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Leona Build Guide by KeyBardPenguin

Support Let Them Feel The Suns Glory [S7.24B]

Support Let Them Feel The Suns Glory [S7.24B]

Updated on December 24, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KeyBardPenguin Build Guide By KeyBardPenguin 43,076 Views 0 Comments
43,076 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KeyBardPenguin Leona Build Guide By KeyBardPenguin Updated on December 24, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


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Hello everyone, I am Petelgeuse, a Gold 5 Lvl 7 Leona main with 250K on Leona. I have climbed from bronze 4 to G5 in two months by playing Leona/MF with my friend (QuaGuus). In this time i think i have gathered enough knowledge to build this guide, so enjoy.

(This is my first guide, so if you have any tips, feel free to message me.)

PS. In S7 i have played some ranked,with my friend again, and this is what the build gave me:
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Pros / Cons

-Heavy CC, so not much counterplay
-Great peel
-Good tank stats

-No early heal
-No real damage
-****ed without followup
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How do you play Leona

Leona is a dive/engage champion. Your main combo is: (if you have it, try to hit with ult,) W for the shield, go in with E and Q to stun for longer. By that time the ADC should have followed up and together you can kill the enemy ADC, and then possibly the support. This should only be done when you have a big advantage. For example: the enemy bot combo is low on mana/hp, of when you have a powerspike.

She has great roam potential, so when you're pushed and your ADC recalled, you can roam mid and do a gank (if your midlaner is ok with it).

In teamfights you really have to make a decision. Peel/dive. It takes some time to know when to do what, but ususally you can choose like this. 1. Do they have a fed assassin? peel for ADC with items and CC. 2. Do they have a fed squishy without a lot of mobility? Engage on him and let your team kill him, then just pick off others when spells come off cooldown. When you have your items up and your ADC/other carry is low, just use them. It's better to waste a heal than to lose a teamfight with heals/shields still up.

The most dangerous thing about Leona's kit is the fact that she doesn't have any disengage. This means that when you go in, you're on the enemy and can't escape them. If you dont have followup you can't escape the enemy except maybe with flash, so you can only go in once you know you either have followup or enough damage to kill the person you're diving on. if you can't he'll most certainly kill you.
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Runes are focussed heavily on tank, so you can dive in lane or in teamfights without instantly dying, and because of the scaling on your w. I pick seals of HP, marks of armor, glyphs of MR and quinneses of HP.
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Masteries are, like runes, focussed on tank stats for the dive potential, and w scaling.
I take stonebond pact because the slow on your W got removed so that you can't proc stonebond pact anymore.
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Skill Sequence

Order: R>W>E>Q
First R, because the longer stuns and long-range stuns.
Then W, for dive potential
Then E, because you don't need to max q since its cooldown doesn't reduce.
Then Q, because it's the only thing left.
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I like to build tanky, because you're probably gonna be tanking a lot of damage, so you build tanky support items like locket, zekes convergence or randuin's omen.

Reasons to build items:
Locket = It's one of my favorite items, though it works less good now that you don't build a lot of hp and it scales with hp. I like to build it last item or second last item since it also scales with your base hp.

Knights Vow = To be built when the ally adc is really fed and needs some protection.

Zeke's Covnvergence = A good item when you have an attack speed adc like Kog'maw or Twitch.

Frozen Heart = A good item to build when they have heavy ad team and there's a champ you need to lock down, because the cdr makes stunlocking easier.

Randuin's omen = A good item to build when they have a heavy ad team and there's an attack speeed adc fed like Kog'maw or Jinx.

Gargoyle Stoneplate = I just build this when they have even more ap damage because the mr is nice and you can tank a lot while active is active.

Thornmail = If they have a Soraka or a Nami, built this after face, because the grievous wounds helps a lot against the healing.
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I take exhaust/flash because of the escape/engage of flash and the extra cc of exhaust. I find exhaust on leona better than ignite because it also greatly reducec the damage of the ADC, so your adc can easily kill the enemy ADC.
If they have a heavy healer, take ignite.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KeyBardPenguin
KeyBardPenguin Leona Guide
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Let Them Feel The Suns Glory [S7.24B]

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