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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
About me
My summoner's name is 'Pere EUNE', and welcome to my first guide!
Here's my in game profile and screenshot of my match history which inspired me to create this guide.
I'm playing on EUNE server. My main roles are top and mid, and I'm currently in platinum 4, trying to get to the diamond.
Some time ago I decided to go back in time and revive my main from the season 7:
in this guide I would like to teach you how to play Lulu on TOPLANE. Playing this character in this specific lane may be somewhat demanding for some players, because it needs basic knowledge about kaiting and Lulu's kit, but after some practice she might be a decent choice for ranked games. Hope you enjoy it! |
Starting items:
We're taking Cull, or Doran's Blade, Health Potion, and Stealth Ward.
If you have no balls, you're taking Doran's Blade, but keep in mind that Cull gives you +180 gold when stacked and sold so it really speeds up our build.
First item:
Now we have to choose our first item! Just look at enemy toplaner and take what you need.
It has to be the one of these:
1. Blade of the Ruined King Cost: 3200 gold.
+ Gives lifesteal
+ Good against tanks
+ A lot of AD dmg + decent AP dmg (from basic spells)
- The most expensive item
2. Nashor's Tooth Cost: 3000 gold.
+ Gives 20% CDR
+ Gives more healing from Fleet Footwork
+ Ap dmg which scales with our abilities
- No AD dmg
3. Wit's End Cost: 2400 gold.
+ Gives a lot of MR - good against AP champions
+ Steals our opponent's MR
+ RIDICULOUSLY CHEAP - we can literally rush into Guinsoo's Rageblade
- No AD dmg
- No sustain
Core items:
Now you HAVE TO build Guinsoo's Rageblade as your second item, and Runaan's Hurricane as your third item. No exceptions. Oh, and don't forget to upgrade your boots!
Two last items:
Now it's time to fill our build. To do this we have some options:
- we can buy the other first items we didn't choose,
- we can build utility items like Ardent Censer,
- we can go for Zhonya's Hourglass to have some usefull ability and AP,
- take Guardian Angel for some AD and revive to help your team after death.
First Tree - Precision
Fleet Footwork helps you with kaiting and gives some heal. I choose it over Press the Attack, and Lethal Tempo. The reason is that it fits better in my play style. You can choose something else if you want to. |
Triumph is easy choice. It heals you and gives some extra gold after every single kill/assist. The other runes in this line are pretty useless for Lulu. |
Legend: Alacrity is the best in this line, because our main goal is to deal big amoounts of demage every time we do the aa, so it perfectly scales with our build. |
I chose Cut Down because in the most cases we have lower max hp than our opponent, so we can do some extra amount of demage. When I'm starting with Cull this rune can work even on 1st level, if our enemy runs one of doran's items and Resolve tree. |
Second Tree - Inspiration
Boots for free? Why not! Magical Footwear gives us Slightly Magical Boots after 10 min (faster after killing/assisting) which are pretty simmilar to Boots, but with +10 movment speed bonus. As squishy ranged champion every sorce of ms is important.
Every time when we hit enemy champion with Glitterlance we are moving faster, so we can easier stick to our target. The other options are: Biscuit Delivery, or Future's Market. |
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