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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Granite Shield (PASSIVE)
Malphite Passive Ability
Ok, so the breakdown:
-High armor and MR
-Very low cooldowns on abilities
-Ulti+E combo does massive amounts of damage and initiates amazingly
-If ulti is missed, you may have no other way to initiate and can be kited quite easily
-If vsing a full AP team, you may find yourself in a bit of trouble as you scale off armor
-High armor and MR
-Very low cooldowns on abilities
-Ulti+E combo does massive amounts of damage and initiates amazingly
-If ulti is missed, you may have no other way to initiate and can be kited quite easily
-If vsing a full AP team, you may find yourself in a bit of trouble as you scale off armor
Never underestimate yourself in team fights, with this build you reach around 375 armor, and 150 MR which is really incredible, also you are dealing incredible amounts of damage with your Ulti+E combo, this helps your team to easily win team fights especially with a YASUO on your team. Just relax and let the assists come to you ;)
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