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YOU OUTSCALE----Ok, I hated this matchup with my very soul. It takes skill for this matchup. WHY I LOSE: shanks you real hard with pokes (if he plays really aggressive and you cant dodge for sht you lose). HOW TO WIN: You must shank him back use e lvl 1 and flip him during his q animation, preferably 2nd or 3rd and you can flip his q behind you. You outscale with this build, take mortal reminder. If you can get super close to him you can win, just flip his 3rd q. You outscale at lvl 9 if you play right.
Pretty disgusting matchup, (I permaban darius) (also used to be darius main), MY BUILD SHANKS HIM if you get a lead, you beat him if you get deaths dance before he gets too ahead. You're e can override his hook, if you slightly delay it. Sadly, you don't win lvl 1 unless you flip into his q. Play safe, all in at lvl 9, he will be surprised and you sht on him. If you make a few mistakes you're basically done for.
Only high elo akali players are a threat, they usually just q, auto q, and you take a sht load of dmg. RECOMMEND DORANS SHIELD. You outscale this matchup GET MORTAL. you even trade lvl 1 e flip, you win if you can flip her out of her shroud, flip her once she second e towards you, or if you dodge all her q's. play safe and YOU OUSTCALE
HAHAHAHAH, MY FAVORITE MATCHUP(YOU STOMP ON HER), I have never lost solo lane to a riven and I refuse to believe I will. UPGRADE E FIRST LVL 1 YOU OUTRADE HER SO HARD. You probably get first blood if she fights or 3/4 her health bar if she flees. SHE ONLY WINS IF YOU CANT REACT TO HER POKE. Some higher elo rivens spam e q and q away just shaving off your healthbar until your low enough to die. If you flip her during this, she dies. BTW YOU CAN CANCEL HER THIRD Q OR OVERRIDE HER W STUN WITH YOUR E.
Hah, urgot mains be losing this matchup( I use to lose during my first 500 or so games of urgot, finally developed a unbreakable counter strat to beat him). READ THIS CAREFULLY, ONE MISTAKE AND YOU MIGHT BE DOOMED: BUY DORANS BLADE,UPGRADE E FIRST, CS NORMALLY, DONT GET MINION AGGRO ON YOU. He's gonna walk up, auto, you trade autos, if he counterstrikes, wait a moment, .23 sec before he stuns, you flip, THE SHIELD WILL NEGATE HIS STUN DMG, YOU START BLASTING HIM TO DEATH, you kite, make sure you get as many shotgun knees off, make sure U KITE HIM. IF YOU DONT LAND FLIP WHILE HE STUNS, YOU'RE DEAD. I promise, you will outdmg every single jax player in the game if you do this correctly lvl 1. Later on, you win by doing this every time, YOU FLIP AS HE STUNS THEN OPEN W, if you're < lvl 9, FLIP HIM, DONT FLIP AWAY. Now here comes elaboration: if he adapts to your playstyle like some jax players do and doesn't counterstrike, he will prob out dmg you, in this case, open w and he will counterstrike, advise you to walk away if he learns you playstyle until you hit lvl 9 powerspike. LVL 9 YOU SHOULD HAVE MAX W FOR INFINITE PEWPEW. Anticipate his jump, q yourself when he lands, TOGGLE W, he countstrike, do the flip trick, and mow him to death. This is a delicate matchup, if he gets a head just a bit too much, you lose. You win midgame, lategame should be even, but he most likely can outdmg you late based on drake and what he builds.
I don't know much about this matchup as I rarely see this now, but dorans shield, use flip from the edges of the root pool, you can dash through it, you outscale, I DONT BOTHER BUYING ADAPTIVE, in teamfight rather heal a sht ton. GET SECOND WIND. You can win with righteous.
Hah this requires skill now, I'd say I win about 70% of fiora matchups, YOU OUSCALE SUPRISINGLY. Now rush executioners early, like before black cleaver or after. Get DORANS SHIELD IF YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO NOT GET Q'D. I go dorans shield second wind to let her heal and trade for cs. Good sustain, unless you're ambitious and get dorans blade and want to challenge a professional duelist. Now how to win: you straight up try not to get poked too much, IF YOU BACK OFF TOO MUCH SHE WILL ASSERT DOMINANCE AND ITS GONNA GET HARD. Match her csing and try to trade, WARNING: DONT TRY TO FLIP ENGAGE. ONLY FLIP TO GET THE SHT OUT. OR, if she uses w, you chain the flip so it hits after she uses w. You OUTSCALE ONCE YOU GET DEATHS DANCE(assuming you have executioners) PLAY FIGHT LIKE THIS, STICK TO WALL: SHE WILL TRY TO HIT VITALS. LET HER HIT 3 EXCEPT FOR THE ONE ON THE WALL. You do this, your shotgun knees will blast her(land your q first). If she gets desperate and w's FLIP HER AFTER, CHAIN ULT AND SHE DEAD. Here's a cheese trick, oh btw its hard to win lvl 1 e flip if she hits 2 vitals, So cheese trick is lets say she is low and walking away, you have flip and ult. YOU DASH TOWARDS HER, IF SHE USES W, CHAIN ULT AFTER AND REEL HER IN, its like a feint ult. If she's is good and doesn't w, don't waste ult, move on.
