ability you land on him reduces his passive heal by 4 seconds which adds up quickly against us but its not too much of an issue, avoid his bush saplings or pull them out onto your wave for strats. overall watch his jungler and after 1 item or two hes not too much of a threat besides the amount of cc'ing he does for his team.
Matchup is always in your favor most of the time, personally i like to run double tenacity in runes so this guy doesn't just grab you and thanks to league logic without more than 20% tenacity he can w you free, also double tenacity so you can spend resources on plated into bork and trinity/divine, care for his giant true damage blast, don't get cheesed by you getting thrown into his tower and hes decent when getting you moved out of place for ganks so watch for that. play around his true damage bar building up, let it go down after a trade so you don't get blown up for being greedy.
he just doesn't play the same game as you, like hes either going to proxy all game and not be toplane or he'll be in lane perma clearing it and leaving. you can kind of challenge him/kill him early, later on he just runs from you because his ult and ghost always summoner spell so just scale up maybe buy cull. matchup is in your favor mainly because you can do a lot more in teamfights and splitting than him. just dont chase most of the time unless you can confidently kill him on spell rotation with aa weaved in or team keeps him still.
I don't know why they pick rammus into jax on the rare occasions but he has ap scaling and mega armor obviously. Lowkey tell your team you're running ap if he is potentially going top. If he is, just build mostly ap fighter and walk away when his thorns is up you won't have any issues with him after building riftmaker, conquer might be better than lethal here but test at your own risk.
adding aphelios here because hes relatively aids if your not expecting it, its the usual adc lane but you win better into him. play trades carefully be careful for his purple and red and white. if you get hit by his mark throw your counterstrike so you aren't rooted in bad positions.
tell him he's mid and then proceed to eat him. run some mr, his q is slow but you have to be ready to dodge any moment, care for his stupid auto spike poke, don't get hit by it, you can easily kill him early, bork is decent here, i need more time against cho'gath but it should be enough then you can build what you think you need.
A little annoying, if he misses axe you just kill him, level 1 you are stronger make sure to run ignite, save your e for when he's much lower, you save so much health and he loses out on any stats bonuses for almost being dead even with barrier here you kill him and have about a few hundred health left. Run bork divine bc wits end so he cant touch you without dying for being within jump range. you win this after 1 item even if both are even in gold.
Super annoying spinning 3000 times champ. I'd say you have a good time against this champion only if you are careful about your use of counter strike, if hes near any wall and you cant gap close in time just go back to farming or recall. His swing is a long 18 seconds on level 1 and 12 at level 5, so you do have the advantage the only issue is hes really good at kiting and doing 1 gazillion damage if you aren't careful. Play it smart, dodge his q's and try not to trap yourself into one lane so he can easily kill you with swing plus boomerange into like full death. you can win level 1 if he somehow is close to you, level 2 is somewhat trade-able but level 3 you can trade cooldowns and you'll be up as long as you're up more hp than him. and don't challenge him when your e is down, he does wayyy too much damage to try to win without it.
Just your simple lane bully, run ignite, lethal tempo. trinity force, bork, blow him up for playing rengar top. honestly people who play rengar top suck. manipulate the wave towards you early levels still respect his damage til you are two items although one item is decent enough just don't let him be able to kill you by bait counterstrike with his run into ult just walk away to tower or maybe chase if you think you can. be there before him in the first bush if possible also watch out for random 5 man top side if it happens. if you catch him in first bush fight him and stay on him, just be aware that bush mechanics are stupid in league so even if he is in the same bush as you and leaves it he can jump on you while in that same bush so thank riot for that one. you hard win after item or two. play it smart and you should be able to make him miserable after 10 minutes.
I've had so many run ins and fails trying to delete this champion in my games but ive figured it out for the most part, side walk for her e or fake her out. you can basically win after that, but levels after 5 you save your e for when she fails to grab you and if you can potentially kill her with the 3 second timer your e gives you stay in and kill her if not use it to just run away and re-engage soon after her ult is over. Lethal tempo, bork, trinity,black cleaver, just all dps with like 2 damage/tank items you aren't dying to her and she no longer exists as a champion to you. i'd say you win hard first item and never have issues after as long as you are playing your best macro wise because she essentially just turns into, dodge e and all in her she never can fight back.
