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Lulu Build Guide by FrostBiteXx

Top Lulu The Fae Sorceress; Beware the bumble Bear! {Season 8}

Top Lulu The Fae Sorceress; Beware the bumble Bear! {Season 8}

Updated on December 29, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FrostBiteXx Build Guide By FrostBiteXx 22,578 Views 5 Comments
22,578 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FrostBiteXx Lulu Build Guide By FrostBiteXx Updated on December 29, 2017
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Press the Attack
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down

Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hey guys, frost here! I decided to update this guide for season 8, I decided im going to completely re-vamp it with more in-depth descriptions and more. I will most likely update this slowly over the course of a month or so but it will be updated!

I also wanted to give a huge thanks to everyone who has taken the time to or even try out this guide and giving it a chance and I think at this point a lot of people have seen lulu top so this is going to be going even more in-depth to maximize your lane annoyance in top lane :)

Lulu has been by far my favorite champions, Although I am fairly new to league with only a years worth of play under my belt and I'm bronze 3 lulu is my most played champion with over 170,000+ points on her of course I still have much more to learn but I want to share what I have learned!
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"The best path between two points is upside-down, between, then inside-out, and round again." - Lulu

Perhaps more than any other champion in the League, Lulu marches to the beat of her own drum. During her youth in Bandle City, she spent most of her time wandering alone in the forest or lost in a daydream. It wasn't that she was antisocial; the day-to-day bustle of Bandle City just couldn't compete with the vibrant world of her imagination. She saw wonder in places most people overlooked. This was how she found Pix, Pix, a fae spirit, pretending to be stuck in a birdhouse. Lulu's imagination distinguished her to Pix, and he seized the opportunity to lure her into his life. He brought her to the Glade, the enchanted home of the fae, which lay nestled in a clearing in the woods.
There the rigid properties of the outside world - things like size and color - changed as frequently and whimsically as the direction of the wind. Lulu felt at home in the Glade and she lingered there with Pix, fascinated by this secret place.

She quickly lost track of time. Her life in the Glade was comfortable, natural. She and Pix played fae games together, the sorts of games that she had been told were 'only pretend', and she got exceedingly good at them. It caught her by surprise when she suddenly remembered that she had left a life behind in Bandle City. The Glade had a way of making everything outside seem distant and surreal. Lulu decided to revisit her former home, to share some of the lovely things she'd learned, but when she and Pix returned the world had changed. Time, she discovered, was another property that behaved differently in the Glade, and centuries had passed while she was away.
Lulu sought to reconnect to the residents of the outside world, but her attempt had unfortunate results. She led all the children off to play hide and seek, temporarily changing them into flowers and animals to spice up the game, but their parents didn't appreciate her efforts. When the yordles insisted that she leave their land, she turned to a vibrant, magic place where those with unusual gifts were not just accepted but adored: the League of Legends.
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Lulu being a squishier top lane can be harassed back when farming by enemies such as Ekko, Pantheon and others like that.
If you leash your jungler chances are you will be about 2-4 CS behind, since lulus passive Pix, Faerie Companion Can be a bit of a nuisance, it can cause you to miss CS if you're not careful. Since Pix decides to shoot an Extra 3 bolts of damage it can leave the minion low and make it so your minions take the minion.

Her early CS'ing is a bit wonky so you need to play it a bit more safe and precise when it comes to it but it is far from impossible. While it is annoying if you are getting harassed back and cannot CS you may want to ask for a gank or try to kite them out and poke them, Whimsy them can help you cs in the early levels.

If you happen to be pushed up to turret and are being harassed to much it is impossible to Cs without dying/Almost Dying, you may want to ask your jungle to camp or try to protect turret as much as possible and rush Bork.
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Skill Sequence

Glitterlance Q: You're going to want to max this second last. As its range and slow can be useful for catching up/stopping your opponent from going places it can be a bit hard to precisely land and it doesn't have the farthest range making it slightly inefficient early game.

Whimsy W: Max this last, Whimsy is only useful for poly morphing carries or enemies who deal heavy burst to team mates. You wont use this too often and when you do it will be gank escape or to save yourself from your laner.

Help, Pix! E: Max this first, it has instant on put damage with no cast time it makes for an amazing E Q combo to do some early game damage, Since its shield can block damage or deal some damage it isn't to be underestimated. It has great damage and can chunk down enemies.

Wild Growth R: self explanatory, max this whenever you can. But when you use it you should either use it when your almost dead or in a fight and you just need the extra health and knock up, can be useful for your jungler if they are trying to gank and the enemy is running, just ult the jungler and they get knocked up.

So in the end Max E,Q,W and whenever you can R.

