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Choose Champion Build:
The MOAR Damage
Ult Spamming
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Illumination (PASSIVE)
Lux Passive Ability
Welcome to my first guide ever on mobafire.
I made my first one as Lux because I play her a lot and is very fun spamming the ult, and since there aren't many ult spam builds I decided, why can't I make it? :)
First I would fully max out
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration. It is for more magic penetration for when versing a tank, they can't take much of your damage off.
Secondly I would get 9
Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration because late game you would probably be needing a lot of mana regeneration to spam your ult, Early game is not really needed since you do have
And for the
Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power and
Greater Quintessence of Ability Power is just for AP.
[This is just a recommendation from me, but you can use alternative runes, which ever you like best.]
Secondly I would get 9
And for the
[This is just a recommendation from me, but you can use alternative runes, which ever you like best.]
[Alternative Spells]
Very useful for escaping but remember
is not very good at running away or escaping so why need this spell when your suppost to be positioning yourself to kill!
This is more of a support
,so if you are one go ahead and grab this spell
For Dominion, you would want to get CDR as soon as possible. Firstly, you need to spam you ult to stop enemy captures. Secondly, IT'S ADDICTIVE. YOU LOVE THE BUTTON "R" FOR LUX! YOU CAN'T RESIST!
Instead of getting
Boots and
Prospector's Ring at the start of the match (when you're in the spawning pool), you can if you want, start of with a
Tear of the Goddess and
Boots and spam your abilities in the spawning pool. Just for the extra mana, because Lux is kind of a mana hungry champion if you like to spam your spells alot :)
Instead of getting
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