2000 year champ, you slap him as long as you aren't eating his q's and kite away form his ghost form. you hard win with dps items or with divine, shojin, steraks. either way not an issue too much just make sure bork is in your build along with gargoyle or some good armor item. decent matchup heavily in your favor.
yasuo just, doesn't exist in this lane but, you can still lose if he knows his limits with wave mechanics. without wave and you fight him on correct timer he loses 100% of the time as long as you're even in gold. In lane, just kind of follow him with e early level 1 and he dies. I'd say to deal with his funny minion dash for bonus time or to run away, you can follow him and save your jump and counterstrike when its a good timing. This lane can end up horrible if you aren't careful about his movement ability. most of the time though when you get used to it, he dies and goes 0/10 usually. lethal tempo dps items plus 2 tanky items he dies everytime. if it reaches late be smarter about optimization and kiting him and dodging his tornados as often as possible.
Dr. Mundo
stupid mundo dies where ever he goes. use your minions to block his qs while going in for small trades with aa w aa, you eve win with just jumping on him and staying on him killing him everytime. its really easy just build divine and bork with bc and you're mainly set to go.
i honestly forgot how this matchup goes but, respect his passive gaining skarrl, counterstrike his 4 passive autos, run lethal tempo, dorans blade then, divine into shojin and bork in there somewhere.
lethal, dorans blade start, shes a bit of an annoying one, sometimes you can stop her e if you stun early before she reaches any thing mid air, trade your q for her slash, use of counterstrike so she's forced to leave with her jump, your e is up before hers by a 2 second window (no haste involved) and her w is extremely longer than your q so, you win the battles on cooldown. just be careful when trading early while her passive procs on you just walk out. you win after something like divine bc.
Lethal tempo, flash tp, divine, bork, bc, shojin, garg, steraks, or something else. You just kill him 30x over and stay pressuring top side early- mid game until you can run objectives. stun him while he's in q startup, proc his w shield down so he doesn't do any damage to you, dodge your minions he throws at you, try to time your recalls on his deaths, and his ult, as he makes you stay in lane so getting herald down asap is best prio for this matchup so you have more time to be away from lane for dragon plays, early levels just bully him while watching your waves and be careful of jungler mainly in this matchup as he'll probablly call the entire swat team on you for killing him once.
Semi-even early levels, lethal, flash ghost, dorans blade. Be careful of his random crit generator that allows him to 5x crit you in a row, just try to get sheen asap into sunderer (maybe trinity better?) and he no longer bothers you. play with ability trades, save your e for his ultimate if you can survive it long enough to make him actually use it. early just trade trade he slowly gains hp back though once the first 3 waves crash. easy mode after laning phase you just out scale him by existing and not inting into him.
Blue guy gives you blue balls. He either runs phase rush and runs after throwing e q w q whatever the combo is and leaves to do it again later. if he goes conquer its a bit easier and he doesn't perma run from you. Early levels you can do the level 1 funny, his wave clear is perma pushed on you, you can try to trade into him but his cooldowns allow him to keep you frozen in time while he removed a third of your health bar. stay away from minions affected by his e, trades against ryze are something like, you jump him and try to beat on him with wave blocking you hopefully so you dont eat his root q into q q q permanently. although its not as exaggerated as i am saying it, he can be killed solo, you just have to choose the right battles, of course you can optimize it so he cant run from you or keep you in place.
lethal, dshield, divine first. depending on what teemo went you go e or q, jumping on him dealing 10x his damage, ignite may or may not be better than ghost here. q on him if he started poison but i think safer play is e first and cheese level 1 if possible. His blind is 7 seconds all ranks, (reduced with haste), you can usually kill him early by making him waste blind so you can all in, if he holds it til your e is about to be over then just auto but dont use any procs til your blind is cleared. so you don't waste it (because thats a thing). watch his shrooms post 6 and build divine with mr boots you should be fine after. 1 to two items, be wary of his kill potential and you can pass through the mid game well.
