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Viktor Build Guide by Monkiy25

Mechanized Chaos - Viktor Guide

Mechanized Chaos - Viktor Guide

Updated on February 6, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Monkiy25 Build Guide By Monkiy25 3,491 Views 0 Comments
3,491 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Monkiy25 Viktor Build Guide By Monkiy25 Updated on February 6, 2016
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In season 6 Viktor is starting to become one of the stronger mid lane champions. He has a great kit that combines wave clear, burst and poke. With Viktor you can carry a game all by yourself just by you kill potential and with your power to push. Viktor is also very strong because you can get really far ahead and just snowball your lead or if you fall behind, he can catch back up really easily. This guide will teach you how to climb out of your division with the Machine Herald known as Viktor.
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Team Composition

Viktor fits the best into a team fight based team comp or into some siege comps. Viktor has extremely high damage that can desimate enemies in team fights. This damage comes from the combo of his "e" and his "r" abilities. Viktor's "w" ability is very strong for setting up his own and his teams damaging abilities by potentially bringing multiple enemies into a small area. Viktor is also decent in a siege composition. He can poke enemies out from under the towers with his "e". He can zone them off the towers using his "w". The ability that most suits viktor for a siege comp is his "q" ability. When you use his "q" it gives you a quick auto reset which allows you to get extra turret shots. The more ideal composition for Viktor would have to be one that is based around team fights.
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Laning Phase

During the laning phase, viktor can be very strong. He can poke well using his "E" ability and his "q" ability to proc thunderlords onto the enemy champion, with a couple combos connecting, you can make them base first and then push their waves into turret. Your "e" ability is good for wave clearing within the lane also, not just poke. Viktor has a lower mobility than some other mid lane champs, therefore make sure to ward both bushes and to be on close alert for ganks. If you fall behind in the laning phase, don't panic because of your ability to wave clear, you can cs your way back into the game.
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With Viktor, farming is really easy. You can use your "q" ability to get a quick auto attack to kill a low health minion. Another strategy you can use to farm effectively in lane is to auto down the minions and then finish them off with the laser. Later on in the game you can use your gravity field to bring all the minions into the middle of the field and then use your empowered laser ability to kill all of the minions in that area in one shot.
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Team Fighting

Viktor is his best in team fights. In team fights with viktor, you want to be in the back of the fight for the most part. The first ability that you should use in a team fight is your gravity field. This will catch anyone who is too far into your team out and allow him to be erased by yourself and the rest of your team. The second ability used should be your laser, this will chunk down the enemy team. If you are a more kill oriented player then you should wait to use your ult until the end of the fight, bursting down the rest of the enemy team. If you are more of a utility player then you should use your ult earlier to get down as much damage at the beginning of the fight as possible. If you lose the team fight, then you can use you gravity field to kite the enemy team and use the laser to also kite them and continue to put down damage.
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Pros and Cons

- Has a very strong kit that combines poke and burst
- Can catch up if you fall behind during the laning phase
- Can pretty much solo carry a game
- Can stall out games due to his wave clear ability
- His ult can be manually maneuvered

- Not quite as mobile as other mid lane champions
- Most powerful ability is a skill shot
- "w" ability will be wasted a lot because it is easy to dodge
- His "r" can be missed, and the burst from that ability won't come through
- Too OP
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Monkiy25
Monkiy25 Viktor Guide
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Mechanized Chaos - Viktor Guide

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