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Pros / Cons

+Good Early Harass
+Very good 1v1 Potential
+Very good in team fights
+Doesn't fall off
+Ult helps team mates and you
+Good Mobility

-If focused easily bursted down
-If Stunned/slowed is vulnerable
-Relies Heavily on wards
-Needs Team if its not a 1v1
-Very Weak to ganks
-Hard Time Against Tanky Champs/Ranged Champs.

this may not apply to Everyone but when I play this is how I see it but feel free to tell me if I missed something :)
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Team Work

Team Fights, Useful? Or Useless?

Lulu Would be useless if her W,E and R weren't there which is over half of her kit. Now let me explain, When in a team fight if Lulu uses her W Whimsy on a Team Mate They get a speed and Attack speed buff which can either help the catch up to an enemy to secure a kill or escape from an ult or death/Chase. When her W Whimsy is used on an Enemy She transforms them into a friendly woodland creature making them useless for 2.25 seconds at full and 1.25 at its lowest making it possible for your team to dish out some heavy damage if need be and or kill them or even save the baron/ dragon.

Her E Help, Pix! can shield from turret damage or enemy damage in general making it able to make quick saves and some really nice plays if done right. She can use it on herself or even a minion and can be used for a couple different things making this move more flexible and gives it more options to be used in different situations.

And last but not least her R Wild Growth, her R enlarges an Ally giving them a ton of health that scales with her AP and knocks up all surrounding enemies in the area of her ult and slows them for 7 seconds, which can easily save you or and ally in a dire situation middle of a team fight, mixes well with Yasuo ult and can be used for a save early or late game, its a good ult all game because of the health and knock up when used.

These 3 moves in her kit make her Synergize well with the rest of her team late game especially with yasuo's as mentioned above. This allows her to make good plays and good saves which is the part where she doesn't fall off.
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Teleport: Essential, since most of your speed will come from your W movement speed buff which has a 10 second cool down it takes some time to get back up to top so teleport will really be useful.

Flash: Essential because if you get ganked and your W or even if you have your W, if you are to far ahead you will NEED flash to get out of that situation without dying.


Ignite: This can potentially be switched in for teleport if you know you will easy push in lane and wont have that much trouble getting back to top. but if not stick with Teleport.


Any other spells to be honest. Like seriously you don't need Barrier or Cleanse

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The Item sequences are important because these can make or break how your laning faze goes. So this is going to be as in depth of a description of what to build for in a couple different scenarios! hope this helps with a few things!

Blade of the Ruined King , This is the first thing you will want to build, with it giving you both attack speed and life steal it is an essential for your top laning, it will help you sustain and help stop draining gold from your pockets for health pots because you may be getting harrased.
Bork is especially good as a first item against Gangplank, Tryndamere, Pantheon, Darius and Garen, it helps you sustain with their heavy bursts of damage that can sometimes take you down to half health or more it allows you to gain back that health with just one enemy minion wave.

Statikk Shiv , this is the second thing you should be building both Statikk Shiv and Blade of the Ruined King are core items. The Statikk Shiv Attack speed mixed with the attack speed and life steal from bork allows you to dish out even more auto attacks but heals you even more. It allows you to destroy tank health bars and make for quick kills.

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Sorry if this Build guide was bad! it is my first guide and I will most likely update it in the future but for now comment and tell me what I could work on or what I should edit!

But in all this was the guide for top lane lulu hope this helped for anyone wanting to pickup this lane with her. Its really fun and doesn't take to long to learn, it can be an interesting match up to throw your opponents of guards and cause some confusion and an all fun kit to play in lane. With all her counter and who she counters id say she is well balanced for top lane and can really apply the pressure where its needed. Every champion is with its buff and De-buffs, However that being said you do need to experiment with different laners and see if it would work.

I encourage everyone to try maybe a mid laner as a top laner potentially and see how it goes, it might just work!. That being said Lulu top is a strange one but its one I love dearly, she is incredibly fun to play and is fairly balanced when it comes to it. But im just rambling at this point! Well I hope everyone tries her out at least once, I mean you probably are going to try her out if you read this guide....

If you happen to have a good item build feel free to let me know and ill check it out and may add it!

So good luck and happy Laning!

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Shout Out's!

This is just a little section for the mentions of people who have helped me edit this guide and improve it!

1) @Astrikas or regularly Astrikas, Thank you for sending me the link for the BBCoding to make the guide look a lot cleaner and nicer in general which helped a whole lot!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author FrostBiteXx
FrostBiteXx Lulu Guide
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Lulu The Fae Sorceress; Beware the bumble Bear! {Season 8}

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