lethal, dorans blade, ignite or ghost or even tp. Easy lane you auto win most of the time, don't willingly fight a 6 minion wave plus 4 stacked irelia. make sure you crash with a 3 wave for easy laning. This 1v1 is major in jax's favor, she stops scaling past mid game so she cant keep up with you regardless of her being 3k gold up at 30 minutes. play it smart early and you can potentially snowball and she no longer can lane. bork trinity the rest is up to you.
Lethal, dblade, ignite flash. Cheese level 1 if possible, fight him while his q is down, when caught by w try to jump immediately out away from his q's so you don't get killed early. You hard win past sheen since he can't keep up past that item into sunderer or trinity if you want him to just stop existing in the game. relatively easy matchup when you are out of lane, in lane its a bit difficult but its in your favor.
Abuse his shield cd, cheese level 1, lt, dblade, ghost flash. Early levels you just kind of kill him, as long as you're not taking extra damage and doing half health trades on him into diving him on wave crash. easier time after divine, just be careful about his gank potential.
smart lillia turns your laning experience into what am i doing here. Be careful of her speed burst, go for grasp or conquer and do short trades, shes just gonna run for days on end . tp flash grasp dshield start. divine mr boots and mr item.
Lt dblade, flash ignite. Level 1 cheese, you can do decent trades, watch his rage meter and dont get poked by his q, when trading try to make him dash and use his stun by using counterstrike, if he runs away in the other direction and lets you walk up to him without needing to jump, as long as his dash didn't touch you, he gets caught and if you're healthy, you can kill him or make him burn a spell in trade. divine into executioners just so you dont need ignite every 2 minutes.
grasp, dshield, tp flash. Level 1 cheese. Go for decent trades and don't jump on her like ever unless she runs from you previously and the timers matchup. you wont really be killing her here if shes smart but she cant really do anything about you so it turns into a farming matchup where its jax favored. you win the short trades and later on in the game she just doesn't fight you.
double tenacity in runes, lt, tp flash, maybe flash ghost works here or flash ignite if you're smurfing. level 1 cheese just hold it a bit when she qs for aa weave. She usually wont waste her stun or dash for no reason since the cooldown is slightly less than your counterstrike but if she does you can essentially all in her and she dies. play it safe and go on defense plays most of the time. Don't get caught out with wasting your counterstrike and stun she'll just run you down immediately. divine first into shojin .
Tahm Kench
A dangerous fish. lt dblade, flash ghost, stay behind minions to dodge his licks, fight within minions so he doesn't get heals. when he is about to dive and run start up e and automatically stun him. care for his shield, try not to get eaten near his tower you just die at that point. sunderer bork.
lt, dblade, flash ghost. level 1 cheese, try to dodge his grab, he'll always want to use his grab when you e, your e comes back up faster so abuse that time window to trade in your favor. early levels save counterstrike for his gatling mode its not permanent til 5 points. kite around his spots where there isnt a shotgun blast ready so you take less damage, try to avoid initiating a fight early where he has press the attack almost proc'd on you.
Really annoying pre level 6, level 1 you cheese, lt, dblade, flash tp. he has strong early game with his abilities coming up every second, i'd recommend ignoring trading and just farm up til you get item, its difficult to get a real lead on him. you outscale going into mid game.
speeddd, heals, but not that great if you need more than just heals and shield.
lulu is so amazing on you, getting shielded and movespeed with hp buff is insane
if you get a thresh on your team he can do so much for you it makes 2v5s so easy.
get this man and you'll never die, its like yi taric but for jax replacing yi.
speeddd, heals, but not that great if you need more than just heals and shield.
lulu is so amazing on you, getting shielded and movespeed with hp buff is insane
if you get a thresh on your team he can do so much for you it makes 2v5s so easy.
get this man and you'll never die, its like yi taric but for jax replacing yi.
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