Shoots you until you're dead. You win late, you straight up yeet on him so hard around mid to late. If you take second wind dorans shield, you will thank me a lot. Try to cs, if he barrels you, shield it by dashing back. If he approaches cs, you can flip him if you are around same health. You win lvl 1 e trade. If he slows you with barrel, and wants to proc his passive on you, you flip and knee him to death. You can shred his barrels at lvl 9 by toggling it. If he has klepto, just outcs him, don't lose a lot of cs due to that rune. Heres the thing, he can ORANGE your flip, most likely not, but he can and it will cancel your flip. he can also orange you're ulti, but if he does it too late, you drag him to you, but he doesn't get grinded. I recommend chaining flip right after ult to cc him. try to put distance between him and his safe zone eg. teammates/ tower. when your pulling him. You win if you don't get poked by barrels. You win if you fight melee.
Legit just win with lvl 1 flip trade, poke him, get dorans and second wind BECAUSE, he will just throw e's at you and u can heal back(trust me) if he all in's you, you flip and kite out of his e and kill him. HIS W SLOW DOES NOT AFFECT YOUR W ATK SPD. Just freeze lane and win. GET EXECUTIONERS.
Annoying matchup as he just heals everything up with passive, get dorans shield and second wind if hes just gonna poke you. Don't really fight him unless you can chunk him or all in kill him. Just out cs him and you outscale him hard.
He will win if you are not experienced, but you can win by going dorans shield and second win. You win lvl 1 e flip, try to flip him away from his axe. You don't really win at lvl 6 but you win at lvl 9. You cant reel him in if he ults, GET EXECUTIONERS. You straight up outdmg him and outheal him with deaths dance executioners. Ult him when his ult is down. ALSO CANT FLIP HIM IF HE ULTS. YOU OUTSCALE WITH MY BUILD.
Play like he is nasus, bully him, take bone plating dorans blade. FLIP BEFORE HE SILENCES YOU, toggle w, and you should outtrade him. DONT WASTE TOO MANY SHOTGUN KNEES IF HE W's, You win at all lvls
Hated matchup. You must flip her by predicting how she will e towards you, you can cancel the her dash dmg by flipping her as she goes towards you, you dont really win I RECOMMEND DORANS SHIELD AND BONE PLATING. Her w spam is annoying, and her shield is too, Only trade if she engages and just cs, You outscale at lvl 9 with deaths dance, ULT WHEN YOU FLIP HER SO SHE CANT DODGE IT WITH HER ULT.
Tentacle lady, Straight up lose. Dodge her e's. I used to play illaoi so here are some tips: DONT ENGAGE HER IN ALL OUT UNLESS YOU ARE 100% SURE YOU WIN. IF SHE PULLS YOUR SPIRIT JUST WALK AWAY. IF YOU ENGAGE WITH SPIRIT PULLED SHE ULTS AND YOU DEAD. btw the after effect of her spirit pull spawns tentacles. You can shred them with your w, but they will still slam down after death due to new buff. Fight her once you get executioners and she MISSES HER SPIRIT PULL. Try to destroy tentacles midfight too.
Go dorans shield second wind, hes gonna poke, you outscale , fight him by engaging with q, walking up, and w. If he goes into melee, he will q,w ,then knock u back right? So cancel that knockback with your e and u destroy him. You don't win early until u get lvl 6. You can win with lvl 1 e trade if you are good.
Really bad matchup if the kennen is really good, Dorans shield + second wind. You can kill him if you are around his health and he e's towards you, you flip him and just kill him. Other wise, just outfarm him. You oustcale once you get spirit visage. You feed this lane = you lose. Put pressure, If he has klepto and pushes you in, you are gonna lose hard. If you can push really hard without taking too much poke, dodging enemy ganks, you make him lose cs and prevent him from having time to proc klepto.
