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Maokai Build Guide by Satanic

Middle Maokai is throwing children(Seriously WTF)

Middle Maokai is throwing children(Seriously WTF)

Updated on March 4, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Satanic Build Guide By Satanic 3,472 Views 9 Comments
3,472 Views 9 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Satanic Maokai Build Guide By Satanic Updated on March 4, 2014
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Maokai
  • LoL Champion: Maokai
  • LoL Champion: Maokai


You Must Know:
Before You Decide To Play Maokai,Read This:
-Good Single Target Damage
-Good Team Fight Champion
-High Survivability
-Even If You Are Burster,You Are Suporting Allies Too
-Zoning Champion
-Gap Closer
-Good Pusher
-Instane Mid Game Burst Even Tanky Build
-Hard Farmer

-Dies Fast Early Game(1-4 Levels)
-Build oriented most in offense
-Untill Lvl 4 You Are Fragile At Ganking
-Too Good Pusher(Even if you play defensively,with a E,U will all ranged minions.So U push unintentionaly)
-Ward Dependant
-Needs Hard Farm
-Slow Base Movement
-Not The Best Naturaly Armor And Magic Resistance

If You still want to follow this guide(that would make me happy!),Here are some tips:
1)Dont push without wards/Saplings in bushes.
2)Play passive untill level 4
3)GANK!! I dont care if you are 0/4.Just go bot lane,and kill enemy adc.even if you steal!
4)This might sound moronic,but Ur first 2-3 fights,try to pick the kill.Last hit with Q or W.
5)Cooperation Is Indeed really good
6)Evelyn is on stealth.Let ur team mates know.
7)Call MIA even if enemy recalled.
8)Ask for blue at lvl 6-8
9)Invade Yourself enemy jungle.Kill enemy Wraiths,or steal enemy blue.
10)ALWAYS have a look at minimap.A look every 10-15 seconds should be enough.
11)If your team mates are argueing,separate them.Tell them to chill out and stuff.(They will focus on game,and not on insulting each other.They might die while typing bad words too each other too.And if they are mature,they might honor you at end of game)
12) -The Most Important At The End-
1st pick suport,2nd jungle,3rd adc,4th top,5th mid
Order Pick=Pick in such way that enemy team will have hard times counter-picking you.
A lot of kids and bronze-silver players,confuse it with Insta Lock.Before You lock in,tell Ur team mates what build U gonna go,what role U gonna take,etc.You have chat.Its not for flaming.Its for cooperating!!!
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Every Build Tips

-Play passive and hug turret until level 4.
-Ask For ganks early,and try pick up the kill.
-If you have good game,rush for Deathfire Gasp.
-If you have hard game,rush for Rod Of Ages.
-Combo with Deathfire=W+DeathFire+E+Q
-Spam Saplings at level 4.But at lvl 1-3 dont cast it every time its off cooldown.
-Gank Other Lanes and help them!
-Kill wraiths as often you can,and ward hard!

-Its a botlane build.
-You are a freaking God of nature!Forget of your adc...W in enemy adc! should back off if your adc is lower on HP than enemy adc.
-DO NOT take farm!not even one minion!Farm only when your adc recalled.
-Save up some mana for warding with E,or escaping with W.
-At lvl 6,its ok to dive.Max 1-2 turret hits.MAX!!
-GO Catalyst earlyer if you have hard time on bot.
-Rush Giants Belt if you have a good time.

-This build makes you ally dependant.To pick a kill early,you need the help of jungler.
-Like first build,play passive until level 4.Hug turret.Throw a sapling once every 20-30 seconds.Dont waste mana....
-When You are 4,you can gank with jungler.If you do so,you will have lower farm(obviously)
-When you are 6,you should call for all team for Drake.
-Priorities untill minute 20 are:
4:Enemy Jungle
-First 2-3 fights,try to last hit the champion...If you have 3 kills,you may carry game.
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Ranked Play

Just Harass Enemy Laner With E.
When he is 60-70% hp,combo him,then back off.
And when he is 30% hp,Ult Combo him,and finish off with ignite.
(Ult Combo=W+R+E+Q)
Dont fight without brushes unwarded!!
I dont encourage killing oponent.If he is stupid enough and makes mistakes,punish him.combo him.But unless you dont think of a back-way route,dont go in blindly.
Your main goal is FARMING!At minute 15-20 You should have like 100+Farm.
TAB Is the most powerfull buton in game.Use It!(actualy...its R,but U get the point:D)
For Farm,Use only E at ranged minions,and last hit others.U should Q on big minion to last hit it.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Satanic
Satanic Maokai Guide
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Maokai is throwing children(Seriously WTF)

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