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Ability Order
Sap Magic (PASSIVE)
Maokai Passive Ability
Best items:
Philosopher's Stone-You must gank alot , so you don't have time for farming.
-Same as Philosopher's Stone.
-Best boots in game with that Passive.
-Health,Mana,Ap and stackable,what you want more?!
-This is your first major item in the game.I rlly love this item , 500 mana,99 armor,and that passive against chars like , , , , , ,etc.Rlly nice!
-Again , one of my favourite items: health , mana , magic resist and that nice passive.
-WooooohoooO!This item gives you 68 armor,38 magic res,and maybe the best passive in this game ( even if it has a big cd ).
-I love this item.I build this on all tanks.Health+armor.Great!
-If you want HP , this is the best item!
Possible items:
-This item can be optional , and if u want to have this, u upgrade Philosopher's Stone in late game.It's nice with that cdr and that active.(but most supports have it).
- Like Philo/Shurelya's , this item is optional . You upgrade in late game,but imo it's too expensive for what gives.(most supports have it).
-This item is against heavy ap enemy team.
-I saw on many Maokai players.If u want more dmg u can go for it, but I don't build this.
-Hmmm.I build him tank , not AP. it's enough.
- Like .TANK, not AP!
-If the enemy team has a lot of AD , build this.
-If the support doesn't have this , u better build this cuz has a nice Aura.
-Again.If enemy team has a lot of AD,Build this FIRST!
Philosopher's Stone-You must gank alot , so you don't have time for farming.
-Same as Philosopher's Stone.
-Best boots in game with that Passive.
-Health,Mana,Ap and stackable,what you want more?!
-This is your first major item in the game.I rlly love this item , 500 mana,99 armor,and that passive against chars like , , , , , ,etc.Rlly nice!
-Again , one of my favourite items: health , mana , magic resist and that nice passive.
-WooooohoooO!This item gives you 68 armor,38 magic res,and maybe the best passive in this game ( even if it has a big cd ).
-I love this item.I build this on all tanks.Health+armor.Great!
-If you want HP , this is the best item!
Possible items:
-This item can be optional , and if u want to have this, u upgrade Philosopher's Stone in late game.It's nice with that cdr and that active.(but most supports have it).
- Like Philo/Shurelya's , this item is optional . You upgrade in late game,but imo it's too expensive for what gives.(most supports have it).
-This item is against heavy ap enemy team.
-I saw on many Maokai players.If u want more dmg u can go for it, but I don't build this.
-Hmmm.I build him tank , not AP. it's enough.
- Like .TANK, not AP!
-If the enemy team has a lot of AD , build this.
-If the support doesn't have this , u better build this cuz has a nice Aura.
-Again.If enemy team has a lot of AD,Build this FIRST!
-Imo,Maokai it's the best tank in this game.
-Imo,Maokai it's one of the best jungler/ganker in this game.
-U can save many teammates with the snare.
-Fun to play ( ).
-Best initiator.
-Amazing support for the team.
-Mana Dependant (blue buff dependant in early game,after rod of ages and frozen heart no more problems:D).
-Not so good on solo/duo lane.
-Some mages can kill u very easy.
-Imo,Maokai it's the best tank in this game.
-Imo,Maokai it's one of the best jungler/ganker in this game.
-U can save many teammates with the snare.
-Fun to play ( ).
-Best initiator.
-Amazing support for the team.
-Mana Dependant (blue buff dependant in early game,after rod of ages and frozen heart no more problems:D).
-Not so good on solo/duo lane.
-Some mages can kill u very easy.
-In the jungle , You should start at blue buff( cuz u really need this ! ) , then wolves, wraiths, red, golems and gank(lvl 4) . At lvl 4 , u should have 2 points in
, 1 point in Arcane Smash , and 1 point in
-At ganks,you initiate with ,then u drop a and then finish with Arcane Smash.If u have a non-sleeper solo in ur team , that guy who was ganked should be really dead :p.
-After ganks , u can jungle ( now it's more easier ) or just help lanes. ( it's ur decision )
-At ganks,you initiate with ,then u drop a and then finish with Arcane Smash.If u have a non-sleeper solo in ur team , that guy who was ganked should be really dead :p.
-After ganks , u can jungle ( now it's more easier ) or just help lanes. ( it's ur decision )
-Every jungler must have this.
-Flash it's the great escape for every champion.
-Not like flash , but better than others:).
-What for?!U have blue buff!
-Not!You are a jungler!The solo top or mid can have this spell!
What for?AP's have it.
-Support Job.Imo , Heal is the worst spell ever.It's ur decision.
-Support Job
-What for?lol
-Every jungler must have this.
-Flash it's the great escape for every champion.
-Not like flash , but better than others:).
-What for?!U have blue buff!
-Not!You are a jungler!The solo top or mid can have this spell!
What for?AP's have it.
-Support Job.Imo , Heal is the worst spell ever.It's ur decision.
-Support Job
-What for?lol
Yea Maokai has an ugly job to do.He must engage all fights.U will see that you will die often and u will not take so many kills ( maybe only luck , or if the enemy team is really stupid/noobish ). In all teamfights , u engage with
. This is the most important part of
.If ur engage is good and if you win the teamfight ( and you must focus the Carries) you will win the match . And don't forget ur ULTI!!!!(
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