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Akali Build Guide by TheHostileCat

Middle Mid Akali, The Rogue Assassin

Middle Mid Akali, The Rogue Assassin

Updated on January 21, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheHostileCat Build Guide By TheHostileCat 3,408 Views 0 Comments
3,408 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheHostileCat Akali Build Guide By TheHostileCat Updated on January 21, 2021
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Runes: Runes, Extended Trades

1 2
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Ultimate Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Mid Akali, The Rogue Assassin

By TheHostileCat
Hi, my name is TheHostileCat and I'm really just nobody, just another one trick Akali player. Most of the guides are from people in like diamond but nah, see Silver and Bronze is where most of us are stuck anyway. Hopefully this guide is helpful.
Early Game
So depending on your runes, your early game will differ depending on the matchup.

If you're running fleet, you're going for sustain and perhaps you struggle with moving out of your passive circle, but also maybe you take for extra movespeed. If you are running electrocute, you want to go for short trades and back off. Finally, if you have conqueror, go for some extended trades - think q,aa (auto)q, w, q etc.

So let's give an example of your typical, ideal trading pattern. If you are fighting someone longer range, like a mage of sorts - wait till at least lv 2 to be super aggro, especially if you're not as confident or they are a stronger level one. Stand behind your minions, cs with q and autos. Once you hit lv 2-3 you can go for shorter poke/burst trades, weaving in autos in between q's and make sure to use your shroud move speed.
Mid Game
For me, I call mid game level 6 and beyond.

Akali has one of the best ult's in the game, just because if you can hit your combos you have an execute AND mobility.

Your typical level 6 trade would be: q, auto, w, q, q , e, r1 and then maybe e back and then r2 for an execute. I suggest NOT tower diving with her unless you are confident.

If you want a slightly extended trade, go for the same thing but weave more autos and an additional q in the r trade.


If you're good at macro then you'll be alright. If you see the enemy bot lane pushed in, you can for sure try to go and pick up some free kills. Almost always r in and then shroud for move speed. Akali doesn't do too much objective damage, so help out with some q's/maybe an e and then guard, standing watch for the jg-ler and your team.

Team fighting: Your main goal as an assassin is to take out as many people as possible, starting with the adc. Taking out bot lane means 2 less players, plus their main damage. It also helps to take out the most fed player as well. Shroud in the team fights, and r dash. Q also has a temporary slow.
Late Game
Note: Akali falls off late game

When late game hits, you can maybe take out a few and then die very quickly, due to the fact that the enemy has most of their necessary damage items.

Take out a few, and then get out. I suggest a few tankier items. Don't bother splitting as Akali, instead go for flanks.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheHostileCat
TheHostileCat Akali Guide
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Mid Akali, The Rogue Assassin

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