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Sivir Build Guide by EksSkellybur

LET'S TALK META: Sivir (Old)

LET'S TALK META: Sivir (Old)

Updated on July 6, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author EksSkellybur Build Guide By EksSkellybur 5,536 Views 0 Comments
5,536 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author EksSkellybur Sivir Build Guide By EksSkellybur Updated on July 6, 2016
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Intro: Sivir: Is this new build OP?

Hello Everyone, EksSkellybur here with a new Sivir Build that I crafted all by my self! We all know how stressful it can be for your ADC to die, due to their squishiness. So why not make a Build that looks like a troll build a first glance, but scales off powerfully for Attack Speed Marksman Champions such a Sivir? Let's get Started!

I Recommend Heal and Flash, Although Barrier and Teleport are Also Powerful Spells for Sivir.
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About the Build:

Nobody likes to die, but ADCs hate dying the most due to how squishy they are, and how they are one of the more pressure and pushing types; Against enemy towers and the enemy Team. Rushing for your Sheen, and then the Trinity Force of Tons of Damage will Encourage Sivir to her new Potential of Poke, Extra Damage, and a little bit of Sustain all into one neat item. Taking Ninja Tabi and Wit's End will give Sivir the extra edge that she needs to go ham even easier against anyone that she faces, either being Pokey Champions such as Tristana or Vayne, AD Champions such as Jayce or Pantheon, or Even AP Champions such a Syndra or Mid Lissandra. Your two tanky items are enough to take Rageblade as your Final Attack Item for Sivir. Sivir's Attack Speed Potential is Either 1.59 if you have the Rageblade with you, or 1.99 Attack Speed, without. The runes should give you just enough fuel to give Sivir a Good 2.40-ish Attack, or even giving a full brunt of Maximum Attack Speed possible for Sivir. Finally, your Last Item is the Black Cleaver for even more disgusting poke damage, and for Shredding the Total amount of Armor. In a Half-Full Build, You are a Tanky Attack Speed Poke Champion, but In a Full Build, you are a Monstrous Tank Shredder. Do not get Sivir in her Bad Mood, if you know what's good for you.
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Sivir's OP Skins

Pax Sivir is Faker OP. 'nuf said. For those who don't have the Swiggity-Swag Pax Sivir Skin, Stormstorm Sivir has got to be her most OP Skin Yet. Her Recall is just so PRETTY!

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧・゚: *
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Final Verdict: 94/100

Sivir is known for being the Best Starter ADC Champion in the entire game, as well as being quite a toughie to defeat, if you're a skillful Sivir. She can make powerful teamwork with her Ultimate, as a great utility of Escaping or Engaging a Teamfight. She has a Q for Semi-Farm and pokes, her W being on a quicker cooldown and used more for farming then poking, and your E only to be used more defensibly then aggressively if anything. She is fairly powerful in Splitpushing, and Taking Kills, so she is not someone to be taken lightly, and She a Scary Snowballing Champion, once she gets going, Especially with Trinity Force being such an Amazing Item for her. I highly Recommend you Buy Sivir, more then someone like Ashe, because Sivir may not put in as much utility work as Ashe, but She can go ham easier, and has more Farming Potential then Ashe.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author EksSkellybur
EksSkellybur Sivir Guide
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LET'S TALK META: Sivir (Old)

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