He can outtrade you most of the time. LVL 1 E trick works. You can cancell his taunt with your dash. DONT FIGHT UNTIL BLACK CLEAVER OR LATER. You're not gonna do dmg until cleaver. Get whatever starter you want. Don't proc w until after his w, land ur q as he w's.
Really annoying this patch, but they are nerfing his q in 9.20. Defensive build, YOU DESTROY HIM MIDGAME-LATE. Once you get BC and Deaths dance, you sht on him hard. I WARN YOU AGAINST LVL 1 E TRADE ON THIS ONE. He can outdmg you with his q. play safe, don't get poked by q, lose cs if you have to, you outscale, flip when he e's. He will most likely engage on you with w, save ur flip till his e or u need to run away. If he ults u can flip him as he lands.
EASY MATCHUP IF YOU CAN PLAY WELL. Dont let him build rage by zoning him lvl 1 or poke him if he goes for minions, your flip can cancel his, so flip him at an angle, outtrade him lvl 1, YOU MUST ZONE HIM or he gonna start scaling, DORANS BLADE BONE PLATING. Later into the game, you get outscaled when he reaches full build. The best way to win >lvl 6 fights is to ULT HIM WHILE HE IS ABOVE 25% HEALTH. GET IT TO AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO 25% WITHOUT GOING PAST. THEN YOU DMG HIM TIL HE ULTS, AT THE END OF YOUR ULT, IT WILL AUTOMATICALLY PULL HIM IN, BY THE TIME HE ULTS, YOU SHOULD BE PUTTING DISTANCE, YOUR ULT LAST AROUND SAME TIME AS HIS, IF YOU PUT ENOUGH DISTANCE, HIS ULT WILL RUN OUT WHILE YOU ARE PULLING HIM IN AND YOU KILL HIM. If you ult too late it will instant reel and be useless. Second alternative is get him low run away and snipe him with ult.
Good irelia mains are a pain. This is like riven matchup but don't fight her if she has q stacks or conq stacks. Your dash can engate her stun, predict where she will q and flip her, you can easily win if you can do this every fking time. If you zone her you win. Only time you don't win is if she has stacks. If she w's stop kiting, don't waste knees on her dmg reduction. You can do lvl 1 e trick if she tries to dash to the first melee minions. ASSERT YOUR DOMINANCE.
Really annoying but you outscale. Get dorans shield second wind. For some reason my bone plating barely procked on this matchup. He just dashes near, q and e's away. NEGATE HIS STUN WITH YOUR DASH and you outtrade him, but make sure you are doing this MID GAME TO LATE. You don't really win this matchup early, unless he is bad, lvl 6 be careful, he might dive you with his jg. Remember, you outscale, so play safe.
An acutal psychological mind game. You get dorans shield second wind, cs as much as possible let him poke but try to dodge his red bar. Near mid game once you get bc deaths dance executioners, you win. You pretend to back off(assuming you've been playing defensive, making him think he still wins) you q him, slowing him, turn on him with w, you should be past lvl 9 with infinite w, try to flip him, if u land flip u basically mow him down, if he pools try to follow unless he has like phase rush. Try not to flip unless you can land it, I recommend doing it at the last second and just auto with w till he pools. If you cant pull off kills mid game he outscales and you might lose.
Really annoying, havnt found a good counterstrategy yet as I haven't fought this that much. Defensive build works really well as in get shield and second wind. You can flip him if he q's so he cant chain ulti, you can outdmg him with bc deaths dance but he's prob just gonna jump away and poke you more, just farm and respect this ranged champ.
Lvl 1 try not to trade as he can get skarl back easily get dorans shield second wind he is gonna poke with q. You outscale this man once you get deaths dance. Make sure to get tabis. WHEN HE Q'S YOU, YOU CAN TURN AS YOU E RIGHT AS THE Q PULLS, IT GIVES YOU AN EXTENDED FLIP. like you shield negates his q dmg and chains ur dash as you get pulled in, hopefully flipping him, ult him when skarl is gone and you should win. Don't fight too much early.
You outscale once you get spirit visage in my build. Go the shield and second wind. Your dash can cancel his e, TO WIN FIGHTS, FLIP HIM AFTER HE USES HIS SHIELD. For some reason i don't win if I flip early as he shields most of it. Once you flip him when his shield is gone, you do a ton of dmg and you win.Dodge his q's and you outscale.
throw ult on his ult
ult on charm
his ult is wack with your ult
Hah you can swap with this guy if he's your midlaner and you can play mid urgot (take barrier) :^)
throw ult on his ult
ult on charm
his ult is wack with your ult
Hah you can swap with this guy if he's your midlaner and you can play mid urgot (take barrier) :^)
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